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Author TOPIC: a blue's take

June 16, 2012
11:39:15 AM

Entry #: 3933362
As a now retired umpire I thought I'd give you softball players a new perspective on what your umps do for you. Contrary to what you think, we don't care who wins or loses. Our bookie doesn't have a line on your ballgames. We are out there to make sure the games are fair and we want everyone to have a good time and keep coming back. So we let you drink illegally in a city park and still call games when we know teams have illegal players out in the lineup. Then we have to deal with all the intoxicated nonsense. Try to remember it's called a recreational league for a reason and blue is out there trying his best just like you are. We don't say anything to you when you make that error that brings 3 runs across the plate, so try to give us a little slack. And have fun.


June 17, 2012
9:49:00 PM

Entry #: 3933803
Oh I could not let this one go....

Thank you, Mr. Retired Blue - for all those games you have called and the hard work you put in for however many years you umpired.
Here is my players take, for all those other umpires:

1. Maybe it would be nice sometimes if you called out the illegal players. Some of us work hard to make sure our rosters are complete with enough subs, only to lose a championship game to a team who brings upper division / non rostered players to play.

2. You are the umpire, not the morality police. If I want to play to the best of my ability and you don't think I should make that slide, I shouldn't be out because you didn't think its right. If I'm under the tag, I should get the call.

3. Yes, we know you are friendlier with some teams more than other, and yes - we know you give them breaks. Be more discreet.

4. The only reason you let us drink illegally in the park is because you know your butt is coming over to our dugout to get a beer when the night is over.

5. I don't come intoxicated to the game - I expect my umpire to be sober too.

Enjoy your retirement!

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