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A Beautiful Trophy Day

VSLL President John Faust speaks at 2007 Trophy Day!

He thanked the players, coaches, volunteers, board members, sponsors and parents and friends for another terrific season of our national pastime - baseball!

Sponsored by Kiaran McLaughlin Racing and Coached by Sal Russo and John Marinez

VS Little League Salutes our Veterans
Freedom Fighters Past and Now

Pitch Hit & Run Contest Winners!

April 13, 2006
The following players will advance to the SECTIONAL COMPETITION, Sunday May 21, 2006 2:00 p.m.Age 7/8
  • All around Champion & Pitch Champion | Nicholas Pepe-Papillo
  • Hit Champion | Elis Fernandez
  • Run Champion | Patrick McMahon

Age 9/10
  • All around Champion & Run Champion | Frankie Roman
  • Hit Champion | Jonathan Logan
  • Pitch Champion (Tie) | Andrew Marinez | Anthony Conlon

Age 11/12
  • All around Champion | Pitch/ Run Champion | Timothy Wienclaw
  • Hit Champion | Ashley Tkacsik

Age 13/14
  • All around Champion & Pitch Champion | Steven Karaduzovic
  • Hit/Run Champion | Steven Nunez

Only the names above advance to the sectionals.

VSLL Pitch Hit & Run Trophy Winners

Age 7/8 Boys

  • 1st Place | Nicholas Pepe-Papillo
  • 2nd Place | Elis Fernandez
  • 3rd Place | Patrick McMahon
  • 4th Place | Thomas Logan
  • 5th Place | Sean McDermott

Age 7/8 Girls
No Girls participated at this age

Age 9/10 Boys
  • 1st Place Frankie Roman
  • 2nd Place Anthony Conlon
  • 3rd Place Andrew Marinez
  • 4th Place Jonathan Logan
  • 5th Place Daniel Farrell

Age 9/10 Girls

  • 1st Place Julie Macaluso
  • 2nd Place Amanda Tkacsik
  • 3rd Place Alyssa Meltzer

Age 11/12 Boys
  • 1st Place Timothy Wienclaw
  • 2nd Place Matthew Russo
  • 3rd Place Andrew Castano
  • 4th Place Zachary Bugge
  • 5th Place Thomas Meaney

Age 11/12 Girls
  • 1st Place Ashley Tkacsik
  • 2nd Place Christie DeMarco
  • 3rd Place Ida Gofberg
  • 4th Place Danielle Bowker
  • 5th Place Deandra Ramkarran

Age 13/14 Boys
  • 1st Place Steven Karaduzovic
  • 2nd Place Steven Nunez

Age 13/14 Girls
No Girls Participated at this age

Passing of Walter Herbert, dear friend of VS Little League

May 3, 2006

It is with a very sad heart that I notify the Valley Stream Little League family of the passing of Walter Herbert. Walter was our biggest supporter at the Girls softball games for many years. His granddaughter Julie Ann played many games with Mom and Dad, Dianne and John Capello as team Mom and coach with Walter on the side lines for support. Walter was not only a big supporter at games, he was a big supporter at school also. Walter played a big role in the Wheeler Avenue School personality. The students always had a friend with a smile to start their day. He knew all the kids names and would always make them feel important with his greetings. Baseball was a topic the kids and Walter shared everyday with everyone. In honor of Walter and his love for our League I ask that all students wear their VSLL uniform shirt if they attend the services. It will be our way to give him a standing ovation for hitting a grand slam in life.

The Funeral home is Perry's on Union Ave in Lynbrook. Visitation is Saturday 7-9PM and Sunday 2-4 and 7-9.

John Faust, President, VSLL

Valley Stream Little League has largest turnout
for VS Memorial Day Parade


2007 Opening Day Photos

Evolving Relationship between Player and Coach

April 1, 2006
Editor's Note:
Bob Fontaine is the Umpire-in-Chief of The American Federation of Umpires.He has been a professional umpire at the amateur level for over twenty-five years and works college, high school and local levels of baseball throughout the Metropolitan New York region. He has managed or coached baseball at levels 8 years old to 18 years old and has served as President or Board Chairman of numerous baseball, football and hockey leagues and organizations for the past thirty years.

written by Bob Fontaine
John Faust, your president, asked me to write an article for your newsletter about coaching and the evolving relationship that takes place between a player and his\her coach. Upon reflection it occurred to me that managers and coaches are the most talked about individuals each day whenever the family gathers to eat breakfast or dinner during the season. Why do I say that? Because, if there is a young person who loves baseball,- whose every waking moment is focused on playing baseball, - who plays on your team during the baseball season,- then everything that happens on that team whether at practice or during a game will be explained and analyzed in vivid detail for all the family to hear. It's the "American Way" after all isn't it? If it was a positive experience you will be heaped with praise as a great coach, manager and leader. The next Joe Torre, Tony LaRussa or Manny Guillen! You will walk on water!! But, ......if the experience was a negative one you will be criticized, villified, tarred and feathered and run out of town. You will be subpoened to appear before the Judicial Committee of The United States Senate,- a commission will be immediately formed to investigate the details leading up to the negative experience and you will have to explain yourself "Mr Coach". under penalty of imprisonment. But, I digress. Perhaps I have steeped my little tale in a bit more hyperbole than what was necessary to get my point across.

So what am I really trying to convey to you? It is all very simple. Look at the tremendous opportunity you have as a manager or a coach to add value to the playing experience of those individual players who are in your charge. Teach them, instill confidence in them, reinforce good habits, show them a better skill set than the one they are using. Show them that you care! That you are there to help them to improve. Baseball is a game of redundancy. You improve skill sets by practicing those skills over and over again. Hitting, fielding, throwing, running, catching. If you want to improve you have to refine that skill before you can move to the next level.

Baseball, particularly at the lower levels of play is not about winning at all costs or for the adult bragging rights that it carries. It's about the kids in your care during the baseball season. It's about how you make them better ballplayers and more importantly better people because you genuinely care about them individually and collectively. In the final analysis it really is quite fundamental. You achieve success by giving of yourself, your knowledge, your values to others freely with no strings attached. Do that and you will never have to concern yourself with being the center of tonight's family discussion at the dinner table. And, it won't matter whether the team won or lost that day.

2005 VSLL By the Numbers – the STATS Year in Review

written by Lee Bogner Fall 2005
Entering our 48th season the VSLL volunteer group do a Big League job getting the word out, signing up players, teaching our great game - delivering on our promise to pass down the tradition of our national pastime - baseball - safe and fun - to our kids, our future! We ALL did a lot in the 2005 VS Little League season, we are set to do even more in 2006 and we have the STATS to prove it!

Now, let’s take a look back at the 2005 Season ..BY THE NUMBERS

VSLL focuses on Athletics, Education and Safety Programs, Fund Raising, Community Service, Communications and Media and Special Events! All made possible by the generosity of our players, sponsors, friends and our volunteers.

  • Over five months of player and volunteer registration, forming 10 division and "drafting" forty-seven teams, rostering over 600 ball players, 100 coaches and 50 umpires

  • Over 125 parent volunteers, including 20 board members, helped at games and events, each processed by VSLL through Little Leagues Volunteer Child Protection Program

  • Over 750 baseball and softball games were played - helped by volunteers coordinating challenging field scheduling, obtaining permits, managing games from March through July on over a dozen ball fields across our town

  • Over fifty instructional indoor clinics held from October through February expertly conducted by our Training Director with help from coaches and older players all teaching our young eager players – the fundamentals of baseball, safety, skills including batting, throwing, fielding and base-running

  • VSLL developed a nationally recognized improved League Safety program, the first in our Little League District #29. VSLL will formally launch this program in Spring 2006 – taking our current Safety instruction to even higher levels and introducing Team Safety Officers as part of our program!

  • Over four fund raising merchandising booth events, VSLL raised money selling VSLL branded sportswear, equipment and accessories!

  • Over fifty sponsors were solicited and contributed all across Valley Stream and nearby towns with a 75% re-signup rate!

  • As part of VSLL’s “Back to the Community” campaign, the VSLL donated back to our schools – providing the dugout benches for the softball field at Kent Road, allowing our softball teams to have a place to sit and cheer their teammates when its their turn at bat.


  • VSLL had more media coverage than ever before in 2005. Over five in-depth news and photo articles in the VS Herald newspapers highlighting our key events

  • VSLL continued our tradition mailed print newsletters, mailed in September 2004 and January 2005 and included Letters from the President, the list of our generous sponsors and VSLL registration forms

  • Over 3,000 mailers were sent to member families for early registration, two Indoor Clinic Calendars (Fall and Winter)

  • VSLL also distributed over 8,000 registration flyers to our local public and private schools

  • VSLL telephone hotline continues to answer questions from VSLL members all year long

  • eNews and Web site is NOW PROVEN THE BEST WAY to GET and GIVE VSLL Information. See and Hear VSLL enewsletters, e-mails, e-invitations sent regularly to VSLL members who join our VSLL e-Mail list – getting current info on local and national Little League news, in-person and online events, safety tips, skills tips, stories on Why Little League is good for our children, special articles from our board members on the “true” purpose of Little League and why our league remains so successful as we enter our 48th season as VSLL.

  • VSLL launched Version 2. A highly improved, information rich web site launched Fall 2004 and just completed our successful 2nd season of “VSLL Live on the Web!”

  • Our website is improving information for parents and players with calendars of special events meetings, registrations as well as access to print-ready forms online

  • Improving information for coaches and umpires on meetings, rules and regulations

  • Improving participation by publicizing our children’s games with Team Game Reports and Game Photos

VSLL Special Events highlights include traditional ceremonies:
  • Opening Day with over 1,000 people attending, memories

  • Two jam packed Photo Days, memories

  • VSLL again was the largest marching participant in the village’s Memorial Day Parade, memories

  • A huge Trophy Day turnout for end of season celebration, awards and recognition from our elected officials...memories

  • The summer Ducks Game, ... memories

  • Historic first ever VSLL versus VS Mail League All Star game, ...memories

  • Historic first ever Orio Palmer 9-11 Memorial Tee-ball tournament, ....Always Remember

  • Seven VSLL teams competing in the Little League Williamsport Tournament
  • and an a Congratulations to a heart warming historic first ever with our own Boys 11s becoming District 29 champions for the first time ever! ....memories

As always, VSLL welcomes YOUR suggestions to make OUR organization run more smoothly and do request that you please consider how you may volunteer to help us in our VSLL be the BEST WE CAN BE!

Cyclones Game for Annual Umpires Spirit Award

Hi Everyone,
Just a reminder, it's that time again to join and help me support something that I started in 1997.
This award is given annually since 1997, in honor of DONNY DUVAL, a student, who was sadly taken from us too soon. A Saint Edmunds Prep High School student / athlete who exhibits exemplary qualities on and off the field will be the recipient. This Award keeps Donnys memory alive, and also aids and honors a hard working High School Student.
This is the 6th.Annual fund raiser @ KEYSPAN PARK
Date: Saturday July 29th.
Time: 6:00 PM Start
Price: $15.00 per ticket
Tickets are going fast, so decide ASAP, and invite friends and family too!!! Enjoy Coney Island, Nathans, and watch the Brooklyn Cyclones (METS), take on the Staten Island (Yankees) in front of a full house! Bring the Kids...
Call, (718)951-6725 or E-Mail me with your ticket order.
You can mail payment to me. Please note tickets will be distributed to you around the first of July.(No tickets will be distributed without payment).

Make checks out to: Roger Frontera
Mail to _________ 2137 East 35th. Street
Brooklyn, N.Y. 11234

I am counting on your support to make this another successful evening. I'ts a beautiful ballpark, on a beautiful night, with 300 friends, what can be more fun?

Roger Frontera