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Fall Sectionals

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Important information regarding
Section V Cheerleading Fall 2018 Sectionals

9:00 am - Doors open

10:00 am - Division 1 Small & Division 2A
12:40 pm - Division 1 Large, Co-Ed & Division 2 B
Awards will be given at the end of each session.

Cheerleaders and coaches must enter through the entrance on the lower level.
Spectators (including JV cheerleaders) must enter through the main entrance.
Admission is $5.00
National Federation Rules are in effect.
Fall 2018 Order of Appearance - with times
Music for Sectionals should not be on a CD but rather on MP3 players, IPODs, etc for clarity.

Cheer/Dance requirements for all Divisons:
New Level of Difficulty Rubric & Score Sheets can be found on the main menu under "score sheets"
Time Limit: 2 minutes 30 seconds for ALL divisions

Can be found on Main Menu

You must vote for a coach of the year in at least one division in order to be eligible to receive this honor. Please vote on a coaches contribution to cheerleading including technical skills as well as positive attitude. You may vote for up to 3 coaches in each division. Your first name listed receives 3 points, second name receives 2 points and third name receives 1 point. Be sure to include your name and the school that you are coaching at with your list. Of course, only one Varsity coach per school is allowed to vote.

Any questions or concerns . . . contact Joanne Small or Pam Palmer.

Rosters are due to Ginny @ 8:00 am on September 16

Please send them to Ginny

 The order in which the rosters are received will determine order of appearance, as in the past.

All rosters must be typed in a word document, NOT pasted from Excel into word, please use the form titled "Roster Form" found under "forms" drop down menu.

Rosters must be received by midnight September 18, 2018.


Ad Form
- Ad forms are due October 13, 2018, they must be copy ready
  Make sure you email them to
Checks are to be sent to Empire Cheer, c/o Joanne Small, 2199 E Henrietta Rd, Rochester NY 14623


COTY Ballot
COTY Ballots are due October 19, 2018!
Please do not vote until the final classifications are posts on the website. - Use Order of Appearance to vote.

Day of Event Info
Please read the following information ASAP. If you have any questions contact Joanne Small or Pam Palmer.