Eligibility Rules

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                           I-270 Youth Basketball Eligibility Rules


The I-270 Youth Sports Club has supported Montgomery county for nearly 40 years of competitive basketball for area youth.  The Basketball Program serves over 300 players from the Clarksburg, Darnestown, Gaithersburg, Olney, Germantown, Potomac, Redland, Rockville, and Bethesda communities.  The I-270 league is a competitive feeder program into the local High School programs.


Players wear  team uniforms supplied by the I-270 Sports Club and play in area school gyms with IAABO referees.  There is a 16-game regular season followed by a Championship tournament with trophies awarded to each member of the Divisions Championship team. There is an All-Star game. 


The I-270 Youth League is comprised of three divisions:


Bantams: Ages 9 & 10 (11 year old players are eligible provided they do not turn 11 before 9/1 of current year)

Juniors:   Ages 11 & 12 (13 year old players are eligible provided they do not turn 13 before 9/1 of current year)

Seniors:   Ages 13 & 14 (15 year old players are eligible provided they do not turn 15 before 9/1 of current year)


NOTE: All players making an I-270 team will be required to turn in a photocopy of their official state birth certificate with their registration form. A hospital record is not an official record. This will verify each player’s age.

Grade exception:

  • If a player is age ineligible for a division but is in the 4th or 5th grade for Bantams, 6th or 7th grade for Juniors, 8th or 9th grade for Seniors the area director for their cluster can submit a grade exception request to the Board.
  • A player may not be more than 6 months older than the age cut-off to be eligibel for the grade exception.
  • A player who has been in the league playing under the age eligibilty rule can not switch to a grade exception.

Area Cluster Rules


The I-270 youth basketball league is an “area” based program for montgomery county residents.  Eligible players must tryout for the team representing their assigned high school cluster.  When a Middle School is listed in more than one area, select the area that would be appropriate for the nearest Elementary School.  Please check with the coach or Area Head if you have any questions.  If you attend a private school or are home schooled you can tryout for the team representing your MCPS HS cluster. If you a live outside the areas and/or eligible school clusters the area director o must submit an exception request to the league for approval to be eligible to participate.  Proof of attendance in an area school is required (photo ID or grade report) upon selection to the team.

Each tean is allowed a maximum of 2 out of  area players.

You must attend a school within Montgomery County to be eligible to play in the league.