Interior Baseball League and Eielson Youth Sports Present

 Winter Baseball at Baker Fieldhouse, EAFB

What:  Baseball skills clinics for ages 9 – 12

When:  Saturdays from 1– 5 pm, 2 hour increments for each age group

How often:  6 sessions throughout the winter, every other Saturday.

Where: Baker Fieldhouse, on Eielson Air Force Base

Who:  Currently registered baseball players with IBL or Eielson Youth Sports

How Many:  Limited to 45 players in each group

Ages:  Mustangs (ages 9-10); Broncos (ages 11-12).  This is your 2017 baseball age.

Gate Access:  Once the list of registered players and families is created, a gate access process message will be distributed to those families, informing them of how the gate access will work.

Cost:  Military $30.00 per player, Non-military $45.00 per player

How do I register:  Registration is Online at the Interior Baseball League Website

How do I pay:  Non military folks use a credit card and pay on-line when registering.  Military folks can also pay online, please contact Eielson Youth Sports for your discount code.

What do I get: Baseball skills instructions, drills, and games.

Coaching:  The coaching staff will be provided by Interior Baseball League programs.


                                    January 21st, February 4th, February 18th, March 4th, March 18th, April 1st

                                    Mustangs (9-10) 1 pm - 3 pm

Broncos (11-12) 3 pm - 5 pm

Why:  This opportunity to play ball indoors at Baker Fieldhouse is a result of the Eielson AFB                 community partnership - who joined forces with the baseball community to create this program.