Welcome to Sedalia Girls Softball League! Thank you for choosing to participate in our softball league. We hope you have fun this season. If you have any questions or concerns, please ask your coach or contact your Division Manager


Team schedules will be posted on the website as soon as they are made. They can be located by choosing the schedules tab and clicking on the division and team drop down menus. Your team coach can also give you a copy of your team schedule.

Team pictures will be taken at the beginning of each season. Pictures will usually be taken before a teams scheduled game. We will post the team picture schedule on the website homepage as soon as it becomes available.

If you would like to submit pictures for our online photo album, please send them here. Make sure that you send a description of the picture as well. We will try to add as many pictures as possible.

Sign up for our e-mail list. Receive news and season information regarding the league. We will also send out weather cancellations and rescheduled games by email. Be the first to learn of season information and receive the registration form by email.

Our Lost & Found is located at the concession stand. If you have lost something please ask an on duty board member for assistance.


Parents’ Code of Ethics

I hereby pledge to provide positive support, care, and encouragement for my child participating in youth sport, by following this Parents' Code of Ethics Pledge.


  • I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, and officials at every game, practice, or other youth sports event.
  • I will place the emotional and physical well-being of my child ahead of a personal desire to win.
  • I will insist that my child play in a safe and healthy environment.
  • I will support coaches and officials working with my child, in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all.
  • I will demand a sports environment for my child that is free of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol, and will refrain from their use at all youth sports events.
  • I will remember that the game is for youth and not for adults.
  • I will do my very best to make youth sports fun for my child.
  • I will ask my child to treat other players, coaches, fans, and officials, with respect regardless of race, sex, creed, or ability.
  • I will promise to help my child enjoy the youth sports experience by doing whatever I can, such as being a respectable fan, assisting with coaching, or providing transportation.
  • I will require that my child's coach be trained in the responsibilities of being a youth sports coach and that the coach upholds the Coaches' Code of Coduct.
  • I will read the NYSCA National Standards For Youth Sports and do what I can to help all youth sports organizations implement and enforce them.



Please remember that this is a game, not life or death. We appreciate the spirit of competition that some of you bring. However, let's keep it all in perspective. Please try to avoid negative comments. You can easily hurt a girls feelings and that is surely not your objective. Denigrating the opposing team and coaching staff is not a necessary part of the game and will not be tolerated by the league.

Most importantly, enjoy watching your child grow and improve as a player throughout the season. The kids love to have their own fans out there watching them play. They already have a coach; what they want is support from family and friends. Everyone makes an error now and then, some more than others. It's all part of the game. Enjoy the triumphs as they come and learn from the mistakes.



She pulls on the helmet, picks up the bat and walks to the plate, "gotta hit and that's that".

The crowd starts to yell, the game's on the line, last inning, two outs, the score's nine to nine.

Dad yells, "go get it," Mom wrings her hands, coach hollers, "hit it" but alone there she stands.

Heroes are made in seconds such as this, but she's just a little girl, what if she should miss?

Years after this game's ended and she's little no more, will she remember the outcome or even the score?

No she'll have forgotten if she was out, hit, or a run, she'll only look back on her friends and the fun.

So cheer this girl on, alone with her fate; help her remember with fondness, this stand at the plate.

Spend your time wisely and help in her quest to be a hitter with confidence and always her best.

And when the game's over, this girl can stand tall, for you helped her prepare to give it her all!

Author unknown


As a league we find it unfortunately necessary to remind parents & coaches that we are a recreational league. Our goal as a league is to give the young ladies of Sedalia an environment to learn and play softball. A recreational league's job is to educate the players on how the game is played and the rules of the game. One of our other duties is to maintain and to instruct/model proper attitude and behavior on the playing field. We cannot stress enough the importance of how the coaches and parents conduct themselves in response to game situations and the umpire's calls. It's easy to get caught up in the moment, to forget where we are and do something to embarrass ourselves. But, we should never forget who is watching us. Our children, their teammates, and other members of our community are always watching. The Sedalia Park Department has given the Sedalia Girls Softball League and our umpires the authority to ask irrational individuals to leave the ball field and even the park itself. We hope that we don't have to do that but, if the situation warrants it we won't hesitate to do so.

Sedalia Girls Softball League Board

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