Executive Order

October 11, 2016 – 09:17 PM



I want to address the number one issue we have today:

It seems that somehow, some way, we have forgotten what we are, and what we are here to do.


 We are a youth association, the key word here is YOUTH, remember them?


Football is not our primary business, we use the sport to attract young people so that we may provide a safe, positive environment that will allow us the opportunity to teach them the values and lessons that we hope will help them mature into responsible adults that will be a credit to our communities, counties, state and more importantly to themselves. 


 Our goal has not changed in the 26 years I have been part of this association. Through the sport we all love we attempt to build strong bodies, strong minds, teach the value of team work, teach young people to work with people of different races, religions and backgrounds,  sportsmanship, integrity, SELF CONTROL and basic ethics. The primary form of teaching we use is by the example our coaches, presidents and fans set.

 Our young people learn what is acceptable or unacceptable by OUR example, and judging from the complaints by coaches, reports from referees, almost daily calls from our Commissioner , Vice Commissioners and MOST important the calls and emails from parents of the very players we are here to help, we are failing.


 I have said this many times but I guess it needs to be said one more: the players, the other coaches and our fans will act in the same manner as the coach on the field, when you as the leader are screaming and acting like a child your players and your parents will act accordingly.


 I am asking each President to meet with each of his coaches and reaffirm the fact that they are expected to be a role model for the young people that they are lucky enough to have the opportunity to coach, both on the field and off.


  This league is NOT about them, no one is going to contact them about the next open college coaching position, but their example may very well be the difference, for good or for bad, in a young persons life, it is not about winning football games, it is about our youth, period.  


 For the remainder of this season and the playoffs ANY coach who receives an un-sportsman like flag will receive,  a minimal of 2 game suspension and both the coach and the President MUST submit a written request to the board of commissioners before he will be allow to return to his team. Depending on the infraction and at the Commissioners discretion, other penalties may also be implemented. Should the same coach be reinstated and acts in an un-sportsman like manner he shall be banned from MYFAI

 We have always had a 100% no tolerance policy for threats and violence by our coaches, parents, fans, officers or officials.


 In the past we have issued bans (yearly or in some cases life time) for anyone who committed this type incident,


 From this date forward it shall be the policy of this association to ban for life ANYONE who commits or threatens to or commits a violent act in the presents of our players or while engaged in any MYFAI event of any type.


  In addition we will actively seek to have the parties in question press legal charges when feasible, and we will seek to have all certifications for NYSCA, USA or and other coaches certificate voided with out exception.


 Each of us volunteered for the job we do, and I assure you that I have total respect for the time, effort and work almost every one of you do for our youth.

 The work you do as Presidents, coaches and administrators is extremely important.

Many of the young people we represent are not lucky enough to have solid, dependable role models in their life who can help direct and teach them the life lessons that we can through the game of football.


 Do not take that responsibility lightly, some young man or lady on your team may have their future changed by your actions, be sure we change it for the better.


Tom Polk 

President/ CEO

Lester Ivy


Mississippi Youth Football Association, Inc.