Daily Game Status:

5/6/24: All games in Paulding are ON for tonight.   [More Info]

Sign up to receive Text/Email Alerts--UPDATED PROCESS

To sign up to receive text and/or email alerts for game cancellations and schedule reminders, you must now use an email address as your login. Click on the "Login" button on the top right portion of the website, then select "My League Lineup". From there, click on "Create Account" or--if you already have an account--click "Sign In". Once you're logged in, click on the "Communications" button/tab to set up a phone to receive text alerts, set schedule reminders, etc.

You can navigate anywhere on the website once logged in. If you need to return to your account dashboard, just click on the "Login" button on the right side of the screen and then "MyLeagueLineup".