Sun Morn Shooting Clinic @ Hart MS Happening NOW, Ltd Space Avail, Click for Details

December 7, 2021

For about 20 years now, we have been doing Skills Clinics in the Winter months so kids could play CYO, City League or even HS Basketball and still work on their individual skills with us.  Well after the break in 2020, this year our Sunday Morning Shooting Clinic is BACK!!!  With that in mind, our 2021/22 Sunday Morning Shooting Clinic has just begun and we have limited space available for your son or daughter.  If you're interested, please read on...

The one thing all basketball players have in common is they all love to shoot and they all want to score more points. So how does a player do that? Put simply, they need to shoot it better, they need to make more shots, to shoot at a higher percentage. And how does one do that? Well, first they need to learn proper technique and then they have to rep it and rep it and rep it / ie: Master that great technique and then take lots of game shots at game speed. Well we have a program that does just that.  With this in mind, the Bulldogs are about to start one of our most popular programs every year, our Sunday Morning Shooting Clinic.

Our Shooting Clinic goes once a week, mainly on Sunday Mornings from now to February 6.  There are 5 sessions remaining in this great program, one per week, from 10:10 to 11:25 AM Sunday Mornings at Hart MS in Pleasanton and we have limited space available for you.  The reason we chose that time slot is so CYO players could come to the clinic before games to get warmed up and ready to play that day. We have found that by finishing at 11:25 AM, players can make a Noon Tip off time any where in the tri valley area. Because most of the kids in the clinic have games later that day, we don't do any running up and down the floor wearing players out in this program. Rather, we are just shooting ... and shooting some more... and then shooting some more. Kids wont be worn out. Rather, they will be warmed up and ready to play & score.

So what will we do at these shooting clinics? Well, we start the workouts with one and two handed technique work to break down the shot and teach proper habits. Then we go to some stationary shooting ingraining that proper technique. Then, we move to shooting on the move, shots off the catch, shots of the dribble, shots off screens as well as using the up-fake and jab step to get your shot off. Basically, getting up as many shots up as we can, all in game type situations, while a coach makes corrections helping players improve their technique. The idea is to learn the proper technique trying to create new habits and then ingrain those habits in the player.

Anyway, there are 5 more sessions in this great program.  The full schedule is below and on our calendar link to the left.  

  • Sun Jan 9, 10:15 to 11:30 AM @ Hart MS in Pleasanton
  • Sun Jan 16, 10:15 to 11:30 AM @ Hart MS in Pleasanton
  • Sun Jan 23, 10:15 to 11:30 AM @ Hart MS in Pleasanton
  • Sun Jan 30, 10:15 to 11:30 AM @ Hart MS in Pleasanton
  • Sun Feb 6, 10:15 to 11:30 AM @ Hart MS in Pleasanton

COST - So if your interested in starting this week, we have pro rated pricing of $125 for the remaining 5 sessions including the tee shirt (so you don't pay for sessions you've missed) or, if you cant commit to the whole program, we offer a $35 drop in rate if you want to come do one workout with us (no tee shirt on the drop in).

So per the schedule above, the next session will be Sunday morning from 10:10 to 11:25 AM and we literally have 12 spots left in the program. The response to this program as always, has been very strong (which makes sense as every player wants to shoot better). With that in mind, don't delay.  Again, space is very limited but registration for this program is open.   If you want to join us, just shoot me an e-mail at and I will get you all the info to register.  Then plan to be at Hart MS in Pleasanton on Sunday morning by about 10 AM so we can get you signed in. Thanks and I hope to see you all there.

By the way, all players in this program also get a great looking Bulldogs Tee Shirt,

Coach LeClaire
