Concession Information


Volunteer operated concessions play a very important role in providing funding for our organization to keep fees as affordable as possible!

Parents of children registered with AYS&B are required to either work a minimum of (2) tournament concession shifts or exercise a $70 "buy-out" option. 

Typically AYSB has 3-4 tournaments per year that you can choose to work your shifts.

Concessions signup will be available at a later date!

At registration, parents have the option of working your 2 shifts or utilizing a buy out.  If you choose to buyout it will be added to your fees when registering.  If you opt to work your concession shifts, you will be required to submit a $70 check as a concession deposit at your child's first practice.  Upon completion of your second shift, the check will then be returned to you.  This check will not be cashed unless your shifts are not fulfilled. 

For more information regarding AYSB Concessions, contact Concession Manager Andrea Howell at:

Click Here for the Concession Agreement (also available in the Registration Information Tab)