Dons Boardmembers joined City Council and park officials on Saturday, October 8
at the Rivera Park Groundbreaking Ceremony. Congresswoman Grace Napolitano also attended.
The Dons were presented with a framed architectural drawing of the new park. Construction
will start next weekend and our new park should be ready in six months... pending weather
conditions. As much as we need the rain, we're hoping Mother Nature will be kind to us!
This vision of a new park has been brewing since 1999 and we're all very excited that the
time is finally here. Thank you to our City Council, to Parks & Rec Commission, to
Ralph Aranda and his Parks & Rec staff, and especially to the citizens of Pico Rivera who
enabled the City to obtain bond money for park renovations.

Rivera Park, thanks for the memories, we look forward to coming
back this year to a new and improved park with state-of-the-art
facilities. In the meantime, here's some pictures of our
Dons and Donnas and our last day at Rivera Park in 2011