Christmas Party …another Great Time

December 13, 2013 – 08:00 PM

Thank you to Anne Marie and DOB for another wonderful Christmas Party and a big applause for Brian "Manchester Bob" McDermott for organizing the 8th Annual event. 

The distinguished attendees were DOB, Christoph, Jesse, Nicolas, Geremy, Owen, Larry and Irina, Dragoslav, Mario L, Dawit, Eamonn, Alan, Cash and Cristiane, Mark and his wife, Ross and Michelle, Alex and Athena, Eric and Andrea, Jake and Christine, Shawn and Julie, Shawn's twin brother Scott, Mirko and Julianna, Kevin, John Skeete and his girlfriend, Marino and Liz, Brian and Angela, Dario and Danielle, Sean Gibson and Maria, Kris and Alicja, Raouf, Nate and Ingrid.

Well, once again, Mark "Scissor Feet" Hollingsworth grabbed the title for best dressed, it was over the moment his right foot stepped into The Merchant.  Nate gave it his best shot with the 1880's look, but the rookie was denied.  Larry lead the toast this year, acknowledging the rookies, the old guys, the staff and most importantly, the wives and girlfriends.   Dragoslav took the title for ordering the most expensive drinks, but we're certain he will make it up in April at the Serb-a-Que at his place.  This year, it was Mirko who succombed to the Spilman twin switch.   DOB kept the tradition of closing the place out on unsteady legs with many others as well.   Happy Holidays.