Fundraising Agreement


There seems to be confusion regarding the "Booster Dues" VS "Activity Fee" Dues. These are TWO SEPARATE PAYMENTS.




Booster Dues - is our FUNDRAISER for Track & Field teams ONLY. 


Activity Fee - is a FEE Paid to FR School District that was due prior to the school year. If your child has not participated in any sports, clubs, etc., this fee is now DUE and paid separately to FRSD.


We hope to expect 100 % TURNOUT at the PARENT MEETING to go over any AND all questions regarding FR TRACK & FIELD.


You will also find the Track & Field Fundraising Acknowledgement Form under "Handouts".




Our "Track & Field Fundraising Acknowledgement Form" states:  

Our mission is to provide the student/ athlete with the best experience and opportunity possible while participating in the Franklin Regional Track & Field Program. For that reason, we asking parents and players to acknowledge the fundraising responsibilities for the upcoming Track & Field season.


The Franklin Regional Track & Field Boosters provides additional funding and support to the Franklin Regional Track & Field Team to supplement the school district funding, as well as enhance the experience for the athlete.


The Franklin Regional Track & Field Boosters utilize multiple fundraising events (membership dues, clothing sales, concessions and advertising sponsorships) to provide funding for the student /athletes and the Track & Field program. The Booster Organization voted by majority to implement a membership fee in the form of “Track & Field Dues” to be paid to eliminate the selling of hoagies, coupon books, lotto tickets etc.


Although, the dues are NOT mandatory to participate on the Track & Field team, however, they do provide necessary clothing, food, training, equipment and post season/Track & Field activities for the student athlete.

We ask that you acknowledge and you understand the financial responsibilities and are willing to meet those responsibilities.

However, if you elect NOT to participate, your student/athlete is STILL eligible to participate in the Track & Field program, however they will NOT be eligible to participate in any Track & Field meals to be provided and/or eligible to receive the banquet gifts that the Track & Field Boosters provide to the student athletes.



Thank you

FR Track & Field Boosters







Voluntary vs Mandatory


Fundraising/Dues - In the past we have asked for 100% participation in requesting “Voluntary Dues” to avoid selling hoagies, magazines, candy, etc. and hassles that the normal fundraising usually entails. However, due to the very low participation in past years, (i.e.; the same people funding the boosters) and due to the budget cuts to our athletic programs by the school district, we are faced with less funding yet still have the necessary equipment replacements and start-up costs each year and yearly increases for those costs.  It also covers costs toward uniforms, coaching staff/fees, educational tools, food at the invitationals, and the end of season banquet/pizza parties and awards for the teams.

We presented it to the parents for a vote. As the result of everyone IN FAVOR of the proposed change - we have changed the voluntary dues to a MANDATORY fundraiser in the form of a set fee (dues).

Please note: This is in addition to the FRSD Activity fee amount that the school district has in policy regarding activities/sports. This is fundraising for TRACK & FIELD only.

We understand this amount may be a hardship for some families. However, we do not know that unless you contact us. If you have a true financial hardship, please contact us ASAP so that we may work with you. We always need volunteers to help at the home meets!

 Please submit a check marked “Track & Field Dues”  per child  along with your child's name & grade  in the subject line, on your check to be turned in at the parent meeting ~ or ~ send check to our Treasurer:.

Thank you.



HS ONLY Uniform Deposit


Due to an issue with the new uniform returns at the end of the season, the boosters will now collect a check as a "Uniform Deposit". In the case that the uniform is not returned or uniform is damaged, your check will be cashed. Otherwise, it will be destroyed at the end of the year.

In the past, non-returned uniforms became a "debt to the school" and your child would fail to receive their report cards or if they were a senior fail to graduate/receive diploma until the debt was paid or uniform returned.  

In 2015, the booster fundraising dues raised funds and we were able to purchase new uniforms for the team - these are now property of the TRACK TEAM and must be returned or your check will be cashed to purchase a replacement. 

