Rules for City Owned Fields

****CITY-OWNED FIELD RULES • Team representatives, players, spectators, and umpires must respect and obey city-owned complex field rules.

Please note the the league has a full list of league rules available. The following is a quick overview of the town's rules regarding use of their fields.

• The following rules must be obeyed:

A. No destruction of any kind.

B. All players, spectators and umpires must park in approved designated areas. No motorcycles, motor scooters, etc are allowed on the playing fields at any time. Motorcycles can be parked in parking lot or upper lot near the school only. Owners who bring their motorcycles onto the field will face a $250 fine and their bike will be impounded. Team Representative and Individual Player/s will be ineligible to play until fine is paid.

C. No littering.

D. Possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages is not allowed on city-owned property or any field used by this league. Any player or coach who is caught drinking before or after a game and is arrested for it, will be removed from the league for the remainder of the season. If your team chooses to remain in the parking lot after the game, all garbage must be placed in the receptacles provided. If a problem persists, the Middletown Police will be called.

• Not abiding by the above rules may result in teams forfeiting games, suspensions and fines.

• The above rules will be strictly enforced to the fullest extent.