• Click your name in "Standings" to get game by game stats.
  • Get your hockey buddies to sign the guestbook with their hockey background info.
  • Use drop down menus in "Standings" to also view Offense Leaders & Goalie Leaders.
  • The drop down menus give more details
  • Underlined texts are links. Click to view.

Please note that we have moved our website to Sports Ninja


Well done all!

2023-24 fBOT A Champs: Budlight Blues Brothers

1-0 vs Les Reebok Phoquers


2023-24 fBOT B Champs: Barley Mow Hawks

4-3 vs Litjens Photography Oranje Pylons


2023-24 fBOT C Champs: Red Hot Chili Puckers

1-0 in a wild shoot out over GHC Black Ice


2023-24 fBOT Regular Season Champs: 

Litjens Photography Oranje Pylons


Well deserved 2023-24 fBOT Awards:

Lady Bing: Dave Thompson

Most Improved: Adnan Rashid

Rocket Richard: Serge April

Rookie of the Year - Marcel Tessier

Top D: Jimmy Barrett

Top Scorer: Serge April

Vince MacCann: Marc Juneau

MVP Season: Michel Menard

MVP Playoff: Brent Beaumier


See you all next year!




Quotes Of The Week:

1. "It was a great day at the rink "- Blues Brother A Champ Captain Jacques 'Oink Oink' Blagdon
2. "So many good fokn people, memories, laughs. Mostly couldn't recall the outcomes of most games or seasons for that matter. But times and company found here I sure appreciate." - Black Ice Captain Bob "Howie" Howard


















Thank You

On Behalf Of The FBOT Committee

























As Vince would always say, "Good Luck!!"


Greetings from the fBOT Committee!
Fallingbrook Oldtimers Hockey is a fun league that is approaching forty years of operation. It is an association of guys who love the game as much as the social outing each week. It is in the spirit of our members that we pay as much attention to the game as we do analyzing all the drama, plays, or lack of plays, afterwards.
The minimum age is 45. We play Friday evenings between September and April at the Orleans Ray Friel Centre on a rotating basis: 9, 10, and 11PM.
Our refereed games consist of two 20 minute periods, with stopped time in the last 5 minutes of the second period. A time keeper records players' penalties, goals, and assists, which are forwarded to the League Statistician for tabulation. Not that it matters.

FBOT Committeefbothockey@hotmail.com

Don't forget to enjoy the suds, food, and good times at Moose McGuire'son Innes at Jean D'Arc!


It's always a great day for hockey, isn't it?