
*Attention BMHLers*

The 2024/25 Season will start Sept 29th @6pm. I'm currently working on the schedule and it should be updated shortly.

Here are the first 3 weeks of the year.


Sept 29th 

6pm Hustlers vs Stars
7pm Streakers vs Chiefs
8pm Bullies vs Raiders
9pm Warriors vs Flyers

Oct 6th

6pm Streakers vs Bullies
7pm Flyers vs Stars
8pm Hustlers vs Warriors
9pm Raiders vs Chiefs

Oct 13th

6pm Chiefs vs Hustlers
7pm Warriors vs Raiders
8pm Flyers vs Bullies
9pm Stars vs Streakers



2024 BMHL Draft

Click here to view draft results
*page will be updated live throughout the draft*

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Twitter @bmhlcup

Paying your dues...

E-transfer for registration, merchandise and Pick of the Week.