
Congratulations to the Boys team from St. Joan of Arc and the Girls team from St. Leo the Great who are respectively the Champions of the 2023 Dioceasan Boys and Girls CYO Rising StarsTournament.

All teams/programs are congratulated for well-played games and a respectful tournament.

Thank you to all participants in the Harrisburg Boys and Girls CYO Basketball Leagues and the Harrisburg Diocese CYO Tournaments for another good season.  I look forward to all Programs returning for the 2023-2024 Season.

Congratulations to the Boys Varsity Team from St. Theresa of the Infant Jesus who are the Champions of the 2023 Dioceasan Boys Varsity CYO Tournament and will be representing the Diocese of Harrisburg at the State Boys Varsity CYO Tournament in the Diocese of Philadelphia.  All games will be held at Holy Familty University, 9801 Frankford Ave., Philadellphia, PA.  The first game for St. Theresa is at 4pm on Friday (3/17) against the team representing the Diocese of Allentown.

All teams/programs are congratulated for well-played games and a respectful tournament.

Congratulations to the Girls Varsity Team from Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary who are the Champions of the 2023 Dioceasan Girls Varsity CYO Tournament and will be representing the Diocese of Harrisburg at the State Girls Varsity CYO Tournament in the Diocese of Altoona/Johnstown.  All games will be held at Bishop Guilfoyle High School, 2400 Pleasant View Blvd, Altoona, PA.  The first game for Seven Sorrows BVM is at 4pm on Friday (3/10) against the team representing the Diocese of Allentown.

All teams/programs are congratulated for well-played games and a respectful tournament.

Harrisburg Diocese

Catholic Youth Organization (CYO)

Basketball Policies


Revisions to Nineteenth Edition



Other than as set forth below, the Harrisburg Diocese Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) Girls and Boys Grade School & High School Basketball Policies effective for the 2021/2022, and future years, unless and until hereafter modified by the Harrisburg Diocese CYO Director, shall be as set forth in the Nineteenth Edition Promulgated in September 2015.



The revisions effective October 26, 2021 are as follows:






New Section 5 added, as follows:

“SECTION 5.  Participating on Another Basketball Team

Any boy/girl who is on an interscholastic middle school, junior high, varsity, junior varsity or freshman basketball team, which has on its Roster any 9th Grade or above students, after the start of the Diocesan CYO Grade School season is ineligible to participate in CYO basketball for that season.”


Existing Section 5 is renumbered to Section 6.


HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL (Sections 1-6)


Revised Section 5, as follows:

“SECTION 5.  Participating on Another Basketball Team

Any boy/girl who is on an interscholastic middle school, junior high, varsity, junior varsity or freshman basketball team after the start of the Diocesan CYO Grade School season is ineligible to participate in CYO basketball for that season.”

Harrisburg Diocese

CYO Director


The contact information for the Harrisburg Diocese CYO Director is as follows:

Robert A. Hopstetter

6111 Chambers Hill Rd.

Harrisburg, PA 17111

(717) 439-4460




Attention all coaches, new and experienced, it is time to enhance and/or refresh your coaching skills after the COVID-19 hiatus.  Coaches Training is now to be completed on-line utilizing the Catholic Coaching Essentials Online Course through Human Kinetics Coach Education Center.  This is the same program that is utilized by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.  This on-line training will replace the previous in-person training and can be completed at your leisure in the comfort of your home.  All new coaches are to complete this training on or before December 22, 2021 and submit a copy of their Certificate of Completion to the Diocese of Harrisburg CYO Director, Robert A. Hopstetter, by email to, and to your respective League President.


The link to the training is:


Following completion of the Catholic Coaching Essentials course it is recommended that the Catholic Coaching Basketball Essentials also be completed.  The link for that course is: