Peninsula Youth Football and Cheerleading Organization Has a Zero Tolerance Policy

The Peninsula Youth Football and Cheerleading Organization as a zero tolerance policy

The PYFCO Board of Directors have Unanimously  approved a zero tolerance policy related to inappropriate behavior at practices,games,and PYFCO sponsored activities.The Board feels that league officials ,Coaches,Players,Parents, and Spectators should be productive in seeking a safe and instructive environment for children without the threat of violence, inappropriate behavior or language on the sidelines. While most inappropriate behavior is obvious , the actions that will not be tolerated include ,but are not limited to the following.

1. Parents and Fans on the field without permission .

2. Inappropriate Language .

3. Yelling negative comments at the referees,coaches,or players.

4.Instigating players,parents,and referee's.

5. Trashing the field.

6. Attending events drunk or smelling of alcohol or under the influence of illicit drugs.

7.Physical displays of aggression or threats of physical aggression.

8.Any action that referees or coaches deem to be inappropriate of individual has previously been asked to stop doing. any player,coach,official,parent or fan participating in inappropriate behavior will be ejected from the game.

In cases where the offending party does not leave the area, then the PYFCO president , commissioners, and the individual league president will have the authority to immediately call the police and have the offender removed. A league report will be filed, and if the same person is ejected twice, they will no longer be allowed to attend PYFCO events. Based on the nature of the offense charges may be filed against the individual. threats or physical displays of aggression will be reported to the police. 

Failure of leagues to enforce this policy may result in forfeiture of games. PYFCO hopes these policies will ensure a safe, tolerable environment for your family to be around and your children to play in.

Thank you for doing your part to help. Every official , coach,player,parent and spectator must abide by this policy.