The Elks hosted there At Bat Event and the following list of players were the winners from Brick! 

1.Vincent SanFlippippo teeball 5-7
2. Liam Shave machine 5-7
3.Seamus Shave machine 8-9
4.Hailey Hudson machine 8-9
5.Logan Semevolas machine 10-11
6.Adriana Buonacore 10-11
7.Joe  Cordi 12-13
8.Nitalia Booker 12-13
9. Johnathan McFadden
The Winners went on to District. These players that represented at District were: 
1. Vincent SanFlippippo 
2. Liam Shave
3.joe Cordi
4. Johnathan McFadden 


All four players won at District and continued on to Regional, and we had two players, Liam Shave and Jonathan McFadden, compete and WIN at the State Level! 

Congrats to all the players, and a special congrats to our winners Liam and Jonathan!