Code of Conduct for Players 2024 (REQUIRED)

Code of Conduct for Players

WPYB values sportsmanship, fair play, skill development, and mutual respect among all players, coaches, officials and spectators.

I. Character---the pattern of beliefs, attitudes and therefore behavior that relates to moral and essential qualities as set forth by the ideals of Wilson Premier Youth Baseball.

WPYB players agree to:

a. be dependable in fulfilling obligations and commitments i.e. practices and games. If they cannot attend, they will alert their manager.
b. accept responsibility for actions/outcomes and not make excuses or blame others.
c. persevere and give 100% effort and not give up when faced with setbacks.
d. play by the rules of the game.
e. control their anger or frustration & refrain from displays of temper and use of bad language.
f. accept winning/losing gracefully, congratulate opponents, and not sulk or display other negative behaviors.
g. be forthcoming and honest about injuries.

II. Civility---to demonstrate behavior that exemplifies appropriate respect and concern for others.

WPYB players agree to:

a. practice good manners on and off the field.
b. refrain from trash talk and other put-downs of opponents or teammates.
c. cheer for their team not against their opponent
d. recognize and show appreciation for the outstanding play of their opponent.
e. treat all players, coaches, officials, and spectators respectfully.
f. respect the calls and decisions of our umpires without dispute.
g. actively support teammates and never criticize or make fun of any teammate or opponent.

III. Citizenship---social responsibility as part of the WPYB community

WPYB players agree to:

a. be faithful to the ideals of the game, including sportsmanship.
b. keep their commitments to their team.
c. show team spirit, encourage others, and contribute to good morale.
d. accept responsibility to set a good example for teammates, younger players, and fans.
e. take great care of their uniform and all equipment.

Penalties for Player Misconduct

1. When a player is ejected from the game, the player must remain in the bench area for the remainder of the game and any post-game meeting. If a player does not, the player may face a more severe suspension penalty as determined by the VP / Director of Baseball Operations.

2. Once the VP/Director of Baseball Operations has determined the penalty for a player who has been suspended due to ejection from a game or other disciplinary action, the player must comply with the following requirements.

A. The suspended player must arrive in full uniform for the team?s pre-game practice.

B. The suspended player must stay in the bench area for the entire game including the manager?s post-game meeting.

C. If the player does not arrive in uniform for the pre-game practice and does not stay for the game, the player has not completed the penalty for the suspension. The player must appear at the next game and fully comply with sections A. and B.

D. When a manager suspends a player with the approval of WPYB, the player must
comply with the requirements as stated in sections A. and B.


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