Women League Rules

Co Ed Rules

KCSLRULE April 2023

April 20, 2023

                                                  KINGS COUNTY SOFTBALL PLAYING RULES


A.  League Information:

The regular season for the Summer Leagues will be approximately 24 games and the regular season for the Fall Leagues will be approximately 12 games.  Weather permitting.

B.  Game Times:


1)    Sunday League -        Double Headers starting at 8:30 AM, 9:00 AM,

2)    Twilight League -        If we start a league, sometimes two nights a week starting at 6:15 PM.  Depending on daylight, the games start at 6:00 PM or earlier.


1)    Sunday League -        Double Headers starting at 8:30 AM, 9:00 AM

C.  Game Length:

1)    Maximum length of a game is an hour and twenty minutes, only if there are other games following. (except playoffs)

2)    Twilight game lengths can be affected by darkness.

3)    NO INNING may start after an hour and twenty minutes from the game's starting time, again, only if there are other games following.

4)    Regulation game is when 7 innings are completed.

5)    A game is considered official when the losing team has batted at least 4 times. This rule applies to rain shortened games or games shortened due to darkness.

6)    Games halted by rain that are not official (regular season) may be played from the point of stoppage the following week, if needed.

     7)    Tie games that are official may be played to its conclusion at the end of the season if needed.

8)    If the first game of a double header infringes on the time allotment for the second game then the second game is considered a complete game at time of stoppage any time after 4 innings. If needed, game to be finished the following week.

D.  Game Results:

1)    All teams must either e-mail results to Kingscountysb@AOL.COM or text Doug to ensure accurate standings.

        The leagues’ E-mail address is KINGSCOUNTYSB@AOL.COM


A.  Playing Rules:

1)    Playing rules of this league will follow all rules as stated in the Official ASA Rule Book, except as modified or clarified in the following pages or by the League Board. 

2)    Line-up sheets must be filled out and signed prior to the start of the game.  Any changes to the line-up must be brought to the attention of the either Umpire and the opposing team manager.

3)    Line-ups are to be exchanged prior to start of game.  If you think the opposing team has made an unintentional error, please bring it to the attention of the other team and either Umpire for clarification.

4)    Legal fielding line-up is ten men, but teams can play with either nine or eight.

5)    No team should play with less than eight men in the field.

6)    If a team starts with nine players, the tenth player may enter prior to going through the lineup.  He must be inserted as the last batter in the line­up. Unless he is already in the lineup.  If not there, that is an out or substitution.

7)    If a team starts with eight players the ninth player can enter the game at any time.  He must be inserted as the last batter in the line-up and must play the field before he can hit if he is entered after the first inning.  There is no automatic out for less than 9 players

8)    If a team does not have a replacement for any player leaving the game for whatever reason, the vacated spot in the line-up becomes an out.  It becomes an out only when the opposing team brings it to the attention of the umpires when the vacated spot is due up.

9)    If a team does not have at least 8 players at game time, they have 30 minutes before they forfeit that game.  If there is doubleheader, the next game is to start 30 minutes after the first game is called by the umpire.  The second game can be called by the umpire when the second game is supposed to start.  If agreed, team can play with 7.  If team forfeits more than twice is removed from schedule.

a)        The team that forfeits is responsible to pay the umpire forfeit fee for both teams.  In addition, prior to the next game a forfeit fee is to be submitted to the league.

10)  Designated Hitter (DH) hits for a fielder.  He is allowed to enter the game on defense.

11)  Extra Player (EP) will be permitted to enter the game as a fielder.  The extra player is allowed to swap with any one fielder (except the pitcher).  As long as the batting order does not change you know you have made a proper insertion of the extra player.  See last page of these rules.

12)  You may have a DH and an EP in the same line-up.  With EP, you are hitting 11 batters.

13)  There is a mercy rule.  When a team is winning by 10 or more runs and the losing team has batted at least 4 times, the game ends.  THIS INCLUDE PLAYOFFS AND CHANPIONSHIP SERIES.                  

14)   There is no bunting allowed.  If a batter bunts with a runner on, he will be called out and the runner(s) returned to their original base.  No stealing.

15)  There is no leading.  A base runner is only allowed to leave a base after the release of the ball by the pitcher. 

16)  When a ball is put into play for purpose of a pick-off any runner must tag up before they advance at their own risk.

17)  Teams are allowed TWO courtesy runners (LAST RECORDED OUT) which have to be determined before the beginning of the game.  Any team needing an additional courtesy runner during the game, due to injury only, needs to notify umpire and opposing team manager.  If after the sixth inning, there will not be allowed any additional courtesy runners, there must be a substitution.

18)  Once a player is taken out of the game he cannot return.  The only exceptions are the EP rule and if it is because of the "Blood Rule".

19)  Blood Rule - Any player cut during the game and begins to bleed has to come out of the game until they are bandaged up.  The player filling in for him may return to the game a substitute later on.  However, if the player injured misses their turn at bat he may not return to the game and the person filling in now becomes official. * Teams should carry first aid kits.

20)  There is a non-collision rule.  When a fielder clearly has the ball and is waiting for the runner and the runner deliberately, with intent and great force, crashes into the fielder, the runner is declared out.  The runner is also not allowed to swipe at the ball with intent of knocking it loose.  The runner is out and the ball is dead and other runners must return to the base they had at the time of the collision or swipe.

        The guilty runner of the collision should be ejected.

The umpire should only invoke the non-collision rule when he is convinced that the runner's action was intended to cause injury or "jar" the ball loose.

On any reasonably close play, (when the ball and runner get to the base at approximately the same time, "bang, bang") or when the fielder has not received the ball yet, or does not have the ball securely in his possession waiting to make the tag, then incidental contact will occur between the runner and the fielder. Only incidental contact is allowed.

             No catcher is allowed to block home plate without the ball.


21)  If a batted ball is touched or stopped by a hat or glove thrown by a player the runner is awarded the following: By an infielder - 2 bases; By an outfielder - it can be either 3 or 4 bases depending where the batter runner is when the ball is touched or stopped. (Umpire judgment).

22)  No chopping down on the ball.

23)  Each team is to supply one new ball per game.  Balls are put in the top and bottom of the first inning. If additional balls are needed then the home team is to supply the first new ball and the visitors supply the second and the home team the third, etc.  If extra innings are necessary and the teams agree to use new balls then both teams are to supply a new ball.

24)  If a ball is lost or becomes unplayable a new ball is put in immediately with teams alternating supplying a new ball.

25)  If a ball is hit into foul territory the reserved ball is to be put into play immediately.  The original ball is put back into play as soon as it is retrieved.  This rule is in affect so to ensure that the game continues without delay waiting for the original ball to be retrieved.

26)  When a ball is thrown by a fielder into a designated dead ball territory, the runner(s) are awarded 2 bases.  The awarding of the 2 bases is from the base last occupied at the time of the release.

27)  There are verbal appeals.   Appeals occur when all time is called.

On all appeals, if there are multiple runners passing the same base the exact runner you are appealing must be stated.

Appeals are illegal when the defensive team fails to announce which runner when multiple runners passing the same base.

            No illegal appeals can be appealed a second time.

28)  In order to reduce delay of games the time between innings after the first inning is either 45 seconds or 3 warm-up pitchers by the pitcher, whichever comes first.  In addition, the pitcher has five seconds from the time the ball is returned to him to begin to pitch the next pitch and the batter has ten seconds to get into the batter’s box.

29) When a player slides into a base, kicking the base away, the player is to stay put and call timeout.  Only if a player, in the umpire’s judgment, is going after the moved base is in jeopardy of being tagged out.  If the player does not move, they are not in jeopardy of being tagged out.

30)  All teams are responsible to have a set of bases. If a team does not have bases, they lose home team choice for the regular season. If a team does not have bases a third time, they could lose home team for that day.  Umpires are to contact Mark or Michael before the games begin.  In the playoffs, if the higher seed team does not have bases, the visitors will be home the first and second games.

B.  Field Requirements:

1)    Both teams are responsible for the shape-up of the field if necessary due to weather conditions.  All teams should have brooms, rakes, shovels or pumps.

2)    For fields with fences the pole markings on the outfield will designate SINGLE-DOUBLE-HOME RUN in their respective fields.

3)    Each team will be responsible for keeping spectators within the confines of their dugouts, behind backstops and off any part of the playing field (fair or foul territory).

C.  Pitching:

1)    Modified pitch, no-SLINGSHOT, WINDMILL, ARC (6 to 10 feet above the point of release), or OVER HAND.  Lob pitch is legal, not 8 feet or more high.

2)    Pitchers must start with at least one foot on the mound.  The first step with foot other than pivot foot can be in a rocking motion.

3)    The pitcher is allowed to start with his toe on the back part of the mound and upon release of the ball the heel can be in contact with the front part of the mound.  The pitcher is allowed to take the small step as long as the heel or toe finishes on the mound.  The pitching rubber in softball is approximately 12" in depth.  Pitchers may start with one foot on the rubber and end with the opposite foot on the rubber at release.

4)    On forward motion the arm must come straight in line with the hip.  Arm cannot be more than eight – to twelve inches away from the hip and the chest must be square with home plate at release and the arm is not to bend in a sling motion over the head.  PLANT foot has to face home plate.

5)    Penalty for illegal pitch is an automatic BALL.  If a pitcher is called for a third illegal pitch in the same game, he must be removed as a pitcher in that game.  He can play another position.

6)    When a manager or captain makes more than two trips to the mound in the same inning, that pitcher must be taken out of the game as a pitcher.

7)    When a team wants to intentionally walk a batter all they have to do is tell the umpire.  All batters intentionally walked who are getting a courtesy runner, do not have to touch first base. They can go to the dugout and the courtesy runner goes to first.

8)    Pitchers cannot wear; jewelry, white wrist bands, reflective sunglasses, or any sort of article that can impair a batter's vision of seeing the ball pitched by the pitcher.

D.  Professionalism:

1)    Each player must wear a uniform shirt or shirt color of his team while participating in the game.  Uniform shirts of a team must be the same color and have the team name or insignia on them.

2)    Fighting will not be tolerated.  Any fighting the players involved will be ejected from that game and may be suspended for the following game.  The manager may also be ejected if in the umpire’s judgment he did not control his player(s).

3)    If spectators are in your dugout the team is then held responsible for their actions if they get involved with the opposing team.

4)    No smoking or drinking of any type is allowed in the playing area or the playing field during any game.  The is a New York City law.

5)    Players can be thrown out of the league for their misconduct or actions.

6)    No metal spikes are allowed.  If a player continues to wear metal spikes after the umpire asks him to remove them he is subject to ejection and suspension.

7)    Unacceptable language will not be tolerated at any time.

8)    All fields must be kept clean.  Each team is responsible for their areas during and after the game.  Failure to abide by this rule may cause the league to lose its permit.

9)    No player or manager is permitted to threaten an umpire.  You can be removed from the league.

Any player or manager striking an umpire will be suspended for the rest of the season from all Kings County Softball Leagues and may not be allowed to play in this league again.

E.  Protest:

Only rule interpretation, plays affecting the outcome of a game, and illegal players can be protested.  Umpire judgments cannot be protested.  A protest must be made by notifying the umpire before the next pitch following the play protested.  Ineligible player protest must be made before the start of the game.  A substitute is protested at time he enters the game.  The manager is to write in his score book what he is protesting and have the umpire sign the score book.  In order for the protest to be considered the manager must contact a league official via telephone by 8:00PM the night of the protested game and in writing within 24 hours after the game accompanied with a $25 protest fee.

If the protest is upheld the game will resume from the point of the protest.  In addition, the protest fee will be refunded.

If the protest rules are not complied with, the protest will not be considered.

All protest decisions are final, no appeal of the decision will be allowed.

F.  Umpires Authority:

Each umpire has absolute control and authority, including the authority to make whatever ruling he thinks appropriate for any possible situation which might arise.  The umpire's authority also includes; the right to eject players or cancel a game.  Teams are to get umpiring rulings in writing in the score book.  After that, it would be your word against the umpire.  Umpire rulings will most likely be upheld.

G. Rainouts or Darkness:

1)    Games canceled due to rain will be telephoned to the manager by the following times:

a)   Saturday and Sunday by 7:30 AM.

2)    Rain halted games if official (see Game Length) are deemed completed.

3)    Rain halted games not official will be replayed from the point of stoppage, if needed.

4)    Games stopped due to darkness in the middle of an inning and the home team has not scored enough runs to go ahead, game will revert back to the last completed inning.  This is for regular season ONLY.  Playoff games will continue from point the game was halted (rain or darkness, official game or not).

5)    Games called prior to the start, each team is responsible for $15 to the umpire at the field.

6)    Once the game starts, if there is a stoppage due to weather, the teams are responsible to pay the umpires $8.00 per inning.  Once the game is official, the teams are responsible for the full umpire’s fee.

H.  Managers:

1)    Only managers and player involved in play may discuss with the umpire rule interpretation.

2)    Managers are held responsible for the players and spectators in and around their dugout. 

I.   Playoffs:

1)    The top records in their divisions make the playoffs.  To be determined by the number of teams in the league.

2)    In case of ties (games behind first place team) eligible teams will be determined by:

a)        Head to head competition record.

b)        Run differential against each other. 

c)        Head to head competition record against similar teams played.

d)        Run differential against similar teams played.

e)        Strength of schedule.

f)         Flip of the coin. 


3)    In the playoffs, all games will be played to its completion.  If a game is halted for any reason it will resume at the point the game was halted.  The suspended game will continue and finish prior to the start of the next game. 

        On Sundays, series halted for any reason will be completed and followed immediately by the playing of the next series.  This is to keep the playoffs on schedule.

4)    Teams will be seeded by rule 2 above. IF ANYONE HAS SUGGESTION, BRING TO LEAGUE

5)    The playoff rounds will be best two out of three.  For the Saturday and Sunday Leagues the series will be played in one day.

6)    The championship series will also be best two out of three.

7)    Players to be eligible for the playoffs must appear in one third of regular season games and must be in the lineup by Father’s for the summer league and 50% of the games for the fall, also in the lineup before mid-season.  In case of odd amount of games, the league will decide eligibility.  If a player becomes injured and returns at the end of the season, the league will determine eligibility.  Pitchers must pitcher in at least 8 games and 35 innings for the summer league.  For the fall, pitchers must pitch in half the games and have pitched 21 innings.

8)    Determined illegal players are not permitted to play during the playoffs. It is the responsibility of the teams to prove eligibility.  Keep your scorebooks in proper order. A second infraction the team may be ejected from the league and forfeit any awards they might have been entitled to.

9)    Any player ejected from a playoff game may be suspended the next game. League officials must be called to determine possible suspension.

10)  Home team for the first and third game if necessary is determined by seeding.

 J. Rosters:

1)    Each team will be allowed to carry an 18-man roster.

2)    Roster sheets with signature and photos are to be submitted by the 4th week of the season in the summer and 2nd week for the Fall.

3)    Teams are allowed to make roster moves.  The league must be notified of any roster changes before the player participates in a game.


5)    If an injured player is expected to return to the team by the time playoffs begin, the league must be made aware of the player involved.  League will make a determination of player's playoff eligibility.

6)    No player may go from one team to another once they have appeared in one game with that team.  Any player that wants to move to another team must receive his manager's permission before asking league officials.  If the league sanctions a players move, the player will be put into a draft where the lost seeded team at the time will have the first opportunity to draft player.  Players cannot choose which team they want to move to.

7)    To challenge a possible illegal player, follow the protest rules.  Only the team where the infraction occurs can protest.  If a team is caught using an illegal player, they must remove the player from the game.  If not you will lose the game they won using the player.

8)    All players must be 18 years of age or older during the season.

K.  Schedules:

1)    Prior to the start of the season please submit any schedule requirements or, preferences.  If there are schedule conflicts or problems after the schedule is handed out please contact the league as soon as possible.  The later the league is notified the harder it will be to solve any conflicts.

2)    The league reserves the right to change a team’s schedule for any reason so as to try to accommodate conflicts.

3)    If the league cannot adhere to all teams’ requests, the league will create a schedule which is the best interest of the league. 

L.  Miscellaneous:

1)    Fielders are not allowed to fake tags without possession of the ball.  Runner(s) may be awarded at least one additional base by the umpire if warranted.  This rule is to prevent injuries.

2)    When fielders on opposite fields collide or when the ball comes in contact with players, spectators, or any object on the field, on the opposite field is deemed umpire judgment.

3)    Neither the Kings County Softball and Umpires Association, Inc. nor any of its officers or directors, nor any of those who act as League Officials or otherwise help administer the League, are responsible for the actions of anyone who participates in the League or liable for any damages caused by or to any player who participates in the League or liable for any damages by or to any player, umpire, spectator, or anyone else in connection with League activities.  Everyone who participates in the League as a player, umpire, or in any other capacity, agrees they do so at their own risk and is solely liable for any and all damages resulting directly or indirectly from their own actions.  Everyone who participates in the League agrees to indemnify and have harmless the Kings County Softball and Umpires Association, Inc., its officers and directors, and those who help administer the League, against any and all claims or suits which might arise as a direct or indirect consequence of their actions in connection within the League.

M. Insurance:

1)       The league does not have medical insurance of its own.  The league carries liability insurance.

2)    If teams wish to be insured against injury they must carry their own.  Insurance is available through the ASA organization.  Contact League officials for details.

N.  League Fees:

1)    Leagues fees are to be paid up by the second week of the season.

2)    The breakdown of the league fee is;

a)        Registration into ASA.

 b)        League Liability (only) insurance. 

            Teams may take out team medical insurance for an additional fee.

c)        Field Permits.

d)        Team receives League and ASA Rules and Regulations.

e)        Championship prizes

Championship team to receive individual lined jackets.

O. Ground Rules:

1)    The ground rules for each game should be discussed by the managers and umpires prior to the start of the game.  Any special rules agreed upon during the pre-game discussion is for the purpose of that game only and will not be carried forward to future games.  Written rules will be handed out.

2)    In wide open fields (for example; Marine Park) with no fences down the foul lines, there is no dead ball area for a batted ball.  All batted balls are in play beyond the dugout fences.  The only time play is stopped is when a ball is thrown beyond the back fence of the dugout.


3)    A fielder is allowed to throw a ball over the top of a dugout not through it.  It is the teams’ responsibility to have nothing on top of the dugout fence.  If a glove is on top of the fence or someone is standing on top of the bench and the thrown ball hits the glove or them, the umpires can call interference.

All rules not covered by Kings County Softball and Umpires Association, Inc. rules and regulations will be covered by the Softball Rule Book of the ASA.

The League and its officials reserve the right to change, add, delete, or modify any of the rules and/or regulations stated in the preceding pages.

If there are any comments and/or suggestions you might have that will make this a better league, please do not hesitate to contact any of the league official.

To e-mail the league the e-mail address is KINGSCOUNTYSB@AOL.COM

The league web site is located at leaguelineup.com/kingscountysoftball

If you want statistics or items posted on the web site, then e-mail them to the league at KINGSCOUNTYSB@aol.com

Hopefully I will be able maintain stats, as long as information gets to me so that I am able to post the stats.  Help is needed.



Extra Hitter is known as an Extra Player (EP).  The Extra Player is not used in the A Division.

The Extra Player is allowed to play the field.

Before the game begins, the line-up sheet is to be handed to the umpires.  The line-up sheet is to designate who the Extra Player is.  The Extra Player is allowed to come into the game for any fielder.  The Extra Player can field in any position including pitching.  The Extra Player can come back into the field later in the game once he returns as the hitter.  The Extra Player can be entered and taken off the field more than once, as long as the original batting order does not change.

If the batting order changes than you did something illegal.  If there is a batting out of order, regular batting out of order rules and appeals apply.  Remember, it is not for the umpire to tell one team that the other team is batting out of order.



You start the game with an Extra Player batting 8th.  In the 3rd inning the Extra Player goes into play 1st base, the 1st basemen is now the Extra Player.  In the 5th inning, the original 1st baseman goes back into the field and the original Extra Player goes back to the bench.  In the 7th inning the extra player can go back into the field for the right fielder with the right fielder is now the Extra Player.

If someone gets hurt there must be a substitution.  If there is no substitution, you have to play one fielder short and that slot in the batting order is now an out.  Again, this is also not the umpire’s responsibility; teams have to make the umpires aware of the batting slot after it is originally identified at time of injury (or a player being thrown out of the game).

This rule is being implemented to help teams field more players, not have pitchers rest on the bench for 2, 3, or 4 innings and then come back.

If needed, this rule may be revisited for changes when the league deems necessary.