Information for Union Football Team volunteers at Special Olympics this Sunday!

March 4, 2017

All players that have volunteered for helping with the NE Iowa Special Olympics this Sunday

need to meet at the UNI Dome for a group photo at 9:15am In the NW bleachers.     If you are from the Dysart

area meet for car pool departure at the UMS front parking lot at 8:30am.    Older guys please make sure the 

younger guys have a ride.   (Spring Workout captains take charge here!).     If you are from the LPC area meet

for car pool departure at the UHS front parking lot at 8:30am.    When you get to the UNI Dome park on the west

side.   The west side doors will be open so you can enter there.   Coach Carlson (319)230-3911 will have your 

white game jerseys to wear.   If you are a senior from this past fall and purchased your white jersey please 

bring it with you and wear it.    After team photo you will check in on the UNI Dome floor north, then be directed

to NE bleachers for assignment and rules/regulations.    AFTER you are done with your assignment you will turn 

in your jersey to Coach Carlson.   Any questions or concerns please call or text him.    Going to be a GREAT Day!