*Parent Agreement Form

I understand that my sign-up cost will be going towards registration fees, leasing of league equipment, water & ice for camp, etc.

I understand that all fees are due by the 3rd (Wednesday) day of camp or my child will not be able to finish conditioning or be issued any equipment.

I Understand that if the league were to get sponsors/donations for jerseys /uniforms at the end of the season they would need to be turned back in unless I would purchase them from MCYS.

I understand that my child will need to have a physical by the last day of conditioning or he/she will NOT be able to start hitting.

At the end of the season, I will make sure all equipment will be turned back in or I will be responsible for replacing the equipment at the cost of new.

To be able to leave your child alone you MUST have the coach's permission to leave your child with them. Coaches can tell a parent/guardian no without a reason.

I understand that if my child is left with the coach I am on time to get him/her up. If my child is going home with someone else that parent and coach know.

No kids are to be passing a football at any time on the property unless with a coach to warm up or practice. League staff have the right to take the ball until a parent picks it up. This is in place due to our insurance!

No kids are to be on the field or sidelines unless they are MCYS members, volunteers, staff, or on that team!

* indicates required fields