Date Status Score Headline
1/2/2024 L PBA  FMBA 0
12/27/2023 CAN PBA  FMBA 0
12/22/2023 T PBA  FMBA 0
12/20/2023 W FMBA 4  PBA 0
12/15/2023 T PBA  FMBA 1
12/13/2023 W FMBA 1  PBA 0
12/8/2023 W FMBA  PBA 1
12/6/2023 L PBA 1  FMBA 0
Status:F - Final Score
W - Win
L - Loss (OT-Overtime)
T - Tie
TBP - To Be Played
CAN - Canceled
FFH - Forfeit by Home Team
FFV - Forfeit by Visiting Team
PPD - Postponed
SPD - Suspended