Summer Bulldogs for Team and Practice Players, see below

July 1, 2016

Our Summer Teams have begun and are basically full.  We have room for some 6th to 8th grade girls.  If you have a 6th, 7th or 8th grade daughter that wants to play, we would love to have her join us.  And we have pro rated pricing available for the final 2 months of Summer.

Now, that said, if you have a son , 1st grade to HS or a Daughter 3rd to 5th grade and they want to play, here is what we can do for you right now.  We don't want to over fill our teams.  That wouldn't be fair to the kids.  So, we can take players as "Practice Players".  A Practice Player is just what it sounds like.  They practice with us twice a week for July and Aug.  They do everything our team players do except they don't play games on the weekends.  So July and August become like a twice a week, 2 month long basketball camp.  And then, come September, they could join our teams for Fall league.  The beauty of this is, if they did this for July and Aug, by Sept 1, they would understand our Offense and Defense and be ready to join us for games.

So, if your looking for a team to join, drop us a line at and we will get you all the details.  Thanks and I hope to see you at practice next week,

Coach LeClaire