Upcoming Games
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
2024 Viagra
Zeke's Zombies @ Warriors
The Naturals @ Boyz of Summer
Warriors @ Zeke's Zombies
Boyz of Summer @ The Naturals
Thursday, September 26, 2024
2024 Viagra
Warriors @ The Naturals
Boyz of Summer @ Zeke's Zombies
The Naturals @ Warriors
Zeke's Zombies @ Boyz of Summer
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
2024 Viagra
Thursday, October 3, 2024
2024 Viagra
Zeke's Zombies @ The Naturals
Warriors @ Boyz of Summer
The Naturals @ Zeke's Zombies
Boyz of Summer @ Warriors
View Full Schedule

League dates:

-July 10th is the last day for the morning practices at Scott Park

-Saturday July 13th we are scheduled to play Oil City at 11th and Hess

-July 23rd is the first evening pre-season session.  These will continue each Tuesday and Thursday evening until the games that count start on Opening Night August 15th.  Start time is 6 PM.

It is difficult to plan for the season when people have not officially registered.  Roster decisions need to be made based on confirmation of who intends to play.  Please don’t assume that we “know” you are planning to play.  Please register.

Monday/Wednesday Morning Ball

April 22, 2024 – 09:30 AM

Just a reminder that the morning games/practices/bonding sessions start as soon as the weather cooperates.  Tentative start date is April 22.

site:  Scott Park   time: 9:30 AM

R.J. Bednez (bednez@outlook.com)and Frank Lynn (outlawdude46@yahoo.com) are organizing this activity  New players are welcome.

PLEASE take a moment and register for 2024 on the website


Previous and new Codgers must register.

CODGERS.....old and new.


Codgers Banquet

Codger Banquet for the 2023 Season


Just in case you missed the emails that have been sent out already, here’s the story for the banquet.


Who:          All Codgers and a guest are welcome.

What:         Social hour, Buffet, Fellowship, and Awards

Where:       Polish Falcons 3rd Street Nest 610

                   431 East 3rd Street, Erie

When:        Thursday night January 4th

                   Social Hour:  6 to 7 PM

                   Buffet: 7 PM

                   Program to follow


There is a charge of $15 per person.  Please make your reservation with Dick Walsh at richard.walsh10@verizon.net . Send payment (checks made out to Erie Codgers) to be received by Friday December 30th to:

                                         Dick Walsh

 130 Preston Avenue

  Erie, PA   16511


This event is always a fun evening.  Please make it a priority to attend.

Bart Neckers


Zombies Repeat as Gray Cup Champs- 2023


The Zombies fought to a one run victory, defeating the Warriors, and claiming the 2023 Gray Cup.


The Erie Codgers is a group of 50 year old and older, softball players,
who aren't ready to give up their childhood obsession
with the greatest game ever invented.

There are Codgers from the age of 50, thru 80+

Games are played primarily at 11th and 12th and Hess, in Erie, PA.

There is a morning league that plays on Monday and Wednesday mornings, around 9 am (early summer to mid-August).  (See more info in the posted message below this article.)

There is an evening league that plays on Tuesday and Thursday nights, at 6 pm.

The evening league runs from mid-August through mid-October

You can play in the morning, you can play at night, or you can play at both times.

There are additional games, apart from the scheduled league games, that are played against teams from Buffalo, Titusville, and Oil City.

The Codgers are always looking for teams to add to their schedule.

It's become an annual event for some of the guys to take a road trip to Florida, with some of the guys from Buffalo, for 5 to 7 days, and play teams from along the east coast of the country. (or at least, that's their story)

The game is slow pitch softball with an arc of 6’ to 12’.

The teams field 13 players at a time, consisting of 7 infielders and 6 outfielders.
This makes it easier when you're in the field, because you don't have to cover as much ground.
At the same time, It makes it harder, when batting, because there isn't a lot of open ground left.

Everyone bats during the game.

There is no sliding. (to prevent injuries)

You can over run any base. (to prevent injuries)

Every out, at a base, is a force out. (to prevent injuries)

At any time, you can ask for a runner. (to prevent injuries)

There are no umpires. The first and third base coaches act as umpires.

There are players limited to certain positions due to physical capabilities.

There are Codgers that played in college.

There are Codgers that never stopped playing.

There are Codgers that never played before.

Currently, there are 4 teams in the league.

Every year the core players of each team are kept intact.

But with players joining and leaving the league, the teams are re-evaluated each year, to make sure they remain competitive.

There aren’t any tryouts. Anybody that wants to play is placed on a team.

It’s a very relaxed atmosphere, with a lot of camaraderie.

If one team doesn’t have enough players for the game at hand, players are recruited from the other teams.

Pizza and beer or pop seem to follow every game, along with tales of hard hits and great plays.

Occasionally, additional games are also played during the weekend.

These games are usually pickup games or games against teams from other 50 and older leagues.

There is always a picnic to enjoy after any weekend games. Some Codgers come just to partake in the picnic.

Now you know a little bit about us.

But to really see the full picture, come join us, or come watch us play.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at neckline@aol.com

Hope to see or hear from you...






You will havt to skip the very beginning to get to the Senior Softball play list...



Message from Kacie McGregor, Bart Neckers Daughter from Chosen

Hey Codgers…looking for something to do? Kacie McGregor, Bart Neckers’ daughter, has reached out to us with a volunteer opportunity. She thought that maybe some of the Codgers might be interested.

Chosen, Inc. (www.chosen210.com) provides durable medical equipment and medical supplies to those in Erie County (and surrounding counties) who might not otherwise be able to afford them.

They currently have several volunteer opportunities available, including cleaning and repairing equipment for distribution, dropping off and picking up equipment, and scrapping of industrial medical equipment.

If you are interested, please call or email:

Kacie McGregor, LSW

Asst. Executive Director, CHOSEN


3638 W. 26th Street

Erie PA 16511



Many are called….all are chosen



Latest Revision: 0   August 7th, 2019 RJM


The softball league was founded on two basic principles-good sportsmanship and good fellowship.


The league motto shall be "Many are called, all are chosen."  The league has the right to expect members to embrace and display the highest standards of conduct and ethics, and demand that its members refrain from conduct that could injure the league or its purposes.  This code of conduct and ethics, which appears in Article III, establishes parameters within which members can compete in a positive atmosphere while promoting fair play and sportsmanship.


Failure to comply with this code may result in Discipline, which is dealt with under "Disciplinary Procedure" in Article IV.



Membership is open to any individual who reaches his fifty (50th) birthday any time during the calentlar year.  Accordingly, anyone who turns 50 at any time during the year may play- even if his birthday occurs after the playing season ends.



1. Each member shall:

A.   Conduct himself in a manner considered reasonable to community behavior and befitting a      good sport.


B.  Comply with all league rules, and commissioners' decisions.


C.  Treat all players, officials and spectators with fairness, respect and courtesy.


D.  Not engage in un-sportsman-like activities or in any misconduct while involved  in a league activity.


E.   Only discuss their league problems with their manager. Managers then may take their    concerns to the next level.


2.   For the purpose of this code, un-sportsman-like conduct  includes  but is not limited  to the following:  (1) unfair,  unethical  or dishonorable conduct  (2) any act which discredits or disgraces the league  (3) vulgar,  abusive  or disrespectful language (4) attempts to intimidate (5) a flagrantly violent  act, which could cause injury to an individual (6) taunting (7) persistent violation of any league  rule.


3.   Further, the following specific acts are strictly forbidden: (1) players persistently arguing a team manager's decisions (2) use of alcohol or smoking tobacco of any form on the playing field, in dugouts or bench areas (3) fighting (4) overt public criticism of a player’s physical and/or mental errors.


4.  Any player who by decision of the Board of Directors violates the Code as enumerated in rules 1, 2, and 3 of this Article III will be given a 2 week suspension from the league.  If upon his return this happens again, the player will be removed from the league permanently. The Commissioners or coaches will present the proscribed discipline to the offender.









1 .  USA:  The USA Rule Book shall be the criterion for all rules not specifically addressed by the rules adopted by this league.  In the event of a conflict between the USA rules and the rules of this league, which are part of this document, the league rules shall clearly  supersede the USA Rule Book.





1.  During the 1st  through 6th  innings, a side will be retired when it makes 3 outs or scores 5 runs, whichever occurs first.  The 5 run rule does not apply during the 7th or higher innings. (There is no mercy rule (pg.11 2.A.1)


2.   If a home run were hit over the outfield fence and that run would account for more than the allotted five (5) runs per inning, the offensive team can only credit five (5) runs.


3.   A player who begins a game will remain in the lineup and will remain in the lineup and must play at least 2 innings in the field. 4.   All players in the lineup must bat.



1.  Runners who go to a base when a play is being made there will be called out.  The runner is responsible for avoiding all collisions at a base/carpet when a play is being made there and must run outside or inside the “base” as necessary to do so. Also, Ref. # 4 of this section.


2.   A defender must be on the base to put out a runner.  If the defender is on the carpet he cannot put out the runner.


3.    If the runner runs into the defender, the runner will be out regardless of the intent of the runner to collide or not with the defender.


4.   Two carpet squares shall be placed on inside side of 2nd and 3rd bases to denote where an advancing runner is to go in the event of a play from the outfield.  The runner is responsible for avoiding collisions/contact at the bases. If a play materializes from the infield to 2nd or 3rd base the runner is to go to the outside of these bags to avoid a collision.   Failure to comply will result in the runner being called out.  If a base runner advances toward a base or returning to a base misses the base in order to avoid a       collision, he shall be considered safe provided that he reaches the carpet prior to the fielder gaining control of the ball while in contact with the base.


5.   Runners going to first base must run to the outer base when a play is being made unless to do so will cause contact.  The fielder must touch a base.



6.   All base runners are allowed to run beside second and third base but must return to touch the base before advancing.


7.   A base runner may overrun any base by making the turn to the next base. In doing so, he is in jeopardy of being put out on a force play when returning to the base.


8.   Unless the base is blocked by a fielder, runners shall touch all bases when advancing.

A player who fails to touch a base is liable to be called out on appeal.


9.   All plays are considered force outs including runners returning to a base after a reverse.


10. Runners may be tagged out but this is discouraged.


11. A base runner advancing from 1st to 2nd or 2nd to 3rd or returning to 3rd, 2nd or 1st   may be put out by the fielder touching the base while having possession of the ball before the base runner touches the carpet.


12. No tag is permitted at home plate; instead a separate home plate is used.  Touching the regular home plate is an automatic out.



13. NO SLIDING. Automatic out.



14. When a player is injured, all play stops. Runners continue to the base they were advancing toward and stop there.



15. In rundowns only one reversal is allowed between bases.  Any movement toward a previously touched base is a reversal but to stop is not a reversal.  Once a reversal is made, the runner must retouch the base he reversed toward before he can advance. For a double reverse or not retouching the preceding base upon reversing, the runner shall be declared out immediately and play shall be stopped; however runners may advance at their own risk.


16. Runners who are returning to a base may overrun said base.


17. Base runners may advance a maximum of one base beyond the one they are going to on an overthrow into the dugout or out of the field of play.


18. Runners who leave the base before a ball is hit are OUT!


19. At the start of the 2nd game the batting order continues where we left off from the first game.












1. No player will have a courtesy runner without his permission.


2. A courtesy runner, shall not be used because a person is slow.


3. The courtesy runner, running from the “Orange Ty Wraps” that will be placed on backstop (about eye height) from the imaginary line extended from the Left Field Foul Line is allowed to face 1st base and may advance as far as the play will allow after the ball is hit. The pinch runner can watch the play - but the batter will be ruled out if the runner leaves before that ball is actually hit


4.   A player may not be used as courtesy runner more than one time per inning.


5.   If a player being used as a courtesy runner is the scheduled batter, he shall be replaced on base and take his turn batting.






1.   Only six (6) players are permitted to be on the dirt portion of the infield in line with the baselines.  More than six (6) players in the infield will result in the runners being awarded one (1) base on the pitch.


2.   Deep outfielders must remain outside of the NO-FLY ZONE until a pitched ball is hit or crosses home plate.



3.   An additional outfield rover will be added to make a total of 6 outfielders. At no time will there be more than 3 outfielders on the right field or left field side of an imaginary line extending from home plate through second base to the center field fence.


4.   The maximum number of defensive players shall be thirteen (13.)  Managers shall make reasonable efforts to have thirteen (13) players per team but may agree to play with less than thirteen (13).  Both teams shall use the same number of defensive players.








1.  LENGTH OF GAME: All games are seven (7) innings unless the teams are tied at the end of seven innings.  Games may be shortened by the managers during inclement weather.


2.   LEGAL PITCH: A legal pitch for the league shall be a minimum height of six (6)

feet from the ground and a maximum of twelve (12) feet.


3.   REQUEST TO CHANGE TEAMS:  A player who wants to change teams must submit a written request to the league Commissioner.


4.   BAT WARMERS: Bat warmers will not be permitted.


In the interest and safety of our league, no bats of 25 Oz. or less and no more than 38 Oz. in weight can be used.  The bats used in our league can be no more than 34 inches long.  Also a bat used in our league cannot be more than 2.250 inches in diameter at the largest part. Bats must be ASA /USA Certified Bats. Do not use Senior loaded bats 


BASE COACHES: Base coaches must be familiar with Codger rules as they pertain to that function (Do not use new players as coaches). The First base coach will call Illegal Pitches as well as plays at 1st and Home.  The Third base coach will call all plays at 2nd and 3rd.  The third base coach will also call the “infield fly rule”,  Rule: If there is no more than one out with runners on first and second, or all three bases and a batter hits a pop fly, in fair territory, on the infield, the 3rd base coach immediately rules it an infield fly, the batter is out.  Base runners cannot be forced to advance. A base coach may request assistance from the other base coach if he desires. The decision of these coaches cannot be argued.   


6.                               PLAYERS RISK: Each player must understand that he is playing at his own risk.

The league does not provide team or individual insurance for injuries.  All players must sign a release form.



7.                          INSURANCE:   The League provides liability insurance to the City of Erie. All players are to sign the USA insurance form before they are allowed to play on the City of Erie Fields.


8.  BATTING PLAYERS: A team must bat all available players who come to the game.



9. Grey Cup Eligibility: A player must participate in eight (8) games to be eligible to play in the Grey Cup






1. WALKS:  As this is a recreational league, intentional walks are not permitted.

Further, all managers are to discourage their pitchers from pitching around a batter.


2.  COMMIT LINE: A commitment line shall be located halfway between third base and home plate extending 6 feet into foul territory.  When a runner touches or crosses the commitment line, the runner must continue home.


3.  CROSSING COMMITT LINE:  Once a runner crosses the Commitment Line, there will be a No Tag play at home plate.  The defensive player must have possession of the ball while touching home plate or the Strike Zone Mat after the runner has crossed the Commitment line but has not touched the Scoring Mat.


4.   SCORING MAT:  A scoring carpet shall be placed 8 feet to the left of home plate in line with the first base line.


5.   STRIKE ZONE:  A Codger board will cover the pointed section of home plate to designate the strike zone.


6.   BALLS AND STRIKES:  The catcher will call balls, strikes, and foul balls.  He may request assistance from the 1st or 3rd base coaches as appropriate when he is unable to see whether a ball is foul or fair.  His decision cannot be argued.



A.The mounds at 11/12 Street  and13th and Wayne are placed at 43 ft.  There will be an 8 ft. circle around this mound. The pitcher is allowed to use the area behind this mound to the back of the circle which is the 50 ft. mark. Both Feet Have To Be in The Circle.  If there is no circle, the pitcher can step off 7 ft from the front of the 43 ft. pitcher’ mound to 5o ft.                                                                                                                  B. The Strike Zone Codger Board will be used.  Legal pitches striking any portion of the Codger Board will be strikes.  The height of a legal pitch from the playing surface must be between 6 and 12 feet.  A batter may swing at an illegal pitch but it may not be called strike if he does not swing at it.


8.   BATTING:  The batter has one strike on him when he comes to the plate.  He is entitled to two more strikes.  A batter can pick up a strike by a called strike, a swing and miss, or a foul ball.  A batter shall walk on four balls.




1.  DUES COLLECTION: Each team manager or his designee will collect the league dues from each player and turn it in to the league treasurer after the fourth (4th) NIGHT.

of the season.  A complete team roster will be turned in to the league at the same time.


2. COMPETITIVE IMBALANCE  RESOLUTION: If the Commissioner feels there is competitive  imbalance, he has the right to move players from team to team.




3. A monetary donation ($25) will be sent to a charity of choice and a card sent to the family of a deceased former Codger, who played for at least 5 years and left on good terms.


4. A monetary donation will be sent to a charity of choice and a card sent to the family of a     current Codger, in the event of their death or death of their spouse.


5. A note to (Dick Walsh / email person) Send out an email saying... All players are to read the rules and understand them.











































Avoid Collisions Art V 2 B

Conduct Art III

Defender on base for put out Art V 2 B 2

Letting Players not bat Art V 2 A 3

Run Downs Art V 2 B 13

Runner not going to base Art V 2

Slow Runner Art V 2 C 3

Substituting Players Art V 2 A 3


































Amended Rules for 2016






1.  During the 1st  through 6th  innings, a side will be retired when it makes 3 outs                                                                                         or scores 5 runs, whichever occurs first.  The 5 run rule does not apply during the 7th or higher innings. MERCY RULE will be in effect: if the visiting team trails by 12 runs after batting in the 6th  OR  if the home team trails by 12 runs after batting in the4th inning. Game over


Base Running Safety: 


4.   One carpet square shall be placed on inside side of 2nd and 3rd bases to   denote where an advancing runner is to go in the event of a play from the outfield.  The runner is responsible for avoiding collisions/contact at the bases. If a play materializes from the infield to 2nd or 3rd base the runner is to go to the outside of these bags to avoid a collision.   Failure to comply will result in the runner being called out.  If a base runner advances toward a base or returning to a base misses the base in order to avoid a       collision, he shall be considered safe provided that he reaches the carpet prior to the fielder gaining control of the ball while in contact with the base.


Courtesy Runner.


3. The courtesy runner, running from the “Orange Ty Wraps” that will be placed on backstop(about eye height) from the imaginary line extended from the Left Field Foul Line is allowed to face 1st base and may advance as far as the play will allow after the ball is hit. The pinch runner can watch the play: but the batter will be ruled out if the runner leaves before that ball is actually hit.



General Rules: 


5. In the interest and safety of our league, no bats of 25 Oz. or less and no more  than 38 Oz. in weight can be used.  The bats used in our league can be no more than 34 inches long.  Also a bat used in our league cannot be more than 2.250 inches in diameter at the largest part. 



7. The League provides liability insurance to the City of Erie. All player  are to              

 sign the USA insurance form before they are allowed to play on the City of Erie                              Fields.






AThe mounds at 11/12 Street  and 13th and Wayne are placed at 43 ft.  There will be an 8 ft. circle around this mound.     The pitcher is allowed to use the area behind this mound to the back of the circle which is the 50 ft. mark.  If there is no circle, the pitcher can step off 7 ft from the front of the 43 ft. pitcher’s mound to 50 ft.




Amended Rules for 2017




Article III.3 (2) eliminate the word ‘smoking’, and just leave it as tobacco


Article V.2.A.1: Mercy Rule: If either team trails by 12 or more runs after the 4th inning, or any subsequent inning; they have the option of conceding the game at that point.


Article V. B.4 Two carpet squares shall be placed on the inside and outside of 2nd and 3rdbases to denote where an advancing runner is to go in the event of a play from theoutfield.  The runner is responsible for avoiding collisions/contact at the bases/rugs. If a play materializes from the infield to 2nd or 3rd base the runner is to go to the outside of these bags to avoid a collision.  If a play materializes from the outfield to 2nd or 3rd base the runner is to go to the inside of these rugs to avoid a collision (This is going back to the original carpet rule)


Article V.E.1 add’or by the Mercy Rule”


Article V.E.5 add Bats must be A.S.A approved. Any use of an illegal bat will rest in an out.


Article V.E.9 A player must participate and be present for 8 complete regular season games to be eligible for the Grey Cup.


INSURANCE:   The League provides liability insurance to the City of Erie. All player  are to sign the USA Softball Official Waiver and release of Liability & Indemnification insurance form before they are allowed to play on the City of Erie Fields.


A monetary donation ($25) will be sent to a charity of choice and a card sent to the family of a deceased former Codger, who played for at least 5 years and left on good terms.


A monetary donation will be sent to a charity of choice and a card sent to the family 

of a current Codger, in the event of their death or death of their spouse


















Rules removed or edited Board meeting August 15th 2018


6. The courtesy runner will be the batter who made the last out unless that batter used a courtesy runner and/or is unable to run. Then it will be the next previous batter who made an out.  If it is a new inning the runner will be the individual who made the last out in the previous inning.   There is no limit on courtesy runners per inning. OR – Suggested rule: the courtesy runner can be anyone, but that person can only run once an inning.


7. If the leadoff batter in the first inning of a game requires a courtesy runner, that  runner shall be the player furthest down in the lineup who is able to run.  For example, the leadoff  batter in a game is unable to run and the player furthest  down in the lineup who bats 13this unable to run, then the 11th player  in the lineup  becomes the courtesy runner,  if he is able to run.


General Rules

Added to Rule 8: Bats must be ASA /USA Certified Bats. Do not use Senior loaded bats 



8. Base Coaches add - (Do not use new players as coaches). 



Rules removed or edited Board meeting August 7th 2019


1. The Mercy rule needs to be eliminated on page 2.a.1 


2. Item 3: A  Player who Begins a game will remain in the lineup, must play at least 2 innings in the field.


3. New Rule # 19. At the start of the second game, the batting order continues where it left off from the first game.


4. A note to Dick Walsh. Send and E-Mail out saying all players are to read the rules and understand them.


5. Both feet of the pitcher have to be in the circle. Put this into page 6 Item 7.


6. Page 6 Item G1. Change the rule to 4th night!!!









Hi Guys!!!  Jerry Banko here!!!

Someone asked about the pullover jackets we used to have and about ordering a couple.... I talked with Dave at Championship awards and

he suggested one he found, a nice black/red with trimmings and all the Codger logos and patches and your name embroidered on the chest....

I will sell them at cost $35; but I do not want to get stuck with extras[got plenty of shirts stll left from when I took over]....

 I will be taking orders till this Tuesday.... I need the money by this Tuesday, I will only order what is paid for.... if interested let me know....


CODGER GEAR available!!!!

lots of great deals available on older styles

Codgers dress polo(new short sleeve model).... $25  M, L, XL, 2XL


Codgers gray t-shirt(new Black lettering version).... $10  M, L, XL, 2XL


Codger gray t-shirt(blue lettering.... $10 M, L, XL, 3XL


Codger jacket(light-mid weight).... $25 XL


Codger dress polo(long-sleeve)    $30 M, L


Codger old-style jersey.... $10 S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL


Codger old-style gold t-shirt.... $5  S, M


Codger black fitted hat.... $15  S-M, L-XL


Codger white/black adjustable hat.... $10


I will offer discounts for multiple-item purchases on older closeout items.... call

814-898-0112 or email  jabanko@roadrunner.com  or see me at the morning practices....



Any one who doesn't think they are getting OLDER is deluded. There is always room for you in the Erie Codgers Men's Slow Pitch Softball League. Just go to our Web Site and register. You can contact the Commissioner, Bart Neckers (814-882-7915), if you have any Codger questions. The age to play begins at  49 and in the womb (to be 50 this year). Our oldest Guy is 87 this year.  



To see  the rules just click on the line below


2022 Erie Codger Rules-

     The word file will show up on the bottom left of the screen

2022- codger-Rules-9.10.2022-rev.0.doc.doct

g X to close  out this file...00


The guy in the mirror is what an Erie Codger looks like before stepping on the ball field...




2020 "Pandemic" Tournament Write-UP

"The Naturals" are the winners of the Erie 2020 Gray Cup - "Pandemic Tournament" 11/7. This is the Erie Codgers end of the year tournament (we had to split the Guys from the Blue team so the brown team would have enough guys to field a team today).


1st row left to right, John Winiecki, Lou Preston, Mike Murnock.

2nd row (standing) Jim Williams (holding home plate), Stan Dombkowski *86 yr old pitcher -2 games today.

Row 3 Steve Saber, Jim Orloff, Pete Link, Bruce Bryan, Ed Heinrich, Dave Belczyk. Ted Brink, Dave Seyler


I want everyone too see you don't have to quit playing ball. If you Guys that are 49 and older and will turn 50 by their 1st yr in our league can sign up to play next year. All you have to do is sign up on the Erie Codgers Web Site for the 2021 Season. Randy Martin, Commissioner of the Erie Codgers H 814-898-1929



He Knows Knees







Alan Swigonski
tSpons2odlhread ·
Last call for your favorite baseball/softball characters,stories, and/or photos. Over the next 2 months, I will be putting finishing touches on Volume 1 of Erie Baseball/Softball 360.
Jimmy Williams (here below) poses next to the plaque for the Erie Pontiacs, on which his Dad played. Jimmy always greets me with a smile, kind word and a line drive to left center.

I will be reaching out to many of you, but also please feel free to contact me to add your own favorites.Alan



Codgers vs Mogs 9/7/19




Alumni Night at Field 11, We wanted to see how many Alumni would come through the cornstalks to get their free beer, (Moon) popcorn and peanuts!!!

Jim Witch (Alumni) with Tom Towel (The Naturals)

Dick Walsh and on of his friends



Alumni Night at Field 11, We wanted to see how many Alumni would come through the cornstalks to get their free beer, (Moon) popcorn and peanuts!!!

Jim Witch (Alumni) with Tom Towel (The Naturals)

Dick Walsh and on of his friends







Questions on this site Contact Bart Neckers at neckline@aol.com or (814)882-7915

