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District 2, Spring, 2017

Major Baseball – Local Rules




The objective of Major Baseball is to have FUN learning the fundamentals of the game while providing as many opportunities (positions and innings) as possible for each player to play defense and bat.


Ten Run Rule:  To meet our objectives, the league has adopted the ten run rule (4.10e).


Pool Play:  When a team knows they will not have sufficient players for a game, the Player Agent is to be contacted to provide the appropriate number of pool players for the game.  Following Regulation V, Pool player that are called and show up for the game must play 9 consecutive outs and bat once.  Per the regulation, the only restriction is that the player(s) cannot pitch.


Time Limit:  The Official Scorekeeper shall record the time when the Umpire calls for delivery of the first pitch of the game.  Game length is 6 innings subject to the following time limit - no new inning shall start later than 2 hours after the start of the game.  An inning begins with the stoppage of play in the previous inning.


Batting Order:  All players present shall be in the batting order for the entire game.  Free defensive substitution.  See rule 4.04.


Thrown Bat:  1st offense = play stands; umpire calls time and issues warning.  2nd offense = play stands, umpire calls time and lets managers and official scorekeeper know that player is removed from game and may remain on the bench.


No digging is allowed:  To maintain fields and prevent injuries, players may not dig while on defense.  First offense is a warning, second offense is removal for that inning, and third offense is removal from the game.


Base Coaches:  While on offense, a team may use two adult base coaches if desired provided an adult is in the dugout.  For safety reasons, players must wear a helmet when acting as base coaches.


Pitchers:  Little League Baseball pitch count Regulation VI applies.


Rule 6.02c is in force:  After entering the batter’s box, the batter must remain in the box with at least one foot throughout the at bat.


Games will be played under the Official Regulations and Playing Rules of Little League Baseball including:

-a minimum of 9 players must be able to take the field at all times or a game cannot be played or continued.  A forfeit is not automatic (when this situation arises, please advise the Director of Major Baseball for resolution).



The host team provides balls and umpires and insures the field is prepared for a game.