Brian K. Song Memorial Bulldog Golf Classic and Dinner & Auction

May 26, 2015

Brian K. Song Memorial Bulldog Golf Classic
Silent Auction & Dinner Party
Monday August 10, 2015
Kenwood Golf and Country Club
5601 River Road, Bethesda, MD 20816

The Bulldog Classic events are open to the entire community.  The Brian K. Song Memorial Bulldog Golf Classic tournament will use the popular shotgun start format.  The cost per golfer is $250, and like all similar events, a percentage of your fee is tax deductible.  Each golfer will receive a goodie bag, a first class commemorative golf shirt and hat, admission to the Silent Auction & Dinner/Cocktail Party and chances to win many outstanding prizes throughout the day!  The schedule will be as follows:

12:00 pm   Golfer Registration (Putting Green & Driving Range Open)

  1:00 pm   Bulldog Classic Golf Tournament Begins (Shotgun Start)

  5:00 pm   Open Bar Cocktail Party

  6:00 pm   Buffet Dinner and Silent Auction

  9:00 pm   Bulldog Golf Classic Events Close

We are accepting registrations now on a “first come first serve” basis.  Please use the attached registration form to sign up today!  Single golfers are welcome!  Reserve your spots today by sending your completed registration forms and checks!  We are also currently seeking additional tournament sponsors and Silent Auction items. The Golfer Registration form can be found on the "Team Rosters and Tryout Forms" page of this website.  You may also register online at Please contact Julie Wagman at with any questions.