THC 2-Person Hitting Leagues

Register NOW for the Next Session starting January 16th


 Six-Week Softball and Baseball Hitting Leagues

Featuring the Pro-Batter Combo Video Pitching Machine




The Hitting Center is pleased to announce we are now accepting registrations for our upcoming 2-Person Hitting League session starting January 16th.  


Hitting Leagues will use the Pro-Batter combo baseball/softball video simulator providing for live pitching realism combined with the challenge of competing against other teams that many players and coaches often seek during the off-season.


Teams schedule 6 - 1/2 hour games over the next 6 weeks allowing flexibility for players often challenged by schedule conflicts and multiple-sports.  Reservations are expected to be heavy and time slots will be filled on a first-to-register basis so please REGISTER TODAY


Any questions please contact the Hitting Center at 217-522-6653 or visit us at



For an information packet press HERE

 For a Hard-Copy Registration form press HERE



You may also visit for further information and online registration. or call us at 217-522-6653

