Green Hornets Boys' Basketball

2022/23 League Playing Rules


  1. SAFETY FIRST - The referees may blow the whistle and stop the game to investigate the condition of a player who might be hurt, at any time, and resume play as soon as reasonable. The safety and well-being of our players is always our main concern. Referees are instructed to stop play the moment they see a player in distress, regardless of current events in the game. 


  1. Coaches are required to be at the gym a minimum of 15 minutes before the scheduled start of the game. Coaches are requested to “chaperone” their players before the start of their game and keep them out of the way of the underway game. Please, remind the players to hold their ball until their time on the court.  Every effort should be made to start games at the designated time including getting scorebook and clock operations set up quickly. In cases where game times are running late, game officials have the authority to shorten or eliminate warmups, half-time breaks, and timeouts. 


  1. Coaches are responsible to designate one person (typically a parent) to work either the game clock or the scorebook (each team supplies one person). If a parent is not available, an assistant coach must handle the duty. Scorebook operators and game clock operators must sit at the designated table and are not allowed to either coach or actively participate in the game; they are officiating personnel for that game. 


  1. A Forfeit occurs when a team does not have five players after five minutes from the scheduled start of a game.  In the case of not enough players, the two head coaches can agree to play the game even if five players are not present however; 1) both coaches must agree up front,  2) if the game is started, it becomes an official game, and 3) a team must have at least four players . 



    1. The league will be made up of teams with a maximum of 10 players. In special situations, some teams may have 11 players. In those cases, coaches will have leeway on substitutions to create equal playing time.

    2. Each player must play at least one quarter in each half. Players are not permitted to play the entire first half or the entire second half without playing at least one quarter in each half. Violations in playing time will result in forfeit. 

      1. If a player does not arrive before the start of the second quarter, he is not eligible to play two quarters in the second half: only one quarter. Nor is he permitted to enter the game at arrival.

    3. NO substitutions will be allowed during a quarter, except for injuries, a player fouls out, or the management of the 11-man team mentioned in 5a.

    4. If a team has fewer than ten players in attendance, no player will be allowed to play four quarters unless all other team members have played three quarters.

    5. If a player becomes ill or injured and needs to leave the game, the coach of his team can designate ANY bench player to finish the remainder of the quarter of play.

      1. The injured or ill player should return at any time he is ready. Substitutions in this case should be made at dead ball situations.

      2. The quarter should be assessed to either the ill or injured player or the replacement player, which ever played the majority of that quarter.


  1. All age groups will play eight-minute quarters. Games must be completed in under an hour so half-times and quarter breaks should be kept to a reasonable amount of time (two minutes between quarters; three to five minutes for halftime). Clocks will only be stopped for timeouts, injuries, and shooting fouls EXCEPT in the last minute of each quarter where regular rules apply (e.g., the clock stops for all “dead ball” situations). 


  1. Each team is allowed two timeouts per half, with an additional timeout allowed for each overtime period. Timeouts do not carry over to halves or overtime periods. Timeouts should last for 45 seconds. 


  1. 1st/2nd Grade league will play with a rim height of 8’.  All age groups will shoot free throws on the seventh team foul of a half. For the 1st/2nd Grade league, foul shots will be taken from a designated spot by the game official. 3rd/4th Grade league, foul shots will be taken from ten feet or a designated spot by the game officials. For the 3rd/4th Grade and 5th/6th Grade leagues, a lenient enforcement of the rule for breaking the free throw line plane will be in effect.


  1. In the case of a tie at the end of regulation time, there will be a two-minute overtime period. Coaches may choose any five players for the overtime period. If the tie remains after the overtime period, the game will be ruled a tie. 

    1. In the playoffs, the overtime periods will last until a winner is determined. If the score remains tied after the first two-minute overtime, there will be an additional two-minute overtime period. All players who were on the bench for the preceding overtime period must play in the new period. If additional overtime periods are needed, the same overtime-period by overtime-period substitution rules will apply. 


  1. Defense 

    1. 1st/2nd Grade - defenders will remain inside the foul lanes.  Adjustments to this rule can be made by the league coordinator at the midway point of the season.

    2. 3rd/4th Grade and 5th/6th Grade- Each team must play man-to-man defense. Violations of these rules will result in a warning; repeated violations will result in a technical foul being called. The primary issue officials are taught to regulate is the defender that is just “following the ball” without any regard for guarding a specific player.

      1. The defense cannot pickup their man before he crosses half court, but MUST pick him up by the time he reaches the three-point area and must remain in close proximity until the ball reaches the foul lane.

      2. 3rd/4th Grade – there will be no double teaming or trapping.  

        1. All defenders must be guarding an offensive player.

        2. A player may leave his man to play help defense if the opponent beats his teammate off the dribble.

        3. If the help is successful, the ball handler is stopped, and the play continues, the helping player must immediately return to the original player they are guarding.  

        4. If a player dribbles into a crowd of two or more defenders (ie: inside the key), that is not double teaming. 

        5. Competing for a loose ball by more than one defender is not double teaming. 

      3. 3rd/4th Grade - full-court pressure will only be permitted in the last minute of the game of the regular season (and overtime if applicable. During the playoffs pressing will be permitted in the final minute of the second and fourth quarters. A team leading by 15 points shall not full court press.

      4. 5th/6th Grade - Full-court pressure is permitted during the last minute of every quarter; however, a team leading by 15 points shall not full court press.

      5. 7th/8th Grade and 9th/12th Grade - Full-court pressure is permitted at all times,except when a team is leading by 15 points.  The team in the lead will not be allowed to apply defensive pressure until the offense crosses mid-court.

      6. Zone defense is only permitted in 7th/8th Grade and 9th/12th Grade leagues.


  1. In the 3/4th, 5/6th,  7th/8th Grade, and 9th/12th Grade leagues, the three-point shot will be in effect. 


  1. Unsportsmanlike conduct and Ejections will have ZERO TOLERANCE.  Situations will be reviewed by the Supervisor of Officials and the boys’ basketball commissioner. Penalties can range from one game suspension to season suspension based upon the severity of the offense.


  1. The team bench is limited to rostered players, one head coach and a maximum of two assistant coaches. 


  1. Coaches are required to adhere to the NFHS rules of basketball that require all assistant coaches to remain seated during play. Coaches are not allowed to stand to register a complaint. Abuse of this rule can lead to a technical foul (per the National Federation of High School basketball rulebook) and or suspension. 


  1. Minor modifications can be made to these rules through a consensus agreement of the Green Hornets Boys’ Basketball Council, league coaches, and the League Coordinator prior to or during the regular season. 


  1. Coaches are required to submit the game score electronically to the designated league administrator within 24-hours of the conclusion of the game. Details on submission procedures will be provided to coaches by each League Director prior to the start of the season. 


Any concerns that you may have during the season can be brought to the attention of Kurt Cerny, boys basketball commissioner.   

Last updated November 8, 2022.