I270 Rules

October 13, 2023

The I-270 Rules

1. Rules not specifically cited here are covered by the NFSHSA rulebook.
2. Coaches are responsible for providing proof of a player's age. Games in which an ineligible player's name (for age or any reason) appears in the official scorebook must be forfeited. Players are eligible by age as follows:
The League comprises of three divisions:

  • BANTAMS: age 9 & 10 (11 year old players are eligible provided they do not turn 11 before 9/01 of current year.)
  • JUNIOR'S: 11 & 12 (13 year old players are eligible provided they do not turn 13 before 9/01 of current year.)
  • SENIOR'S: 13 & 14 (15 year old players are eligible provided they do not turn 15 before 9/01 of current year.)

NOTE: All players making a team will be required to turn in a copy of their State of Maryland ID, Passport or Copy of Birth Certificate.
3. For a player to be eligible to play, the league must receive a registration fee, a completed registration form, prior to the first game.
4. ONLY I-270 UNIFORMS ARE TO BE WORN, TOP AND BOTTOM. Uniforms may not be altered in any form without permission, T-shirts may be worn under the team uniform only if they are the exact same color as the uniform itself. Jewelry may not be worn at any time.
A. Games shall consists of two halves. Each half shall be 17 minutes for Bantam division and 18 minutes for Junior's and Senior's divisions. Games are played with running clock. The clock is stopped at any time during the game for shooting fouls and time outs called by the officials or either team. In the final two minutes of the second half, the clock is stopped on all whistles.
B. Overtime periods when necessary will be as follows:

  • Regular Season
    • Bantams: The first team to score 3 points wins.
    • Juniors and Seniors: The first team to score 5 points wins.
  • Playoffs 
    • Bantams: 1st overtime 3 mins, 2nd OT 2 mins, after 2 OT, there will be 1-minute intervals. No additional timeouts will be awarded after the first 1 minute interval.
    • Juniors and Seniors: 1st OT 4 mins, 2nd OT 2 mins, after 2 OT, there will be 1-minute intervals. No additional timeouts will be awarded after the first 1 minute interval.

C. Each team is permitted to take (3) full and (2) 30 second time outs during a game. A full time out will be one minute long. One additional full time out will be credited each team for each necessary overtime period. Coaches or players may call time outs.
D. The bonus situation (one -n-one) is effective upon the 7th team foul of each half. Double bonus is effective upon the 10th team foul of each half.
E. A player is disqualified upon committing a 5th personal foul and must leave the game. Players may not re-enter a game.
F. Free throws shall be shot from a distance of 15ft, from the basket, regulation.
G. The "three point" shot will be in effect for all three divisions.
H. No Zone in Bantam division. Bantam Division must play man to man defense exclusively, the entire game. The use of designed trapping is also prohibited. A double team in the flow of man to man defense is allowed such as situations where the offense has poor spacing or a dribble hand off, or pick and roll occur. But to have one player intentionally leave their man to double team or trap an opposing player is prohibited. Help side defense and all man-2-man defensive principles are legal, but a player who stands in one spot and constantly switches men is effectively playing a one-man zone defense which is illegal. A player or team not playing man to man defense shall be issued a warning from the official on the first violation. Any subsequent violation of this rule shall result in a technical foul being assessed to the coach, and the award of two foul shots and possession of the ball to the opposing team.
I. In the Bantam division, occasional use of "clear out" plays by the offensive team is permitted but reliance on such plays as a regular part of an offensive strategy is not permitted.
J. Head Coaches are responsible for entering the team roster in numerical order in the official scorebook. A player's first and last names must be entered in the scorebook for every number listed. Entries must be legible and must be entered in a timely manner and must not delay the start of the game. Violation of this rule is a technical foul on the Head Coach.
K. Head Coaches are permitted to stand within the six-foot box in front of their team's bench to give instructions to a player and /or substitute. In the absence of a marked box. A Head Coach may leave his/her seat to applaud a play, to speak to a player, and or/substitute, or to signal a player on the court to call a time-out. The head coach is limited to the area directly in front of the bench in this instance.
Assistant Coaches may not stand at any time that time is in play. Violation of this rule can result in a technical foul, which is charged to the head coach.
L. Players, coaches, assistant coaches and spectators may be ejected from a game as determined necessary by a referee. Any ejected person must leave the gym immediately and may not return for the duration of the game. Two technical fouls in one game on any one-person results in an automatic disqualification and ejection. A player or coach that is ejected by a referee may not play or be in the gym for the following game.
M. Mercy Rule - shall apply for all divisions:
      *If at any point during the game one team holds a 30+ point lead their will be a running clock for everything except timeouts.
      *Full court pressure of any type is not allowed by the team holding the lead.
      *If the lead falls below 20 points, regular clock management will be reinstated.
6. Adverse actions are as follows:
A. A team must forfeit its game if its fails to field a fully uniformed and eligible team consisting of at least five players by no later than 10 minutes after the scheduled start of the game.
B. Any person ejected from a game is automatically suspended for the team's next game. Any person having this happen twice will be dealt with as the President or Board feels fit.
C. The league reserves the right to impose any penalty for action detrimental to the club or its league.
7. The league board of directors will hear all protests unless its authority is delegated to a committee.
A. The head coach must protest at the time of an alleged infraction.
B. The protest must be made to a referee and in the presence of the opposing coach.
C. The protest must be documented in the official scorebook by the official scorekeeper. It must register the time and score of the game and must be initialed by the referee, the protesting coach and the scorekeeper at the time of the entry.
D. Within 48 hours of the alleged infraction, the head coach must provide a league officer with a written protest stating the specific details of the infraction.
E. The Board (or committee) will meet to hear the protest at its earliest convenience. It may, as it wishes, invite the protesting coach, referees or others to appear at the hearing. The Board (or committee) will solely determine if an action is necessary by the league in the event a protest is upheld. Upholding a protest does not necessarily mean the outcome of the game will not be affected, nor does it mean a game must be replayed. All decisions of the Board (or Committee) are final and aren't subject to appeal.
F. Judgement calls by the referees are not subject to appeal.
8. The league will provide referees. In the event that scheduled referees do not appear for a game, the game will be played as schedule with substitute referees as determined by the league at the time. If no league officer is available to select substitute referees, the gym monitor will do so. All players, coaches, and fans are required to show respect for the referees. The league reserves the right to suspend or expel a player, coach, or fan for conduct it deems improper or excessively discourteous.
9. Scorekeepers are league officials and are to be treated courteously. Scorekeepers are empowered to request that referees call a technical foul against a Head Coach for any discourteous behavior by a coach, player or fan.
10. All league rules and NFSHSA rules apply to Championship tournament games unless modified below.
A. The championships in each division will be determined by the championship tournament results. Championship trophies will be awarded to each player on the team winning the tournament in each division. Runner-up trophies will be awarded to each player on the team finishing second in the tournament.
B. One Player in each division will be awarded a tournament Most Valuable Player Award based on tournament play. The Board will determine the winners of such awards unless delegated to a committee.
C. All league teams qualify to play in the championship tournament.
D. Teams will be seeded within their division based on final season standings. The won-lost records of each team will determine these standings. In the event of a 2-way tie the following tie-breaker rules will apply:

  • The team with the best head-2-head record will get the higher seeding; 
  • If still tied then the team with the greater head-2-head points scored (PF) vs points allowed (PA) differential will be seeded higher;
  • If still tied then the team with the greater overall point differential will get the higher seeding.

In the event of a multi-way (3 or more) tie the following tie-breaker rules apply:

  • The teams will be seeded based on their record against each other;
  • If 2 or more of the teams are still tied those teams will be seeded based on their point differential against each other;
  • If 2 or more teams are still tied then those teams will seeded based on their overall point differential.

E. Any player who has played in 8 or more regular season games is eligible for tournament play. The board may rule other players eligible as well if they missed more than 6 games due to injury or other causes deemed acceptable by the Board of Directors.