Learn From the Pros!


State-of-the-Art Video Analysis Software

We are now using video analysis software that is changing the face of instruction by digitally defining excellence... 

Using video analysis software helps you focus on what all the great players do. It defines the principles that make these players the most efficient and the most successful while communicating it in an easily understood fashion.

You get a complete training system for baseball and softball combining a state-of-the-art video analysis system with Major League and professional models, definable terminology, and top-notch instruction, resulting in a true understanding of the swing and pitching motions.

Instead of a coach telling a player what is wrong with their swing, players are able to sit down with coaches and review their swings.  The technology allows for quicker and more efficient strides in developing a better swing. 

The true power of the software is its ability to compare student skills against the very best players in the game. This software is the only analysis system licenced to use Major League Baseball players as well as professional and Olympic softball players as models.


See the best to be your best!

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