September 11, 2023


2023-2024 OLP CYO Season - Welcome Back!


We welcome you to another season of Our Lady of Peace CYO Basketball. We will be conducting registration similar to past years, but please note there is a change to where registration forms can be found.



Once again, registration is limited to:

  • Academy of OLP students;
  • OLP Parish members currently enrolled in and attending OLP Religious Ed Program





 Please go to the Archdiocese of Newark, Office of Youth Ministry website for registration forms: (


On the left hand side, under CYO Sports Documents, you will see all the forms necessary for this season. We ask all participants to download the forms, complete them and then submit them to the Rectory by October 14, 2023.


There are two (2) forms necessary to be completed and handed in for all registrations; 

1.The CYO Players Permission Release Form 

2.The CYO Players Code of Conduct Form

** Parent/Guardian needs to sign both forms.  The player must also sign the Code of Conduct Form.

 We will not accept any incomplete paperwork at the time of registration. All forms are to be submitted by dropping the completed paperwork at the Our Lady of Peace Rectory. 

No paperwork will be accepted after October 14th. 




We will have a uniform fitting day/night at OLP so that you can size the players for a uniform that fits them.  Once this date is determined, your coaches will communicate this information to you.


Uniforms are yours to keep




All Participants:

The fee for this season is $235.00 per child.


We look forward to seeing all of you on the court again this year!!!


Mike Romeo - Athletic Director, CYO Basketball; 908-377-9205