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  • All players must have their own health insurance and accept the risk of injury that can happen when
  • playing sports


New Mens Season Starts September 14th - November 23rd

Register your team at Catalog - Anthem Community Council (


Games are Saturday Nights from 4 - 10



Below is a short list of the rules for a refresher for mens softball league.


 Please call the Front desk or Sports department by 2:00 p.m. on the day of to notify so we can inform the opposing team.

 A team that does not notify the ACC Sports department will get an automatic loss on their schedule for failure to comply with rules. ACC Sports Department


Ph: (623)-742-6021

Front Desk E-mail: Ph: 623-879-3011

Currently we use modified USSSA rules for mens slowpitch softball. The modifications are below.

  • Mat pitch with 6’ft to 12 ft’ arc from release of ball.   Basically lower limit can be judged by batters height, top part is most likely going to be if it is excessive since no one has a ruler under the ball.  Pitch hight is umpire judgement.  (Plate and Matt count as a strike)
  • Undefensable balls hit up the middle in the air or on the ground with a three foot arc around the pitchers head will be deemed an out.  Flags or cones will be placed about 2ft. on each side of the pitcher’s mound for umpires to use if it is to close the pitcher. Umpires have ultimate call on what is undefendable..
  • Safety bag at home plate.  This requires a commit line about 1/2 way between home and 3rd where if the runner crosses that line they must run home.  Home will be the bag off to the side of home plate that the runner must touch.  The catcher will only need to tag home plate on a play at home before the runner touches home plate to make an out.
  • For all bases not including home plate we are going to use the USSSA rules that are already in place for interference on both the defense and the runner.  We will look at plays where intentional contact is made and if it is meant to take someone out the player intiating contact may be ejected.
  • 5 over the fence home runs per team per game.  Every home run after 5 will be an out.
  • Men’s ball will be 12’ & Women’s will be 11’ COED Rules:.  Batting teams base coach and Fieldings team pitcher will be responsible for making sure correct ball is in use for Male and Female batters.
  • Foul Language or Swearing one team warning and then player is tossed
  • No run rule except for tournament at which time USSSA run rules will apply
  • Games have no new inning start after 52 minutes and drop dead after 65 minutes.  
  • One new ball will be supplied per game with backup balls supplied by home team.
  • We are asking that rosters be filled out and handed in by second week of season.  You can have as many names on roster as you want but a person must play 4 games to be eligible for the tournament.
    • For regular season games a subs can be used from other teams within division or a lower division if they are on a teams roster in the league.  If they are not a roster then they can not play in the tournament.  If you use subs they must be placed at bottom of batting order and play positions in following order.  Catcher, Right Field, Second Base.  Any more than 3 subs game can still be played but will be considered a forfeit.

Bat Use:

  • bat related questions can be pertained to the USSSA Softball website. Double play and home plate scoring:
  • Players running from 1st to 2nd base that are obviously out must make an attempt to get out of the way of a throw to first base in a double play situation for safety reasons.
  • Players running to score at home plate must cross at the commitment line and not sliding/scoring at home plate to avoid collisions and injury but touch the scoring base to avoid collisions.
  • Catchers must only tag home plate on a play at home before the runner touches home plate to make an out.
  • All bases not including home plate will follow USSSA rules on interference on both the defense and the runner, any plays where intentional contact is made will lead to an ejection.

Illegal Player:

  • Any player NOT listed on the Official Roster/Waiver.
  • Any player under the age of 17 that is playing without direct parent supervision.
  • Any player under the age of 17 on the infield.
  • Any player that is serving a suspension or is on the banned players list. Penalty for illegal player usage:
  • Player is suspended for the night and issued a week suspension.
  • Second offense of this violation will require a in that player being ejected and issued a two-week suspension and the TEAM will be placed on probation for remainder of the season.

End of Season Tournament:

  • Mandatory roster ID checks will take place on the day or the tournament. 
  • Every player’s name must appear as is on the official roster.
  • The ACC reserves the right to check rosters at any point of the season.
  • The night before the tournament it is recommended that players check their bats. 

Coed Specific Rules

  • Lineups must be alternating Gender (Ex M/F/M/F).
  • Teams can play with a minimum of 8 players but four must be female.  If teams are shorthanded there must be equal or more female players than male.
  • If a male player walks it is two bases and the female has an option to bat or take 1st base.

Good luck all, and have fun!


Please reach out to Bobby St. Pierre (623) 742-6921 at the Anthem Rec Center or Tom Ruwald at (602) 717-8877 for any issues.



Upcoming Games
Saturday, September 21, 2024
NECAL Mens Upper Division
Sons of Thunder - Dave @ Northwest Community Church
Dream City 2 @ Hope Church
Northwest Community Church @ Desert Hills Bible Church #1
Holy Hitters @ Harvest Bible Church
Palmcroft 1 @ Dream City - Rob
Dream City - Rob @ Sons of Thunder - Dave
Desert Hills Bible Church #1 @ Palmcroft 1
CCV @ Dream City 2
Hope Church @ Holy Hitters
Harvest Bible Church @ CCV
Necal Mens Lower Division
Pureheart @ Prayin' for a Hit - Gary
Dream City Orange @ Desert Hills - Royals
Palmcroft spuds @ Fountain of Life
Desert View Bible Church - Austin @ Anthem Elders
Happy Valley Baptist Church @ Imaginations Church
Desert Hills Bible Church 3 @ Desert View Bible Church - Austin
Desert Hills - Royals @ Palmcroft spuds
Anthem Elders @ Pureheart
Imaginations Church @ Dream City Orange
Fountain of Life @ Desert Hills Bible Church 3
Prayin' for a Hit - Gary @ Happy Valley Baptist Church
Saturday, September 28, 2024
NECAL Mens Upper Division
Dream City - Rob @ CCV
Holy Hitters @ Harvest Bible Church
Hope Church @ Palmcroft 1
Dream City 2 @ Desert Hills Bible Church #1
Northwest Community Church @ Dream City - Rob
CCV @ Holy Hitters
Sons of Thunder - Dave @ Dream City 2
Desert Hills Bible Church #1 @ Hope Church
Palmcroft 1 @ Northwest Community Church
Harvest Bible Church @ Sons of Thunder - Dave
Necal Mens Lower Division
Imaginations Church @ Palmcroft spuds
Pureheart @ Happy Valley Baptist Church
Desert Hills Bible Church 3 @ Desert Hills - Royals
Anthem Elders @ Fountain of Life
Happy Valley Baptist Church @ Dream City Orange
Desert View Bible Church - Austin @ Imaginations Church
Desert Hills - Royals @ Anthem Elders
Palmcroft spuds @ Pureheart
Fountain of Life @ Desert View Bible Church - Austin
Dream City Orange @ Prayin' for a Hit - Gary
Prayin' for a Hit - Gary @ Desert Hills Bible Church 3
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