2020 Tournament Rules and Regulations

All tournaments will be functioning under

American League Rules with the following exceptions:

Inclement Weather Policy- Each team will be required to give a valid mobile phone number for text alerts regarding weather and other delays. Tournament schedule may change without notice in case of issues with the weather. Once teams have played 3 games, there will be absolutely no reimbursements for the tournament.

Registration Process- Each team will be required to fill out a registration form and pay in advance for the tournament either by cheque, cash, e-transfer or by online payment (Online payment has a 25$ Fee). As of 2019, all teams are required to submit a valid roster including uniform numbers and dates of birth at least 3 weeks prior to each event to make sure teams are registered in the appropriate age bracket. Once registration fee has been received and your team has been confirmed, only a partial reimbursement will be possible in the case that a team must remove their registration before the registration deadline of the tournament. This is due to receiving fees for registrations which are non-reimbursable.

Tournament Coodinators- The tournament coordinator is responsible for making decisions regarding the weather before the game has begun. All decisions made by coordinators are final. NOTE: When the coin-flip is completed with the coaches and umpires, the umpires will be officially in charge of the playing field and from that moment they shall have sole authority to determine when a game shall be called or suspended on account of weather or the condition of the playing field. The Umpires and Tournament Coordinator will work together in resuming play. All decisions made by the umpires and Tournament Coordinator will be FINAL.

In the case that a Tournament Coordinator cannot be found, please view Our Tournament Comittee section in the about tab.

Home/Visiting Team:  In tournament pool play home and visiting teams will be decided by a coin flip.  During playoffs and Championship rounds the higher seed will be the home team. If both teams have identical W-L-T scores in pool play, a coin flip will also determine the home and visiting teams.

Dugout Rule- Only 3 coaches and 1 manager will be permitted in each dugout.  No parents, scorekeepers, children or batboys will be allowed in dugouts at any time. Failure to comply with this rule will result in suspension of play until rectified.

Foul Balls and Homeruns- We ask for all players, coaches, parents & spectators to be aware of foul balls at all times. We would also ask to please return ALL foul balls and homeruns to their proper fields.

Tie Breakers- In pool play games if the score is tied at the completion of 7 innings or the time limit has elapsed (6 innings for 12U and down), the game will end in a tie. 

The following system will be used for advancing and seeding out of pool play. 

  1. Pool play overall record (winning percentage)
  2. If 2 teams are tied- Head to Head Winner.  If still tied move to #4
  3. If three teams are tied- If one team has defeated both other teams, that team advances.  If not move to #4.
  4. Total runs allowed in pool play to determine pool winner.  Then the two teams tied refer back to head to head to determine second place.  If there is no head to head between those two teams go to runs allowed for those two teams to determine second place.
  5. If still tied- Total runs scored in pool play
  6. If still tied- Total runs allowed subtracting game with most runs allowed in pool play
  7. If still tied- Total runs allowed minus two games with most runs allowed in pool play

Umpires- All tournament games will be played with 2 qualified umpires.

Protests- No Protests will be allowed in any tournament. If a problem occurs, umpires may stop the game (and pause the time limit) in order to contact a tournament coordinator. Once the tournament coordinator makes a decision, the decision will be final and the game will continue from the point of where it was originally stopped.

Coaches/ Players Dress Code- Coaches are not required to wear uniforms during tournament play, however it is highly encouraged.  Coaches must be dressed appropriately while on the field of play or in dugouts.  Coaches must wear clothing that distinguishes them from other parents and spectators and may not wear jeans or shorts.  Coaches that fail to comply with this policy will be restricted from the dugout area.  Players are all expected to be in matching uniforms with uniform numbers.  Players who do not have a matching jersey with number will not be permitted to participate, unless authorized by the tournament committee, or tournament director. 

NOTE: Players or Coaches ARE NOT PERMITTED to stand outside the dugout at any time during the game unless they are coaching first or third base while on offense or if they are the on-deck batter in 13U and up. Offensive players on the field, must have a helmet on at all times if coaching a base or if in the on-deck circle.

Lineups All Divisions - (Team managers may use the following options when choosing line-ups)

1-      A team may use a nine (9) player line-up

2-      A team may use a nine (9) player line-up, with the option of batting a designated hitter (DH). The DH may bat only for the pitcher.

         A team may use a ten (10) player or more line-up, with the option of batting a designated hitter (DH). The DH may bat only for the pitcher. Extra players (EP) may be used in all levels. No Limitation to the number of Extra Players a team can use in their lineup.  In the event a team decides to use the EP, the EP may enter and exit the game as the managers decides to. 

Comments: Line-ups MUST be given to the home plate umpire before each game. Once line-ups are exchanged, they will be official throughout the game and if any player in that said line-up gets injured, ejected or removed from the game for any other reason, and no substitute is available, an out will be recorded each time that position in the batting order is reached. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule.

Re-entry Rule: There is no re-entry for this tournament in any level except in 10U and 12U.

Mercy Rule

15 runs after 4 innings

10 runs after 5 innings

8 runs after 6 innings

**Take 1 inning off for Mercy Rule in 10U and 12U**

Avoiding Contact/Sliding Rule- At all levels of play contact must be avoided.  If contact is not avoided the base runner will be called out.  If an umpire decides a player’s approach to a base or home plate is malicious the base runner may be ejected from the game. Sliding is not obliged, as long as contact is avoided.

Head first sliding towards a base not yet acquired is not permitted in 10U and 12U divisions. Head first sliding is only permitted when sliding back to a base in these 2 divisions. If a player slides head first into a base or home plate, the runner will automatically be called out.

Time Limit- All POOL PLAY games are played under the following time limits

1-      In all divisions, there is a 2-hour time limit (1-hour 45 minute for 10U and 12U). The time of game will start once the home plate umpire calls play and notifies the official scorer of the start time. No inning may start after the time limit elapses, or seven innings (6 innings for 10U or 12U) are completed. If the time limit elapses while the home team is at bat and they are ahead in the game, the game will automatically come to an end and the score will revert to the score prior to the start of the last half inning. If the time limit has elapsed with the home team trailing and the home team then takes the lead, the game will be finalised at this point as if it were a walkoff win.

2-      In ALL DIVISONS: If a POOL PLAY game is tied after the time limit expires, that game will end in a tie.

Comments: The official time will be kept on the field by the umpires or scorekeeper. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule. (Any coach choosing to argue the time limit with a scorekeeper or an Umpire will automatically be ejected for the remainder of the tournament)

 Playoff Time Limits: Time limits will not be enforced in playoff games.

NOTE: Mercy rules will still be in effect for all playoff and championship games. 

Between Innings- Players are expected to hustle on and off the field at all times.  Pitchers are permitted to throw 8 warm-up pitches in their first inning of work and 5 in each inning there-after (or a maximum of 90 seconds).  If a catcher is putting his gear on it is expected that another player (wearing full gear) will warm-up the pitcher.  Coaches are not permitted to warm up the pitcher on the field or in the bullpen.  Bullpen catchers must also be fully equipped.  Pitchers that enter game due to an injury will receive unlimited warm-up pitches.

Intentional Delays- Intentionally delaying a game is unsportsmanlike and will not be tolerated.  The umpire as well as the tournament coordinator reserves the right to eject players and/or coaches do to intentional delays.

Lineup Cards- Each team must provide their own line-up cards.  A copy MUST be given to the opposing team as well as the umpire prior to each game. Lineup cards must include all rostered players name and uniform numbers as well as all coaches and managers.

On Deck Batter- All on-deck batters must stay in the on-deck circle and are only permitted in 13U and up.

Jewelry- For safety reasons players are not permitted to wear jewelry during the games. Medical alert jewelry will be an exception.  

Number of Players-Teams may roster a maximum of 18 players and 4 coaches.

Official Regulation Game Procedures:

If a game is called, it is a regulation game when the following occurs.

When five (5) innings have been completed or the visiting team has completed five (5) at bat innings and the home team is ahead, unless mercy rule or time limit is applying (4 innings for 12U and down).

Comments: Playoff & Championship games must be played in its entirety and will be considered a suspended game, with the game resuming from the point of interruption.

SUSPENDED GAMES: If a started tournament game is suspended (for any reason), the game must be replayed from its point of interruption. If a game has been able to play the minimum of five (5) innings before being interrupted, the game will be considered official. NOTE: If a suspended game DOES NOT complete one (1) full inning, that particular game will be re-played in its entirety.

Pitching Restrictions- There are no pitching restrictions for tournament play. However, we trust the coaches to be logical in their pitching rotation. Abusing pitchers may result in their team’s eligibility to future tournaments.

Trips to Mound- The pitcher must be replaced on the second (2nd) trip to the mound in any inning or a maximum of 3 visits in a game to the same pitcher.

Suspension- Any player, parent or spectator that is ejected from a game or the field, will be subject to a further suspension by the Tournament Committee. Any coach or manager that is ejected from ANY game will automatically be ejected for the remainder of the tournament. The tournament Committee reserves the right to remove/eject any person from the location for unsportsmanlike behavior. Any player, parent or spectator that is ejected for a second time, during the same tournament, will be eliminated for the remainder of the tournament.

Fighting- In the unlikely event that there would be a fight durring a game, for whichever reason, the entire team will be disqualified from the remainder of the tournament and at the tournament directors discretion, from all future events. THERE IS NO EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE

Runs per Inning - In all divisions, there is no run limit per inning for the exception of 10U (6 runs maximum).  The 5th and 6th Innings in 10U will be open innings.

Dropped 3rd Strike - Dropped 3rd Strike will be used in all categories for the exception of 10U. In 10U, if the catcher drops the 3rd strike, the out will count and the batter will be called out immediately for a strike out.

Stealing - Stealing of every base is permitted in all divisions. In 10U, the runners may not leave their base prior to the pitch crossing the plate. If a player has been judged to have left his base early, all runners must return as far back as possible, that which equals the value of the hit, +1.

Courtesy Runner- Courtesy runners will be allowed for the catcher at all times.  The runner must be the last out in the teams lineup. If the courtesy runner ends up on base and is expected to bat, an out will be called and the batter will remain on base as the courtesy runner.  

Intentional Walk- All ages, a batter will automatically take 1st base if an intentional walk is announced prior the 1st pitch to the batter. If 1 or more pitches have been taken by the batter, the pitcher must complete the intentional walk by throwing 4 balls.

Intentional Forfeits- All forfeits will be marked as a 7-0 score.  Any team choosing to forfeit a game for any reason, will be automatically disqualified from the remainder of the tournament and from any future events. Keep in mind that teams are paying good money to play their games, not to take forfeits.  Forfeits jeopardize the integrity of the tournament, as well as the team that is forfeiting.  In the event that an intentional forfeit plays a role in playoff seeding or playoff entry the Tournament Director reserves a right to make judgment on which team advances.