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Author TOPIC: The ride's over....finally!
Chosen 1

July 6, 2009
5:29:06 PM

Entry #: 3207184
It's time for me to exit this ride and leave the amusement park! Now, I'm not saying that Avondale speedway or this message board is an amusement park, but only that it fit what I was saying! The ride is over and shut down forever(not the website or message board, but my participation on it)! Man, what a ride it was! I've spent the last couple days going over some old posts and conversations I've had, some good, some not so good! I guess you could say this ride was like a roller coaster! It all started back in '06, when I made some very unflattering comments about "The Crazy Canuck"! That was my intent at the start, to be kind of the "bad guy", but after a while my true personality shone through, and I started joking around(and stirring the pot at times) and being my true self! I mentioned before that "Chosen 1" is just me(name still withheld) with the volume turned up! As I mentioned a while back, I picked that name from a wrestler, and I thought it would be fun to use! When I first posted 3 years ago, I had only planned on posting a few times, but it became so much fun that it just went on and on, and every time I left I missed it so much and sometimes alot of people would want me back! But this is finally it! I know there will be some who will not want me to leave, but I only hope they understand this is what I want to do! When I left for a few hours the other day, that was the only reason I came back, for those who said they would miss me! I guess I just didn't think it out quite enough! But now, for the first time ever, I am ready to leave! Every other time there has always been a little bit of doubt, but now I am completely doubt-free! You gotta figure after I post this, my final message, there will be people saying things about me, good and bad! That's okay! It's a free country, knock yourselves out! It's not like I'll be reading them anyway! Back to the old posts. Like I said, what a ride it was! From the "crazy bitch" saga to talking hockey with reider to trying to convince people that I'm straight to people wanting me to get off this site to people wanting me to stay to people getting ticked off at me talking about everything but racing to having all these others over the years trying to take up my cause to "Prophet" to "Big Bird" to "selected 1" to various others claiming to be me to "Mr blah blah blah" and so many more to me just generally being a pain in the butt, it's been one hell of a time! This is what I've been waiting for the whole time, to be able to leave with no regrets! To also be able to leave knowing that I've given everything I have to this website! As much as I joked around and stuff, I hope I've been helpful at times with my advice and stuff! I hope all of you don't forget me, because I know I'll never forget any of you, as it's just been so much fun! For those of you on here who hate me and have said terrible things about me, don't worry, I forgive all of you! In some ways, I can understand those people becoming annoyed with me, as I guess I CAN get under people's skin! You know something? By the time I'm done posting this, my final message, it may turn out that I break my own record for longest post! Wouldn't that be cool and somewhat ironic! I'm really glad to see that the car counts are getting better, and I hope the fans continue to come out to the races, and bring a friend next time! I think your track will do well! There's always those on here that are predicting doom and gloom for Avondale Speedway, but it seems to be doing okay! Well, I guess there's not alot more to say! We got about another 2 1/2 months of racing left up here(plus one in October), and by then it'll be into hockey season! Well, I guess that's it! Thanks for allowing me to post, and thanks to everyone who took the time to read what I had to say for the past three years! Take care everybody, and be good to yourselves and one another! Au revoir! Adios! Auf wiedersehen! Arrivederci! Tot ziens! Adeus! Farvel! Goodbye!


July 6, 2009
9:32:48 PM

Entry #: 3207409
I am sorry to hear that you're leaving and will miss your witty, funny, and controversial posts. I sincerely hope you do return some day, and I think you will, and I look forward to that. Until then, take care of yourself, do svidanja, ciao, tofa, salut, y'all come back now ya hear??


July 6, 2009
11:39:37 PM

Entry #: 3207534
We're gonna miss ya!

fan of c1

July 7, 2009
3:43:10 PM

Entry #: 3208153
we are all going to miss him. even the ones that didnt like him. even if you didnt like him he still kept the message board very interesting.

July 8, 2009
2:45:02 AM

Entry #: 3208811
You got that right!

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