Permission To Practice & Release Information


In accordance with 8.1. 2 Note: The SPBA executive committee may review and extend the deadline at their discretion.


Please read the following information to assist you regarding "Player Releases".

as per SPBA Constitution as of September 2016: 


8.1 Local Association Tryouts:

8.1.1 Players may only attend Travel Tryouts with their Local Association, the Association holding their Playing Rights or the AAA Designated Team(s) for that season.

8.1. 2 Tryouts for AAA Designated Association(s) shall be permitted to commence the first day after Labour Day and must be completed by the 3rd Friday of the month of September each year.

Note: The SPBA executive committee may review and extend the deadline at their discretion.

8.1.3 If a player trying out for an AAA Designated team and is offered a position on the team, the player may accept and all necessary releases are considered to have been granted.

8.2 Players may attend a tryout outside their Local Association, the Association holding their Playing Rights or the AAA Designated Association(s) for that season when any of the following criteria are met:

8.2.1 The Player is released from their Local Association or the Association holding their Playing Rights. Player Releases are at the discretion of the Local Association or the Association holding their Playing Rights.

8.2.2 The Local Association or the Association holding their Playing Rights cannot field a Travel Team in the season. In order to determine if an Association can field a Travel team in the upcoming season, players must register with their Local Association or the Association holding their Playing Rights by March 15 prior to the upcoming season.

8.3 Denial of local association release

8.3.1 If a player is denied a Local Association

8.3.2 The SPBA President will set up a hearing of all the parties to review the facts and render a decision. The Chair will provide a schedule of hearing dates. Release requests may be submitted at any time but hearings with the SPBA Executive Release Committee will not be held until after March 15th.

8.3.3 If approved, this grants the player a release from their Local Association ONLY.

8.3.4 If denied, the player may then appeal the decision to the Chair of



SPBA designated AAA Associations


Windsor Stars and Riverside Royals


See Local team's website for tryout dates and location. 

A parent/and or guardian requesting a release to play for another association shall include the local association/and or team with current playing rights in the request and copy the SPBA President (Aaron Dunlop) and SPBA Secretary (Jon Sylva). The Email Contact Information can be found on the left-hand side of the Website on the "Contact Info" tab.

Please include:
Child's name
Last rep team they played for



Release Procedure Questions and Answers
1) Who is responsible for obtaining a release?

The player/players parents are responsible for obtaining the proper release from their local (home) center. 

2) If I have played for another center (other than my home center) last season and would like to move to a different center, who do I get the release from. 

OBA rule is that you need to get a release from both; the center you played with last season AND your local home center.

3) What if my home center does not have a team for my age group this season?

You are still required to request a release from your local home center.

4) What if my home center and or center I played with last season will not give me a release to play elsewhere.

You have the right to a hearing from your local Affiliated Association (SPBA). All evidence from the hearing will be submitted to Baseball Ontario (OBA). If your release is not approved by your local Affiliate (SPBA) you will then have the right to notify the OBA office to present your case to the OBA Board of Directors for their final decision.

5) Do I have to obtain a release each year?

NO, if you are staying with the same center again or you are going back to your local home center. 

6) What if I do not obtain a release but play for another team?

The player will be open to suspension from the OBA as well as the coach and or manager for the team you are playing for.

7) What if I have not received a response to my email from the signing officer responsible for releases from my local affiliate or the affiliate the child played for last year?

The association has 7 days from the time the email was sent to respond. If you get no response, send an email to the President of SPBA and Secretary that you have received no response and they will follow up.

SPBA and OBA have created rules for releases to ensure that fair practice is in place for all centers to protect their associations and the players that live within their boundaries. 
If you have any other questions or concerns about releases, please contact one of your local Affiliate Reps.

More information can be obtained from the Baseball Ontario web site at;
under their constitution and playing rules section P1

If you are seeking a Release Form to play for another local association, please see the attached spreadsheet below for local signing officers contact information.

SPBA Signing Officers

If a release hearing is required it will take place the last 2 weeks of March after the March 15th registration cut off date. It can be submitted at any time before March 15th.