BCYFAC Sports Banquet

Tuesday, November 4th

Crown Plaza, Reading, Pa


Adults $25.00

Children- Non-Players/Cheerleaders- (6-Up) $15.00

Children 5 & Under - Free

6PM - Registration-- Doors Open @6:30PM


to download the banquet form, please go to the document center in the column on the left side of the web-site or to pay and register online, go to the Banquet Payment Tab.

All registrations are due by this Sunday Nov. 2nd. they can be mailed or dropped at the games at Shemanski on Sunday.


** If you are mailing your payment in and are afraid it will not get to us on time- please call Michele 484-955-9088 or Danielle 484-256-6845 to let us know how many will be attending..

Thank you and we look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday.
