Code of Ethics/Conduct For Parents 2024 (REQUIRED)

Code of Conduct for Parents

1. I will always display exemplary sportsmanship. I will cheer on my team but will not make negative comments about the opposition. I will never disparage or degrade any player, coach, umpire or spectator in my comments or actions.

2. As a parent or guardian of a player, I will always support the objectives of WPYB and I will strongly encourage my child to fully participate in his/her practices, games and other WPYB activities.

3. I will strive to provide transportation to all their practices, games and other WPYB activities & hold their WPYB participation as their sports priority.

4. I will strive to attend every game possible so that I may positively encourage my child to participate as a team player.

5. I will respect the calls of umpires & I will refrain from criticizing them at all times. I accept that they are sincere in their effort to make the right call.

6. I will respect the team manager and coaches and I will support their management of my child’s team. I understand that if I have any concerns, I will quietly approach the manager to discuss them in a responsible manner. I will respect the final decision.

7. I will support all WPYB fundraising efforts. I will also fulfill my responsibility to volunteer for assisting with a picnic, operating concessions, or other WPYB need.

8. I will participate and encourage my child to participate in the spirit of friendly competition knowing that the objective of WPYB is to develop my child’s baseball skill and knowledge of the game.

9. I will take great care of the uniform that has been provided to my child for his/her use. I will return it to the manager at the end of the season.

10. I will strive to create a safe, enjoyable and healthy environment for all participants in WPYB games and other activities. I will encourage my child to abide by the Code of Ethics for Players.

11. I will refrain from gossiping and spreading rumors. I will also refrain from threatening, defamatory and/or critical comments about WPYB and its managers, coaches and/or players including posts and comments on social media. If I have concerns or questions about the organization or its members and/or activities, I will contact an official of WPYB to discuss them in a positive, responsible & productive manner.

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and received a copy of the “Code of Ethics for Parents.” I understand that I must participate in WPYB activities in a positive and responsible manner, and I must abide by this Code of Ethics. I understand that I can be expelled from WPYB for violating the Code, or for any conduct deemed detrimental to WPYB.

Respect the Manager's Decisions for Player Participation

1. In the American League, players bat in a continuous batting order and players must play three innings on defense. LEAGUE MINIMUM

2. In the National League, players must play three innings and one plate appearance by the end of the sixth inning. LEAGUE MINIMUM

3. In the Pony League, players must play two innings and one plate appearance by the end of the sixth inning. LEAGUE MINIMUM

By signing below, I understand that I must respect all decisions by the manager in regard to my childs participation in the game including, but not limited to, his or her position in the batting order, position on the field and the number of innings played beyond the LEAGUE MINIMUM. I accept that my child might only play the LEAGUE MINIMUM in any and every game.

Penalties for Misconduct
1. When a player is ejected from a game, the player is penalized a minimum of a one game. Depending upon the severity of the misconduct, the player can be suspended for additional games as determined by the Director of Baseball Operations.

2. When a parent or any person associated with a player is ejected from a game, the player is penalized a minimum of one game. Depending upon the severity of the misconduct, the player can be suspended for additional games.

3. A player, family member or anyone associated with a player can be expelled from WPYB for any conduct deemed detrimental to WPYB.

By signing below, I understand my obligation to participate in WPYB activities in a positive, friendly and responsible manner. I understand that my child and/or any adult associated with the player might be suspended for a minimum of one game if my child, any family member, any person associated with my child or I am ejected from a game. I understand that my family or anyone associated with a player, and/or I can be expelled from WPYB for any conduct deemed detrimental to WPYB.


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