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Wildcats Travel Teams On Fire!!!!!! 9/14,15 Game results 12u, wildcat's 14-2 & 24-3 wins over scarsdale 10u 24-5 win over giants 8u 4-2 & 15-0 wins over ayya & westchester fire......  

jr minor rules




1 Coaches must not yell negatively at players.


2 All games must start no later than 15 minutes after scheduled game time.


3. Late starts will result in shorter games.


4.  If a team is unable to field nine players on defense it can draw

Substitute players from the offensive team.


5. A continues batting line up: All ballplayers must have an at bat this

Includes  ballplayers  that are subbing.


6. The home team is identified on the schedule and will occupy the third base dugout.


7. No ballplayer should substitute two consecutive games in a row. All

ballplayers must have their turn at subbing


8 Soft & safety balls will be used at all times.


9 Safety helmets must be worn when a bat


10  Any batter who is hit by any pitched ball  will be automatically awarded first  base.


11 The inning will be over when 5 runs have scored or there are 3 outs. With the exception of the 6th inning, or last inning declared by the umpire, which has no limit. 2 defensive coaches are allowed on the field they must stand in the coaches box behind the 2nd baseman and the short stop 


12  From  Game 1 to game 6 Coaches will pitch to the batter  after game 6 the ballplayers must  pitching to the batter


14 base runners may advance one base only on a over throw at there own risk this is limited to only one over throw during said play 


15.    Absolutely No negative cheering


16.   If a player shows up late for a game  they may be put in the game and inserted at the bottom of the line-up.


17.   Bunting is not allowed.


18.   The home plate umpire has the final decision on all calls on the field


19.   Dugouts must be cleaned after each game


20.   At the completion of every games All Managers/Coaches MUST rack and  leave the infield ready for the next game


21.   There is to be NO Tobacco products used of any kind by parents or coaches on the field during the game.


23 All coaches, parents, and players are to conduct themselves as respectful citizens of  Parkchester Little League at all times. We will not tolerate abusive language and unruly conduct.  We will give you one warning, after that you will be expelled from our field.  If someone (Man, Woman, or Child) starts a fight, they will be expelled from all games.


Rules will be strictly followed with a zero tolerance