Reminder on rainouts/reschedules - plus the "Coach Contact" section

A quick reminder on rainouts:  As the home team, if you postpone or suspend a game due to rain/weather conditions/lightning, you need to update the status of the game as postponed (PPD) or suspended (SPD).  Keep in mind that just because one field is cancelled, it doesn't mean every field is.  We don't like to assume if you have or haven't played.  If you don't update to PPD/SPD, we'll put you on the list for needing a reported score.

If suspended, it's best to use the comments/notes field to give information about when the game was suspended so it is easier to pick it up at a later date (example:  Game called in top of 2nd inning, 2 outs, #12 Bailey up to bat with 3-2 count, bases empty.  Game tied 1-1)

Rescheduling games:  The home team has 7 days to provide the visiting team with 3 alternate dates.  Please try to schedule your makeup game as soon as possible, rather than scheduling into the last week or two of the season.  Once you have agreed on a new date/time, email that information to -- please list your division, teams involved, original date and new date/time.

**Coaches/parks are responsible for securing officials for rescheduled games.  Please contact the original umpires to give them the option first, then you may contact any other official if the original umpires are not available.  If you would like an umpire request placed on the website for your game, please email that information when you submit your rescheduled game info. ** 

"Coach Contact Needed" menu:  Please check this periodically to see if your team needs updates for PPD/SPD games, score reporting, or pitching reporting.  **If you are reporting pitching and the opposing team doesn't have their roster updated, you can add that information in the comments/information section temporarily.  **