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Posted By Comments
December 17, 2008
4:04:49 PM

Entry ID: 1529066
boyyyy do i wish i had cheering back. i miss you all so much. buuuutt girlssss realllly keep stretchingg ! causee if majority of you come back next year, we do not want to starttt of like we did in augst again. ohh dear that wouldnt be good :] lol ... oh laurenn i loveee you! NATIONAL CHAMPSS.. DISSSCUUUUUUUUUSSSSSS :]
December 17, 2008
2:39:02 PM

Entry ID: 1529021
its so awkward not seeing you all three times a week, i miss you all so muchh =[ everyone else pretty much said everything i wanted to say. and i agreee with caitlin, itd be awesome if we had a party next month and i could see everyone of you! we should definatly try to make plans for one =] love and miss you all soo much, and the wonderful coaches <3333 my second family, my everything
December 17, 2008
2:26:44 PM

Entry ID: 1529005
Thanks Lynette!!! We love you too!!!
December 17, 2008
2:11:00 PM

Entry ID: 1528988
Ok I think Im ready, but maybe not, but here goes anyway. Indian girls, you were truly amazing at Nationals and for that matter through out the whole season. I knew in my heart you were National Champs, and just needed you to believe it too. I am so proud to have been a part of the BPW Family, and watch you girls perform since you were babies!! What an accomplishment! National Champs, Spirit Award! To the girls who have to leave PW, savor every moment and never ever let anyone tell you you can't accomplish anything, because you proved you could! Best of Luck in whatever you choose to do. Dianne (spelled correctly) Ahsley, Brittany, Lauren, Adeline, the girls couldn't of asked for more dedicated coaches. The time and effort you put into the routines year after year is what makes for a great team. CONGRATULATIONS - NATIONAL CHAMPIONS. ps Loved the routine, and you can do that to me every year, provided it comes with a national title. LOL
Coach Dianne
December 17, 2008
12:39:38 PM

Entry ID: 1528920
I miss my National Champions!!! :(
December 16, 2008
12:31:09 PM

Entry ID: 1528293
i hate not having practicee =/ .. i want cheeringg baccck. love you sisterss & coaches!!
Theresa Mahoney - Braves Mom
December 16, 2008
11:35:23 AM

Entry ID: 1528263
I just wanted to thank the coaching staff and girls for your support at the Nationals Competition it meant so much to our Braves team and the parents. My husband thought it was really cool how you sat in the V formation. I also wanted to Congratulate you all on the Nationals Championship Title. I heard you were all amazing, this must be our lucky year! Hope you all had fun & Happy Holidays to all. Way to go BPW!!!!!!! ( :
Lisa (Angie's Mom-Braves)
Billerica-where else???
December 16, 2008
11:29:43 AM

Entry ID: 1528259
First off....congratulations!!! WOW.... you were awesome! All year you totally rocked the house! Second....please know that all the Braves parents were so happy and thankful that the Indians came out to cheer for the did not go un-noticed! You are a class act! Thanks for bringing your spirit to us when you could have been doing the parks....! You ROCK! Lastly....Indians and Braves......first time National Champions! What a great accomplishment! Never before...and what great company to celebrate this milestone with....two great and talented teams! Way to go.....and Merry Christmas! I Love ya'll......
Coach Dianne
December 16, 2008
1:06:28 AM

Entry ID: 1528100
Caitlin, I would love to have a party after the holidays...we just need to find a place to have it!!!
December 15, 2008
10:52:23 PM

Entry ID: 1528060
i misssss my girlssss =\ not having cheering to night broke my heart. =[ we need a parrty?) dianne can we pleaassee have one? i love my 28 sisters<33
December 15, 2008
8:03:33 PM

Entry ID: 1527965
oh myy goooooddd my eyes are like watering up just reading these comments. we all had so much fun in disney and im so upset its all over. i love all of yu and i cant believe its all over. we all got so close especially in disney. im seriously gunna like cry just writing this, because its monday night and we dont have practice ): omgggg.
briannaa m
December 15, 2008
7:57:09 PM

Entry ID: 1527958
girls, i cant beleive it!! we acctuallyy took the national titlee! were best in the nation =) it feels so great to know thhat all of our harrd work has paid off! and it was all worth it 100%. And we never would have been able to do this without our AMAZING coaches! thank youu guyss so much<333 i alreaddy miss you all & we should defifnetly have a party over christmaass vacation! ] see youu all soonn =)
Coach Dianne
December 15, 2008
7:29:33 PM

Entry ID: 1527934
I can't stand it...I'm still so excited!!! Sam, thanks for knowing how to spell my name...LOL!!!
alex dohherty :)
December 15, 2008
6:06:35 PM

Entry ID: 1527861
to my girls, we had an AMAZING season, we made it so far and i still cannot believe we took the national title! omg its so great and i will never ever forget that experience, we went threw some rough times but in the end we pulled it together and reallly came out strong to be number one! :] i love you all so so soo much i cant even write out how proud i am of us, misss you girls, we neeed to have a parrrty! <333 :]
Sam, again.
December 15, 2008
5:20:50 PM

Entry ID: 1527831
Dianne**** haha i do no how to spell you're name.
Samantha F
December 15, 2008
5:19:03 PM

Entry ID: 1527828
Girls, I couldn't have asked for a better year. I'm glad we all pulled together as one team one family. This is a year that i'll never forget. I don't know what i'm going to do with my self now that this season is over, but i hope you all keep in touch. I've grown so close to each and every one of you, and i can't believe it's good bye now :(. Dianna, party over christmas vacation!? PLEASE. Miss my ladies already, forever in my heart<3. always my girls.
Coach Lauren
December 15, 2008
2:18:42 PM

Entry ID: 1527630
Indians, all I can say is WOW! I am so proud of all of you! What a way to close out an awesome season as NATIONAL CHAMPS BABY!! I knew you could do it! And then to recieve the spirit award on top of it all no team in Billerica has ever accomplished what you girls have! And I am so glad that I was one of your coaches! You really proved that you WANTED IT MORE and then some. TO Kayla, Kailene, Madison and Rachel please make sure you keep in touch. Kayla I can't believe your all done it seems like just yesterday I started coaching you with your mom. You were 7 years old and now look at you. You are an amazing young women and cheerleader, I am so glad that I was able to coach you all these years! Kailene, I remeber when you started cheering for us on the A team, I didn't know what to expect with you. In the begining we had our ups and downs and now I love you to death! you are such a great girl and cheerleader! I am going to miss you very much keep smiling kid! Madison, I remeber when you first started cheering with us you were so quiet, You have really come a long way and i am proud of you. Rachel- You have come such a long way since August, I remember when you couldn't even do a push up and now look at you! To all the girls please make sure you keep in touch I am going to miss you all so much and I am going to need babysitters soon LOL! To all the girls that can come back I really hope that you do because just think of how strong the team could and would be. Wouldn't it be nice to have back to back National Championship Titles?? I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! WE BRING IT TO THE MAX NO STRINGS ATTACHED! 2008 BILLERICA INDIANS NATIONAL CHAMPIONS DISCUSSED!!!!
December 15, 2008
1:20:40 PM

Entry ID: 1527590
im thinkkkinnn teaam partaay over x mas breakk?!
Carrissa - Braves Coach
December 15, 2008
12:53:29 PM

Entry ID: 1527570
Indian Girls & Coaches: WOW! That’s all I can say! UNBELIEVABLE! You have made your hometown PROUD! I’m glad to have shared the first ever Championship Titles in Billerica Pop Warner with you girls! Braves and Indians, you have both had an amazing season! CONGRATS!
December 15, 2008
11:12:54 AM

Entry ID: 1527492
girliess and coaches, im so upset its all over, yet so happy WE ARE NATIONS BEST. ive grown so close to all of you. its so ahrd to just leave that behind. i miss you all so much already. i could write forever about how much i miss yous but it s just gonna make me cry even more. this isnt goodbye, its see you soon. i love you all so much. you girls will alwayss come firrst. love yous. we brought it to the max, no strings attached.
Laura Renn
December 14, 2008
9:42:26 PM

Entry ID: 1527250
To All The Indians Cheerleaders and Coaches, A BIG congratulations on your 1st NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP! I watched you all perform at EMASS and thought your team was the best of the day! Your spirit was totally unbeatable and your routine was solid and exciting to watch! Dianne, I want to thank you for allowing me the oppertunity to watch and learn from you over the past 5-6 years. You were the 1st person I ever learned from. Watching you and your teams over the years was what made me want to stay involved with BPW and coaching. You were always willing to give your opinion and offer advice. I can honestly say I have learn from one of the best in this business. You have earned a name for yourself as a coach and your girls and I have been so privledged to have learned from you. You've thaught me more than you know! I will always hold the greatest respect for you, both as a person and as a coach. I wish you the best of luck on whatever you do next year. Congratulations again to all of you! It's an amazing accomplishment and you all SO deserve it! GOOD LUCK NEXT SEASON!
Coach Adeline
December 14, 2008
8:38:15 PM

Entry ID: 1527198
Wow, Wow, Wow....You brought the milk house down!!! Incredible preformance girls. You nailed that routine and brought home the gold!!! and if the 1st place finish wasn't enough, you girls brought home the Spirit of Sport Award!! That was the iceing on the cake. I am so proud of all of you. Words cannot express what that award means to me. You deserved IT ALL!!! Kayla, Kailene, Rachel, Madison...what a way to go out. I hope you always remember what you have learned in pop warner...not just about cheerleading but to always be proud, push beyond your limits, always show exemplory teamwork and stay true to yourselves. I hope you girls come to the Lampson every August 1st and help teach what you have learned. Can't wait to see you all at the banquet. Hopefully before that!
December 14, 2008
4:37:31 PM

Entry ID: 1527094
my ladys, we did it. we proved we want it more. im so happy we are national champions. to think in august dianne was so worried about us. we couldnt do halfs or fulls.and now winning national tile. we all had the time of are lifes in disney. i dont want this season to end at all. this has been amazing, through all the drama we pulled it off, we became 28 sisters. but dianne,laureen,ashely,adeline and brittany have really helped us through it all, without them we would have been no where and wouldnt have took the national tile home, thank you girls for everything. thhis meant the world to me you dont even understand. we made the biggest accomplishment. especially to think of how we did do good at first and now were are the best in the national. girls im going to miss you more then anything. you guys will be in my heart forever, my 28 sisters. now i dont have a life at all. cheerleading was everything to me, and this team just mean it better. and im going to miss going to those practices to see everyone. and i hope everyone stays in touch with eachother please :) anyways dianne can we have a party so we can see eachother again (= very soon!? well i love you girls more than anything and i already miss you. disney was amaziing i wouldnt ask for anything better then this. this meant so much to me. thanks girls. national champions and spirt award. amazing girls. we really did, all this hard work paid off like dianne said. and we were probably her hardest team, with all this drama. i woulldnt trade it for anything<333 girls this was amazing. i miss you guys so much. we really cheered are hearts out =] sisters forever<3 dianne,lauren,ashely,adeline, and brittany thanks for giving us all the things we nneeded to get this tile. you guys mean alot thanks for givving us this best season EVER.
christina c.
December 14, 2008
1:00:54 PM

Entry ID: 1527044
i just can't believe its over. i truly don't want this season to end. it kills me to say goodbye to my 28 sisters, who mean everything to me. but hey, we're NATIONAL CHAMPIONS! can you believe it?! without the help of the coaches, and all the moms, we could'nt have gotton far whatsoever. i don't know if im coming back again (cuz of shawsheen) but im so glad i got to spend the season with my family, my sisters, my everything. i will never forget the memories that will last forever. you girls made such an impact on my life, and i love you girls so much. stay in touch. we want it more*
December 14, 2008
9:06:19 AM

Entry ID: 1526983
girllls, im balling my eyes out ahah .. i honestly dont know how to say goodbye i cant say goodbye. its tooo early it feeels like august 1st was yesterday & now its over. im gonna misss every single one of you to the very end. i honestly can say this is the BEST YEAR I'VE HAD and i've been cheering for 8 years .. and i couldnt ask for anything bettter , i went from hating you alll at the beginning of the season & loving every one of you today. I really can't believe it THE 2OO8 NATIONAL CHAMPIONS, AND WE GOT THE SPIRT AWARD* thats amazing girls .. we earned it we WANTED IT MORE .. and will always want it more. No one compares to us .. from our horrible nights at practice .. to PREFORMING OUR HEARTS OUT ON THE MAT. we showed them what we had & it will never fade .. we made history ladies & we couldnt of done it without dianne,laurennn,ashley,adeline & brittany. seriously couldnt thank you guys enough .. wouldnt ask for any other coaches & this was my last year as you all know .. im HEARTBROKEN. we've had the times of our lifes .. from crying at practices not putting up halfs to shining in the light at each & every compotion. wasnt winning the national title the BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD. and then some ) well im too excited and i legit wrote a book .. but i love you alll so much & im gonna misss you forever & alll our amazing times "coffe talk" "mike wisoski" eeverything love you allll SO MUCH KEEP IN TOUCH! AND DONT EVER FORGET THIS , I LOVE YOU LADIES FOREVEEER

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