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Building Tomorrow's Champions!

Jackson All-Stars -- Salinas, CA


Thanks to everyone for an amazing season. We are now closed for the season.

Please read

Parents our last tournament will be in San Jose which will be this coming weekend. I will not know which location for the gym until the schedule come out thanks and everyone have a great Sunday.



Today we played some good, quality talented teams up around the Oakland/Richmond area. We competed well in all the games except one. That one they took it to us. You can’t get better if you don’t play good teams. I don’t believe in making excuses, we lost some close games. All 5 of my girls teams fought hard. Even at the high school level except that one game against the CA Ballaz - three time state champs. They would be and they was pretty good, they supposed to do business. Eighth grade games by one and two points give or take. Six grade girls played a good first game. The second game didn’t go so well. We didn’t even score one point and that’s okay, they tried. Good news is that we’re back at it again tomorrow. I am very excited to hopefully get my North Salinas high players back next week. They will be able to help us out immediately. They unfortunately got hurt during softball season. When they return they won’t be sitting on the bench. All four have varsity experience. Out of the four, I don’t think my best defender will be able to come back because of family obligations. We’ve been doing well all season long. Win some, lose some and we will continue to do so. When you play good competition, you’ll see who can handle it and who can’t. Overall most of the girls did very well. See you tomorrow. Schedule is updated. Still waiting on the varsity game time hopefully very soon.🙏🏿👏

Please read very carefully. when in doubt just show up and I?ll make it work

Good evening parents and players it seems to be a little bit of a confusion for my varsity and JV team about this weekend. Maybe this will help everyone out. I am saying every single JV and varsity players are not going to play in on both teams this weekend. Yes some will I just have everyone down as high school but had a talk about this can’t happen all the time. I will do my very best to get players in both but not the same game. We have back to back games so everyone will get their playing time on one of the high school team. I would like for all high school players to show up for the first game and between the first two games I will be able to get everyone one in and I will do the same for varsity but not all at the same time. Once we get back to practice on Monday I will break it down for everyone. So I will like all the players that play on those teams to be there for the first game because games go right after each other. I will make sure it is done right for everyone. No worries this is not my first time coaching. I also like the 7th grade girls to show up for the 8th grade game as well because so of them will be playing both to keep us competitive in all games. The teams are broken up with each group but my high school girls teams so each player knows where they are. I am just asking that the 7th grade girls show up for the eighth grade girls game just in case. I think they might have a game at the same time. I just want to have enough players for all teams if players are confused. The only player that may be a little confused would be my high school girls team and I explained that to them in this message everyone else should know what team you’re playing with. And I just told you my seventh grade girls to show up for the eighth grade girls game cause some of them will play on the eighth grade team. See everyone tomorrow ready to go. I hope this what I just wrote helps everyone get a better understanding just show up. I’ll make it work but you don’t get to pick the team you play on that my job and mine only.

Please read carefully so we have no misunderstanding.

Parents and players very important that we understand that everyone is not going to play up on multiple teams it just can’t happen that way. I have to crack down because everyone wants to do it. Remember that everyone signed up and paid to play with one team. Going forward please don’t ask me about doing both I will ask you so don’t just assume that if you show up you’re going to actually play because that’s not gonna be the case. Starting tomorrow you will play with the team I have you down with unless I say otherwise you don’t need to contact me I will contact you if I need extra players for a different team. Players are just showing up and leaving their a sign team. any confusion please check the roster on my website. Yes there will be some players that will play one a few different teams which I will not guaranteed those players how much playing time they will get if that is not their original team and I just filled it in. I want to see how they do in high school.  I have to be fair to all players. Do not just assume that it is ok to just sit on the bench because it’s not. Have 15 players last weekend sitting on my high school bench looking for playing time is not a winning strategy even though I was able to get everyone good playing time because of my experience on how to manage a game. Good with your age group if you forget go to my website and it is post there. Like I said some players will be given the chance to play on more than one team. My goal has always been to give everyone an opportunity to play at least once are twice an opportunity to put up just so they understand what that level is like. Tomorrow we have a few games going at the same time you don’t get to pick where you like to play. I am the only one that can approve that move. That’s why not one of you guys could ever complain about plan time because I make sure that you play a lot and for the most of you on multiple teams leave other players short of help can happen. Thanks for your understanding 

Please read carefully very important information this coming weekend June 1,2, tournament for girls

Ok parents make sure that you from time to time refresh your page on my website to get all new updates. So remember that this weekend will only be for girls all five girls team will be traveling to Pinole high in Pinole Ca not Walnut Creek as intended. This is one of the top level tournaments in the Bay Area and that’s what we need win are lose we must compete at a high level. I last two tournaments was ok but not that top level that we need. I believe we will get that this coming weekend. Boys will be playing next weekend in the Bay Area as well. I explain to everyone why I am going one weekend girls and one weekend boys. This is so that I am able to coach my boys teams like I coach my girls teams so that everyone can get my best yes I will still have coaches to coach but I will be able to coach and assist them. It is very important that players come to practice tomorrow talking girls so that we can continue to be on the same page. I know some of my middle school players have great promotion tomorrow so that would be difficult for them to make it and I understand that. Congratulations to them all 🎈🎉🎊🏀🎂. Also remember that we will only have one practice this week due to graduation at the high schools and the school need to their own facility. I sure everyone understands that if not what can I tell you it’s the truth. No boys practice this week. I have a few key boys players out sick are hurt hopefully being off this week everyone will be back up and ready to compete next weekend.please head over to my website and take a look at the tournament schedule I have updated it. As always I really appreciate you all and I am excited to be able to coach my boys and girls teams will the help of my coaches. Once again, who graduation to all the middle school kids that’s getting promoted and a big congratulations to all the high school kids that graduation especially all my players and North high school and the players that played in the All-Star program surround. may God lead you to a bright future future and may all your dreams come true as you chase the stars for your next level future. Remember to reach high and don’t take no for an answer. Yes you can!

Please read

Ok parents I informed you that I will be taking girls one weekend and boys one weekend. I also gave you the reason but I will tell you again. I won’t to be able to give you all my time by coaching my boys side of the program just like the girls side and I have not been able to do that so far and that’s not what you signed up for. This coming weekend will be all girls teams and next weekend will be all boys teams  which will be better to because I a few boys out hurt. So all girls teams will play this coming weekend. All boys teams next weekend it’s what is best for my program at this point where I can be present to give time to all my teams boys and girls. I will update you where.  A few more things I need to talk about.


1. Parents are responsible to get their kids to and from the tournament. It’s not another parent responsibility for your child.  I am telling everyone right now I don’t give players rides it not my child responsibility to be responsible for others people children. Sorry but everyone know that we travel and if you could not get your kids to and from the game then maybe they shouldn’t play.


2. I know that if was a little of a distant to this weekend tournament and things come up from time to time but when your daughter are son don’t show up on Sunday that hurt that team and that is no where fair to them and myself as well. So I think we need to do just Saturdays only are Sunday only one day each for boys and girls maybe that will help and make it easier to travel one day instead of two. For the parents I will need to travel both days which I am ok with. 

In no way am I trying to be rude because I greatly appreciate your support and love that you all show me and my program boys and girls. I have an open door policy meaning you can always talk to me if you don’t agree. But the only thing I ask is that you come to me with an open mind. I remember I am always going to speak from my heart and tell you the truth know matter we agree are not. I will never tell you what you want to hear just to keep you in my program I don’t believe in anything like that. I respect you all and like I said I more than grateful for every single person in my program and hope we can keep our relationship going for as long as I wouldn’t like to keep coaching and for beyond. There’s nothing like having good peoples in your life that you can trust and that you respect. 💯😇🙏🏿

Ok my website is back up and running








Please read below very important information about practice and games

Good morning parents a few things that we need to discuss. I have entered all 8 teams in our first tournament next week in Fairfield Ca that’s a done deal and everyone was told this as well as the schedule up on my website. At this point there is no back out. I have players that can’t make it for different reasons and chose to let me know at the last minute that’s not cool and it’s not fair to the other players but I understand things comes up. Just remember weather you go are not that counts as one of your tournaments. I am doing everything I promise you all but I need you to do your part as well and get your daughter are son to the tournament please. Your child has been working hard and they deserve to play in the tournament as their reward. 


Next not coming to practice doesn’t fly well with me. Coming to practice is very important to learn and get your skills level up and getting playing time. If your son are daughter doesn’t attend practice and shows up just for tournaments they will not be playing very much at all. I told everyone of you that I am always about being fair to everyone and not being a part of practice with get you very little playing time. We are doing tournaments that you will be driving around two hours are more just to see your child sit on the sidelines but they will not be playing much. I know a few of you have your child doing different activities at the same time and they have to make a decision on which one that they attend. How is that anywhere right for the kids on there team. I will not be giving out any refunds at this point and you will be responsible for the last two payments if your child never shows up for practice. Things like this just don’t make any sense who does stuff like this. If you can’t be totally committed they why join and waste your money and time plus my time. Coming to practice is everything that is where you child gets better. See this is where people get upset with me for speaking the truth but I don’t care if I make you mad right is right. You are representing my program and last name and I not about to let anyone miss represent my program by not having enough kids to show if they tournaments not gonna happen. Yes I appreciate all of you and yeah, you pay mine. I don’t care about your money. I care about my name But you still not gonna pay free. I will say it is only a handful of people but I need them to be there as well. Let’s all handle our business and have a great season. Thanks and have a great day 🙏🏿💯

Important Reminder Regarding Fundraisers

Just a  friendly reminder to participate in the fundraisers we have going on at the moment.

Vertical Raise Fundraiser: Please be sure to send out those emails & text messages to your family & friends. 0 participation will result in 0 money earned towards your balance for this season.

Free-Throw-A thon: Please be sure to get those free-throws taken care of. You will receive 50% of all money earned for this fundraiser as the other half will go towards our program.

Fundraising is a great opportunity for you to lower your balance and in most cases, pay it in full.

Keep that same positive energy you bring into your practices into the success of your fundraising. Because that energy that all my players bring into practice everyday is amazing!


Import information

Tournament schedule up. Parents very important that if you daughter  are son is on my 6th grade travel team that they make sure that they show up with that group. If they have been attending 7th & 8th grade and high school they will be allowed to still come but they must attend practice with the 5th and 6th grade first because they are are a part of making that team complete. They may be asked to play up a level as well in our tournament if I feel that they can benefit from it. They will not be allowed to miss our 6th grade practice just to practice with the upper level because they will need to learn how to play with each other on that 6th grade team. Like I said they can do both but that 6th grade practice is top priority for now as we get ready for our first tournament.

2024 Boys & Girls Tournament Schedule


Please read very important information on our fundraising

With the admin join code I can see all the players that do not have 

profile pictures, parent shares, email shares -20 and also 10 text messages…..

Please get your homework done asap. 

This our online fundraiser. I also don’t see everyone doing their part on participating. Remember it’s on you if you want help if you don’t do any of the two at least try I can’t and won’t try to help you out on your last two payments. Like I said I only help people who try to help themselves. 


Our free-throw fundraiser will end next Friday May 6th you will be ask to shoot your free-throws at home and if needed at practice. But please get your shots up and at least try. All money must and turn in on May 6th at your practice. You do nothing you get nothing. Thanks

Monday, April 22 we kick off our fundraisers and order uniforms. Please read below.

On Monday parents of my 7,8,9,and my 4th,5th,6th, grade boys and girls as well as my high school and middle school girls parents please join us for the important information on how the fundraiser will work by showing up at 7:00pm it will not take long at all. The Presentation that the company leader will not take long. You and your child will need your cell phone with you. Let all show up ready to do a awesome job. remember, if I see that you're not willing to help raise money to help yourself I I am not willing to help you. You will have to come up with the last two payments on your own. 
on Tuesday the boys will kick off the same fundraisers middle school and high school boys parents will need to be at practice at 7:15pm with your cell phone for the presentation on the fundraiser on how we will go by doing it. This is very important that you be there on time so we can still have our pratice right after the presentation. Saying goes to you if you do not participate to help raise money to help yourself I'm sorry, but I can't help you and you will be responsible for your last two payments in full amounts. Remember this Monday at the time I said in this message. See you all on Monday with them cell phones.

Remember The vertical raise is a 20% goes to the company and the 80% is split 40/40 to the club and the player. Our free-throw is a 50/50 split between the player and the club still searching for information on what you would make for the barbecue and a popcorn one

Practice times for April May and June as promise

April practice time

Monday April 22- 7,8,9 Year old 4th,5th,6th,boys and girls -6:00pm-7:30pm 

Monday, April 22- High school middle school girls 7:30PM to 9 PM

Tuesday, April 23-4th 5th 6th  grade boys and girls 6:00pm-7:30 PM

Tuesday April 23-high school and middle school boys- 7:30pm-9:00pm

Wednesday April 24- 7,8,9, years old boys and girls and 4th-5th-6th grade girls and boys 6:00pm- 7:30pm 

Wednesday April 24-high school girls and middle school girls 7:30pm-9:00pm

Friday April 26- high school girls and middle school girls 6:00pm-7:30pm

Friday April 26- high school and middle school boys 7:30pm-9:00pm

Monday April 29- 7,8,9,years old and 6:00pm- 7:15pm

Monday April 29-high school and middle school girls 7:15pm-9:00pm

 Tuesday April 30-4th,5th,6th,boys and girls-6:00pm-7:30pm 

Tuesday April 30-middle school and high school boys-7:30pm-9:00pm


May practice schedule 

Wednesday May 1-7,8,9, years old. Boys and girls and 4th 5th 6th boys and girls 5:30pm-7:00pm

Wednesday May 1-high school girls and middle school girls 7:00pm-9:00pm

Friday May 3-high school and middle school girls 5:30pm-7:15pm

Friday May 3-high school and middle school boys 7:15pm-9:00pm

Monday May 6-,7,8,9years old 5:30pm-7:00pm

 Monday May 6- high school and middle girls 7:00pm-9:00pm

 Tuesday May 7-4th,5th,6th grade boys and girls 5:30pm- 7:15pm

Tuesday May 7-high school and middle school boys 7:15pm-9:00pm

Wednesday May 8-7,8,9,years old and 4th,5th,6th year old boys and girls 5:30pm- 7:15pm

Wednesday May 8-high school and middle school girls 7:15pm-9:00pm

 Friday May 10- high school and middle school girls 5:30pm-7:15pm

 Friday May 10-high school and middle school boys 7:15pm 9:00pm

 Monday May 13-7,8,9, years old 5:30pm-7:00pm

 Monday May 13-high school and middle school girls 7:00pm-9:00pm

Tuesday May 14-4th,5th,6th boys and girls-5:30pm-7:00pm

 Tuesday May 14-High school and middle school boys-7:00pm-9:00pm

Wednesday May 15-4th,5th,6th and 7,8,9, boys and girls 5:30pm-7:15pm (Second Payment Is due today please bring it to practice) $275

 Wednesday May 15- high school and middle school girls 7:15pm-9:00pm(second payment is due please bring it to your practice) $275

Friday May 17-middle school and high school girls 5:30pm- 7:15pm

Friday May 17-high school and middle school boys 7:15pm-9:00pm( second payment is due please make sure you bring it to practice)$275

Tuesday May 21-7,8,9,years old boys and girls and 4th,5th,6th, boys and girls 5:30pm-7:15pm

Tuesday May 21-high school and middle school boys 7:15pm-9:00pm

Wednesday May 22-4th,5th,6th and 7,8,9, years old boys and girls 5:30pm-7:00pm

Wednesday May 22-high school and middle school girls 7:00pm-9:00pm

Friday May 24-high school and middle school boys 5:30pm-7:15pm

 Friday May 24-high school and middle school girls 7:15pm-9:00pm

Wednesday May 29 - 7, 8, & 9 year olds and 4th, 5th, & 6th grade boys and girls 5:30pm-7:15pm

Wednesday May 29 high school and middle school girls 7:15pm-9:00pm

**Due to graduation - the gym space is limited to Wednesday only


June practice times 

 Monday June 3-7,8,9,years old and 4th,5th,6,th boys and girls 5:00pm-7:00pm

Monday June 3- high school and middle school girls 7:00pm-9:00pm

Tuesday June 4- 7,8,9,years old and 4th,5th,6th, boys and girls 5:00pm-7:00pm

Tuesday June 4- middle school and high school boys 7:00pm-9:00pm

Wednesday June 5- high school and middle school girls and middle school girls 5:00pm-7:00pm

Wednesday June 5-middle school boys and high school boys 7:00pm-9:00pm

Friday June 7- high school boys and middle school boys 5:00pm-7:00pm

Friday June 7- middle school and high school girls 7:00pm-9:00pm

Monday June 10- 7,8,9,years old and 4th,5th,6th, 5:00pm-7:00pm Final payment is due of $125

Monday June 10- high school and middle school girls 7:00pm-9:00pm Final payment is due of $250

Tuesday June 11-7,8,9, years old and 4th,5th,6th, grade boys and girls 5:00pm-7:00pm Final payment is due at $125

Tuesday June 11-high school and middle school boys 7:00pm-9:00pm Final payment is due of $250

Wednesday June 12- high school girls and middle school girls 5:00pm-7:00pm

Wednesday June 12-high school and middle school boys 7:00pm-9:00pm

Friday June 14- high school boys and middle school boys 5:00pm 7:00pm

Friday June 14- high school and middle school girls 7:00pm-9:00pm 

Monday June 17- 7,8,9,years old and 6th grade girls and boys 5:00pm - 7:00pm

Monday June 17- high school and middle schoolers girls 7:00pm-9:00pm

Tuesday June 18 - 7,8,9 years old and 6th grade boys and girls 5:00pm - 7:00pm

Tuesday June 18 - middle and high school boys- 7:00pm-9:00pm

Friday June 21 - high school girls and middle school girls 5:00pm-7:00pm

Friday June 21 - high school and middle school boys 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Monday June 24 - 7,8,9, years old and 6th grade girls and boys 5:00pm - 7:00pm

Monday June 24 - high school and middle school girls 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Tuesday June 25 - 7,8,9, years old and 6th grade boys and girls- 5:00pm - 7:00pm

Tuesday June 25 -high school and middle school boys- 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Wednesday June- 26 - high school and middle school boys - 5:00 pm - 7:00pm

Wednesday June- 26 - high school and middle school girls- 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Thursday June - 27 - high school and middle school boys 5:00pm 7:00pm

Thursday June 27 high school and middle school girls 7:00pm- 9:00p.        cancel for today 

We are done for the season thanks everyone I appreciate you all. 





Remember everyone we kick off our fundraising campaigns this Monday. Here are the ones that we will do.

Number 1. vertical raises which we have done extremely well for the last two years, so everybody has to

participate in order to make this work you will need to have your parents and a cell phone at your practice

on Monday April 22nd 2024 more details will be available over the weekend. Emails of parents grandparents

cousins sister brother will be required for his fundraiser so start getting those emails ready time.

Remember 20% goes to the company and 80% is split 40/40 between the club and the player. So start letting

your family and your and your job and many others know that you are coming their way for support.

We also kick off our barbecue sale and our freet -throw fundraiser as well as popcorn sale hopefully all on

the same day. I believe it works better if you do all fundraising together. This how you make money to help

you pay your last two payments. The free throw Is a 50-50 split. Boys don’t forget you need to bring in your

first payment on Friday. That was your last day this Friday. There's a few girls that cannot come back until they

bring theirs. We need to get this taken care of tomorrow and all the parents that took care of their responsibility.

I greatly appreciate you now. Let’s go out and have an awesome season.

Please visit our online store the link is below they have great products for you to purchase.  You can order them for our games on the road. Are just to sport in our area community with pride. Let's get it!

Very important so please read carefully.

Important information if any pi have medicine, they use such as asthma pump. Please let me know and you will be allowed to use it when ever you need it to make sure you don’t have breathing problem.   


All girls are recommended to wear a sports bra. Please all boys and girls read our dress code. Head on over to my website and read all our suggested. Great job to all but players today. Don’t forget to make sure you bring in your first payment tomorrow itgirl. So we can get our uniforms ordered asap. 


Remember I made a change today on the scmomhedule all my young group 5,6,7, 8,9 years old and 4th 5th & 6th graders will all practice on this Wednesday and not on Friday. The high school and middle school girls will take still practice tomorrow at their time slot and they will also practice on Friday at 6:00pm until 7:30 pm followed by the boys middle and high school players 7:30pm until 9:00pm. We will kick off all three of our fundraisers on this coming Monday.  All parents will need to be present at practice please bring your phone I am asking this of both the players and the parents because it is a great part of our fundraiser. See everyone tomorrow at practice with your first payment. Thanks 🙏🏿

First payment is due by Wednesday for all players please read below.

Great job tonight players and especially parents. Thanks to everyone who paid their first payment. Tonight all payments will need to be paid on Wednesday boys and girls all ages group in order to continue. I can’t wait any longer because I have to order the uniforms so they will be back on time for our first tournament. As much as I would love to do it for free for everyone unfortunately that is not the case so everyone will need to pay I did not hit the lottery sorry let’s get it taken care of this week. Everyone all ready knows what the amount is for each child first payment. Everyone that is  on a traveling team that cost is $275 each child for the first payment no exception. Our fundraising start next week to help everyone raise money for their final two payments. I won’t even think about helping anyone out until there first payment is made sorry I won’t to help people that won’t to help themselves first and once I see that happen I will do what I can to help but not until.  My little baller first payment is $125 because they don’t travel. Please make sure you get in your first payment so I can order uniforms for the ones that need them this week. I will do my part and get your daughter are son better and parents you are responsible for your part. So far we are all on the same page no one is late Wednesday is the deadline. Boys  please bring your in tomorrow at your practice. Parents whatever you do please don’t just try and ignore me and your responsibility because that won’t work and I definitely will not be willing to help you out. Thanks 🙏🏿

Jackson All-Star Store

Click the link below to purchase your Jackson All-Star Merch


Jackson All-Star Store



The weekend is coming to a end. Can’t wait to get back into the gym on Monday with my players. I just really enjoy teaching players that won’t to get better. More interviews this coming week as well. When you feel good and you coach good all for the right reasons and that’s worth every minute I am in the gym. This is going to be a great season for boys and girls that are in my program because they are all very talented. You can’t get any better when you are not challenged in practice by other players and coaches. You will definitely stay same but it will look like you are getting better because of your competition you are going up against each and every day at practice and games. Especially in practice if it is not very challenging with the players you are competing against.  It’s pointless you will definitely stay the same that I know to be a fact 💯. We are definitely going to get better because the competition is there along with the coaching and players are at a high level with with their skills. Have a great day at school tomorrow and be safe and ready to work at practice. Please eat something before you come to practice. 


I stand on this. Each day of practice has got to be better than the day before if not practice is pointless.


What a great week of basketball for all the players. I have pretty much seen all that I need to see. I will take one more look at everyone next week.  

Next step is getting everyone's first payment. If I don’t call your parents over the weekend that means I will be keeping you on one of my teams for the 2024 seasons congratulations to all. Your first payment of $275 will be due next week starting on Monday no later than Wednesday in order to continue with my program. Please bring to your next practice. Everyone was told about their commitment to the program.  I had a few new players that joined us over the last few days boys and girls. Remember the $50 you pay was only for your tryout registration fee. That is not cost to join my program. I am hoping that we don’t have any problem getting your first payment in starting next week. If your child meaning my 6,7,8 year old that are just going to be practicing and learning your first payment will be $125. 6th grade on up will be on a team that travels so your first payment will be same as the middle school and high school players and will be due beginning next week sorry but no exception if you wanna continue, you must pay your first payment and then immediately after that, you can start doing your fundraiser to raise money to help you for the last two payments. But you will not be allowed to do fundraiser until you pay your first payment that’s about as far as I can be.

This was all told to you up at front and I gave you a paper explaining your responsibility to the program if was picked. Please don’t bring me in the sad stories. If you can’t afford it then you can’t afford it, but I told you I’ll give you all opportunity in the world to do fundraisers to make it work out for you and your family and that’s what I’m doing. pretty much all programs around this area and in the bay area require every player to pay the full amount upfront. I am giving you an opportunity to make money and pay every three weeks. You have been given the opportunity to see what I offer to your child as a coach and how I run my program. If you don’t pay your first payment your child will not be able to attend practice anymore. So as soon as you get that in the quickest we can kick off our fundraiser. 

Last thing I will be posting up our tournament schedule and our rest of the month practice schedule. I will need to pay for out gym time down at the district which they charge by the day I will also need to pay for our tournament to secure a spot in these tournaments. Also I have to pay for the uniforms up front to the uniform company.  I will repeat again if you do not make your first payment your child will be drop at once and can not return until this is paid. I love how hard everyone has been working I am so proud to have you all in my program. Now let have a great season. Thanks 🙏🏿


I told everyone that I am willing to help them out by giving them an opportunity to fundraise to help them on their last two payments. But no one will be allowed to fundraise for the first payment that needs to be made up front this week. We will kick off our fundraising the following week. I have already set them up. Our free-throw fundraiser which is a 50/50 one half go to your fees and half go to the club. Our big fundraiser will be just like last year call vertical raise and that works 20% will go to the company that put on the fundraiser and the 80% that is left is 50/50 with the players and the club. Next one will be a barbecue and that will be 100% Your profit on what your percentage on each ticket sell to be determine. You would also be given opportunity to sell popcorn and that percentage will go to you 100% whatever it may be after the company take their portion for the popcorn. So I told you it would cost you just the first payment if you are willing to fundraise the rest but I also told you if you are not willing to fundraise you will be responsible for the whole amount. I can only help those that who won’t to help themselves. The total amount is broken down into three payments. After your first one in about three weeks your second payment will be due and about three more weeks your final payment is due. Before your second payment I would have given everyone the opportunity to keep money in their pocket by fundraising to help you out. 

 You have been given the opportunity to see what I offer to your child as a coach and how I run my program. If you don’t pay your first payment your child will not be able to attend practice anymore. So as soon as you get that in the quickest we can kick off our fundraiser. 


Next we have to order uniforms for the new players and that will to be done asap after your first payment because I need the uniforms back around the first week in May before our first tournament. Parents are responsible to pay for their child uniforms but not up front but when they arrive in. Around $65 Dollars and that’s your uniform to keep. We will order them with the parents because what size you order is what you get so you have to get the size right.



Here we go just like I promise the schedule. Only the players and their parents will be allowed to attend. Please read all the details below on the schedule. Thanks for all the amazing support. Can’t wait to get back into the gym. 🙏🏿💯

2023 Girls Varsity Champions


2023 8th Grade Girls Champions


2023 All Star Boys Champions



There will be times you will succeed and there will be times that you fail. So wasting your time debating whether you're going to be successful or not is pointless. You just put one foot in front of the other and control what you can control. Then you see what the outcome is. If you win great, you are going to have to wake up the next day and do the journey all over again. If you lose it sucks, but you are going to have to wake up the next day and do the journey all over again.
Words of the great KB Rip






May 20, 2021


Not only for part of practice

Not only for one half of the game

Not only on the days everything is going right

Not only when you feel like it

Not only a few days a week

Not only when your coach is watching

Not only for a couple of games at a tournament

Every Day...Bring it...It's just that simple!!!

Let's Get It!! 🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀  Go 🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀  All-Stars!! 🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀  

Why Jackson All-Stars?

The Jackson All-Stars program has been in the Salinas area for the past 20 years and is led by Coach Darren Jackson.  I have been coaching local middle and high school teams for the past 20+ years.  I currently coach at North Salinas High School as the Girl's Varsity Basketball Coach.  I have been with this program for the past 17 years and have reached a coaching milestone of 300+ wins with this program.  If you want your child to get better with their fundamental basketball skills, learn how to play team basketball, and have fun this summer then you want to join our program.
There are a lot of choices in the area for travel basketball but I am the guy that makes it happen.  I make sure that your child (regardless of the school they attend) will be ready for their basketball season.  I work them hard but all my players go on to make their school team and earn playing time.  I have worked with players from the Monterey Peninsula to South Monterey County.  I don't exclude any players that are willing to work hard to get better over the summer.  Now, I can't promise you Showcase Tournaments, NBA Player Camps or a College Scholarship.  I'm not a college scout so I can't make that promise.  We don't have fancy uniforms with all the matching accessories either.  What I can promise is that I will make sure that your child improves their fundamental skills, is treated fairly, gets playing time this summer, and has fun doing it.
The choice is yours.  You need to go and check out other programs.  Look at the whole program and then come check us out.  I am not going to knock other programs down to get your child.  I will not start early to get the local kids in my program first.  I will let my wins/losses record speak for itself.  Take a survey...look at all the local players (middle, high school, JC players) and ask them which team they played with at one point in their career.  I guarantee that
75%-80% have gone through our program.  I know that some boys players have left when I couldn't coach all the teams but I am rebuilding the boy's teams, bringing in new coaching staff, and making the commitment to this.  Other programs will try to knock me down, and tell you lies about what I don't do.  They will tell you that I am a Girl's Coach and can't do anything for the boys.  I'm here to prove them wrong.  I work with ALL players!  I'm not about name dropping or highlighting my
run-ins with NBA players or coaches.  If you look at all the local high school teams (boys or girls) in the area...which team is consistently in the Wins column?  North Salinas Girls.  Which local team consistently reaches the play-offs year after year?  North Salinas Girls. I am the BEST...hands down!  I have the records to prove it...I get results!  If you want the BEST for your child...you have to bring them to the BEST!  Plain and Simple...my program is here to stay! 


WE ARE the Jackson All-Stars and  ARE "Building Tomorrow's Champions!"

We Are a Complete Skill & Development Program







Jackson All-Stars is a complete skill & development program for guards & post players. Shooting, passing, footwork, pick & roll, defense and mental toughness. Things that will put your child on the path to consistent improvement throughout our season and way beyond. We are also an AAU travel basketball program.












Important Information for You to Know

Here are some very important things that you should know up front:  We will have some opportunities for players to make money to help out with their fees but all payments will be due on time for all players.  I do not make deals.  All players will pay the same amount whether you have one child or two children playing - the price will be the same for each child.  No discounts are available.  I'm sorry and please don't ask.  I am not willing to pay your child's fees to have him or her play for me. That won't happen...sorry.  My program is run on your club fees.  That's how I keep this program going.  After the first day of practice NO REFUNDS will be given back to anyone.  Even if down the line your child quits, he or she will not get a refund back and will be be responsible for the remaining balance.  Each parent will need to sign a contract with their child on the first day of practice, if your child is picked for a team.  This contact will explain all the things you and your child will be responsible for.  If you don't take advantage of the fundraiser opportunities that will all be on you.  Parents are responsible for getting their kids to tournaments and to practice on time.  We have opened practices so parents are welcome as long as they don't interfere with practice and their child.  Only parents that have a child in the program can watch practice.  People who we aren't familiar with will be asked to leave for the safety of your child.  Remember all players will play in the tournament if they attend practice.  NO practice = NO playing time.  Now is a good time to start saving your money so you won't have any problems taking care of your child's fees when the time comes.  Thanks and take care.  Go All-Stars!!


Check us out on Facebook!

Like us on Facebook! If you are not a fan...become one...join our page...add comments...add pictures!! I also post information on our fan page...it's another way to stay updated!!                                            


Jackson All-Stars on Facebook

Rules for Basketball Parents - YouTube Video

Check out this video...as we prepare for the start of a new basketball season, let us remember how to be supportive of our athletes! 


Basketball Quotes


First master the fundamentals. ~Larry Bird

If you pay attention to the grandstands---it won't be long before you join them.

Practice to beat the best.

Good, better, best. Never let it rest until your good is better and your better is best.

Sometimes a player's greatest challenge is coming to grips with his/her role on the team.

Don't let what other people think decide who you are.

I've always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come. I dont't do things half-heartedly. Because I know if I do, then I can expect half-hearted results.

You can't get much done in life if you only work on days when you feel good. ~Jerry West

You have to expect things of your self before you can do them.

A winner is someone who recognizes his/her God-given talents, works his/her tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his/her goal.

Don't Coach Mad.

Failure is good. It's fertilizer. Everything I've learned about coaching I've learned from making mistakes.

Those who work the hardest are the last to surrender.


Things to keep you from being complacent in order to be successful:

Today I will do what others won't so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't.

Too many people are thinking the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, when they ought to just water the grass they are standing on.

99% of failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.

Show me a person who doesn't make mistakes and I'll show you a person who doesn't do anything.

It's not what I ask of you, it's what you ask of yourself.

When life knocks you down, try to land on your back.  Because if you can look up, you can get up.

The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Strength doesn't come from what you can do, it comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't do.

What Past and Present Players Have to Say

"Jackson All-Stars benefitted me by showing me it's not all about myself, but about the whole team. We learned to depend on one another and play for one another. The program made each player better in their own way. It not only helped us with the skills of basketball, but with life as well. Despite the hardships we go through each season, it made us strong-minded. Nothing is given in life, you have to work through it. Each obstacle we overcame during basketball made each of us more confident because we knew that we were capable of more than what we thought. Coach Jackson showed us that by working hard you can achieve anything. At practices, he didn't just stress the importance of doing well for a game but he stressed the importance of becoming successful in life. We not only became good athletes, but we became good students and leaders. As you grow up after each season of the program you become more of a leader. You learn that there are many people within the program who look up to you. Everyone completes their season with the mindset that you not only have to work hard on the court but off the court, too. Go Jackson All-Stars!"
~Cindy Cano - Class of 2008 (Now coaching at the middle school level)

"Every time you compete, try harder to improve on your last performance. Give nothing short of your very best effort."
~Mekayla Dacpano - Class of 2011 (Attends Hartnell College and plays "The game I love!")

"Our family has enjoyed a three to four year relationship with the All-Stars. We have two teenage sons that play on the traveling basketball team and what excites us the most about Coach Jackson is his fairness, honesty, and coaching style. Every kid gets a fair shot on the team, you never ever worry about where the coach is coming from because he's a straight shooter and we've seen a visible improvement in our son's basketball play. As a coach myself, I know the marked advancement, in our son's play, is due to solid fundamental coaching paired with challenging competition. When you see the basketball drills he employs to better his player's skills and the top level competition his teams compete against it will amaze you. Without a doubt Jackson All-Stars is the best choice."
~The Harrigan Family

"The Jackson All-Stars is a great program. I chose to play for this program for four years because I enjoyed it. Every time I always looked forward to practice and tournaments because it was so much fun. The teams altogether were built into a second family, a strong bond that's created throughout the season. The All-Stars contain a great coaching staff that help you on and off the court. Playing for them helped me improve on my game. It made me mentally strong and confident on the court to help me strive for success. I became ambitious and was always willing to work hard. I was taught how to respect and stand up for myself and believe in what I want. It was the little things that made me a better person and athlete."
~Amy Woo - Class of 2011 (Attends and plays for Mission College)

"Hi...I'm Jordyn Enos a two year veteran of the Jackson All-Stars and looking forward to entering my 3rd summer with the team in 2012. Coach Jackson's program has helped me improve my game a lot! Here at Jackson's we are a big family and learn to treat not only our teammates and competition, but everyone with respect. If you want to improve your basketball skills, I encourage you to come and try out. If you LOVE the game and are willing to put in the hard work and push yourself to get better, trust me, you will see the results. Don't think we don't have fun because we do but, it's the hard work you put into it, that makes the game fun when we play. When you walk through the gym doors, you better be ready to go to work because like Coach Jackson tells us, he can teach us all the drills but if YOU don't have it inside you to put in the effort, you will always be average."
~Jordyn Enos - 8th grader (Attends WMS) - Look out Stanford, Here I come!

"When our daughter (Jordyn) was in 5th grade, she was good enough with her athletic ability alone, to play on an all boys basketball team. Another father who had his daughter go through the Jackson All-Stars program came up to my wife and I and explained what the program was all about and how the player development skills would help Jordyn improve her basketball skills. As it turns out, the word "help" was an understatement. Working with Coach Jackson and his staff during her 6th grade summer, she came into her 7th grade season with an incredible advantage over her competition. The fundamental basketball skills they teach are invaluable. Her ball handling skills, court vision movement, leadership and most importantly the teaching of the complete "TEAM First" concept, has been laid as a foundation for her. In just one summer, she had learned to become a dominant player in her age group. In her 7th grade summer with the Jackson All-Stars, Coach Jackson and his staff believed enough in her progress to play her on both the 7th and 8th grade teams. This is where Coach Jackson and his staff set themselves apart from others. If your son or daughter is willing to put in the work and they improve beyond their age skills, they will patiently, move your child up, to ensure their skills continue to climb. Never letting them get complacent, playing them against kids that won't challenge them to move their game to the next level. This experience for Jordyn instilled a fearless competitiveness in her 8th grade season. She is again playing at an extremely high level and can't wait for the summer to begin working with the Jackson All-Stars again!"
~Steve and Debbie Enos

"Achievement is largely the product of steadily raising one's level of aspiration and expectation."
~Jack Nicklaus

"Today's practice must always be better than yesterday. If not, practice is pointless. You can stay the same or get better."
~Coach Darren Jackson


Basketball Blessing

A Blessing in Time of Defeat and a Time to Put it Behind You
Lord, someone else has won the honor that we thought should be ours, bless them. Someone else is enjoying the rewards We expected, bless them. Help us to remember that there is enough fame to go around. Enough happiness. And if we have not found ours this time, there will be other opportunities. This time maybe we weren't ready. Next time we will be. Or the time after that. Purge us of resentment; heal us of malice; soothe our disappointment. Don't let us impede our own progress by such emotions. Instead, let us ask a blessing upon the one who has beat us. To do so is to strengthen us. To do so is to draw upon a new source of energy and courage and optimism. We will rise up from defeat with joy. We will go forward enriched by this experience, spiritually growing. And as we bless them, we pray you bless us as a team and as a family. Thank you for this knowledge.


Inspirational Quotes

In order to have a winner, the team must have a feeling of unity; every player must put the team first ahead of personal glory.

We cannot be separated in interest or divided in purpose. We stand together until the end.

Some say you have to use your five best players, but I found out you win with the five that fit together best.

Always put God first and you can't go wrong.

The most important word - We.The least important - I.

The vehicle of accomplishment is fueled by teamwork.

Basketball...my world...any questions?

When we are one, we are #1!

Committment = Loyalty. Hard Work = Success. Pride = Yourself.

Winners train...losers complain...which one are you?

Individuals win games...teams win championships!

Guidelines to Follow

 Following these guidelines will help everyone get on the same page and on the way to becoming a true champion!

If a player is going to make great decisions on the court, they must be able to make great decisions off the court.

You have to expect things of your yourself before you can do them.  -Michael Jordan

You can't expect to hit the jackpot if you don't put a few nickels in the machine  -Flip Wilson

Other people may not have had high expectations for me ,but I had expectations of myself.  -Shannon Miller

Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

The name on the front of the jersey is what really matters, not the name on the back.

You need to play with supreme confidence, or else you'll lose again and then losing becomes a habit.

The minute you think you've got it made, disaster is just around the corner.