2023 Playing Rules

The intention of this softball league is to adhere as closely as possible to the rules of Babe Ruth, which each team is chartered. Some rules have been modified because of player's ability level or simply to quicken the pace of the game. All ABRSL rules are intended to supplement the Babe Ruth Rules
The purpose of each division is to provide the girls with the fundamentals of softball and to prepare them to play at the next age level. 

Questions or concerns regarding these rules can be forwarded to your town commissioner or directly to ABRSL. 

Teams with travel/competitive players can not exceed more than the amount of rec players on said team

Base Running
U14-16 -A batter/Runner may advance as many bases as possible at risk of being put out. 

U14-16- Ten (10) fielders may bat, along with five (5) extra players (EPs).
All players must bat in the lineup. Do not list players in lineup who are not present at the game.

Bench Rules 

Each team will have no more than one (1) Manager, and three Coaches. Only team members will be allowed in the dugout or on the bench. No other persons are allowed in the dugout. If an adult score keeper is used they are allowed in the dugout. 

Completed Games 

When all innings have been completed, or the time limit has been reached Mercy rule (If min innings have been completed)
In the case of darkness (If min innings have been completed)
Weather (If min innings have been completed) 4 innings is a completed official game

(See TIME LIMIT rule below) 

Courtesy Runner
U14-16- Coaches may request courtesy runner for the pitcher or catcher at any time. Said runner will be the last recorded out 




In an effort to avoid a forfeit, teams may call up players from the next level down. Example a U8 player can be called up to fill a spot on a U10 team for a game. In this example, the U10 team cannot use players from another U10 team for an official game. If a team is short players and forfeits the game, the opposing team can supply players to the "short team" so that the game can still be played. In each case the umpire will "call" the game and will get paid. If game is not played the team that forfeited pays for the umpire. 


Game Cancellations Due to Inclement Weather & Non Weather

No game is to be cancelled prior to speaking to both ABRSL president AND Chilly are notified of REQUEST to make a decision if approved.  No games will be rescheduled after approved game schedule is submitted unless approved by both.   A shortage of players will not be approved for a reschedule game.

Any game that has to be rescheduled due to inclement weather will be scheduled through your town coordinator, and with Chilly Warren with NJSA Umpires. Chilly’s number is on the ABRSL Coaches Contact List. Please be sure to schedule make-up games promptly, within one week. This does not mean they have to be played within one week but must be scheduled. A pic of your field being unplayable may be requested.

All games must be played. In the event of an unseen emergency, teams can re-schedule games to an agreed date. In this case, teams must notify the appropriate town commissioner of the change. All rescheduled games MUST be rescheduled within 7 days. Any game not rescheduled within 7 days will be considered a forfeit by the forfeiting team. The non-forfeiting team will be rewarded the win and rewarded a # of runs depending on the number of innings in a complete game: Ex: 16u would be 7 runs. 

Hit By a Pitch
All levels- It is the umpires call as to whether or not the batter attempted to move out of the way of the pitch. If the batter failed to move the umpire can call the pitch a ball (or strike if in the strike zone) and no base is awarded. 

Infield Fly Rule – In Affect

Infielders: Face masks are required for all infielders (1st, 2nd, 3rd, short stop and pitcher) 

All levelsA team may continue playing when an injury has forced a player to leave the game causing a team to drop below the minimum player strength 

*If player can not re-enter it is an out when player comes up to bat – IT IS NOT A FORFEIT OF GAME.

Jewelry– No jewelry
Exception- Medical alert are not considered jewelry 

Maximum Run Rule
U14-16 -Will use 5 run cap each inning until the last inning. If a batter hits a ball that scores more than 5 runs, only 5 will be counted in the official score book.
The last inning will be unlimited runs. 
The umpire will declare last inning when there is 15 minutes or less left on the clock. It is possible that either team may not get a chance at the unlimited runs inning if the game must be called for time, before a last inning call could be made by the umpire. 

Mercy Rule
U16 -Will use a 10-run rule after 41/2 innings if home team is ahead 

PITCHING/PITCHERS - Pitchers are able to step back prior to release in this league
Any 2 (two) TRAVEL/ COMPETITIVE player can only pitch a MAXIUM of 2 innings per game. Only 4 (four) innings total can be pitched by two travel/competitive players

Hit batter (All levels) - If a pitcher hits 3 batters in one inning or a total of six during a game she must be removed from the pitching position for the duration of the game. The umpire’s judgment is the final call as to whether or not a batter was hit by a pitch or failed to attempt to move away from the pitch to decide any “hit by a pitch” 

U14-16- Pitching distance 43 feet. No weekly pitching limits. 

U 16 – 16u level can pull another league age 13 or 14 yr. old rostered player to fill your roster that game. 

 A players playing up must be used as an outfield player only.  If they are not rostered on your team they can only be in the outfield position and be placed at the bottom of your batting lineup.  Rostered (players assigned to that team) are to fill up the infield first and then the players that are “guest” (players playing up) can fill in the positions.


Players may play up one level if request and approved by their local town. 


All eligible players at the game must be put on the lineup card for each game and must play at least two (2) defensive innings and bat once. Any violation will result in a forfeit. 

Players may play at two levels during the season. Any player playing at two levels must declare which team will be their primary team and which team they will “guest play for”. If both teams are playing at the same time they must play for the team they declared. Declarations are to be made to the ABRSL president at the beginning of the season prior to the first game. 

During play offs they can only play for the team they declared in the beginning of the season. Any violation will result in said player playing age level for the remainder of the season. 

Protest See Babe Ruth Book 


U14-16 - A record of each game will be kept in the team’s scorebook. The winning team’s coach is responsible for phoning or emailing the score within twenty-four (24) hours to the appropriate age group representative. The e-mail address for each division representative can be found on the ABRSL Coaches Contact List and on this web-site (under the Scores Reporting tab). Failure to submit scores within the 24-hour window may result in a recorded forfeit for the winning team. iPad may be used for scorekeeping as long as a printable copy can become available if necessary. 

Sliding Standings – Headfirst sliding is not allowed. If a player attempts to headfirst slide, she will be called out for the first offense. Exception A runner may headfirst dive back to a base

Start Time: All games are scheduled to start promptly at the time recorded on the official season schedule. Any game starting more than 15 minutes late according to the umpire, who is official time keeper, will result in a forfeit by the team who is causing the delay. (see note below).
Exception: delays for weather as directed by the coordinators 

U14-16- A runner may not leave the base until the pitcher has released the ball. 

Drop 3rd is not in affect if 1st base is occupied with 0-1 outs, can not steal. 

Drop 3rd is in affect is 1st base is occupied with 2 outs, you can steal


“LOOK BACK”  - If a batter passes a base and pauses for then for more than 3 seconds they must continue to the next base or the “look back” rule can go into affect and said batter can be called out.  THIS IS A JUDGEMENT CALL BY THE UMPIRE.


Free substitutions are permitted in the all levels if using EP’s. Coaches may elect to use no (0) EPs or use up to 5 (15 player roster). An EP can enter the field defensively this is not a substitution but a position change. Exception: see pitching rule (BR book). 

Team Composition 

Teams can use 10 fielders with 3 outfielders and either a 4th outfielder or a short fielder. If using a short fielder, they must be positioned behind 2nd base and cannot be in the infield 


Regular Season - A game may end in a tie, and shall be reported as such by the HOME team. If a completed 7innings and time remains the international tie breaker will be used until a completed inning has passed and one team is ahead or time has expired. 

U14-16- There is a 105 minute time limit for each game. The umpire may announce the start of the last inning to both head coaches as the game reaches 90 minutes of play. It is possible that either team may not get a chance at the unlimited runs inning if the game must be called for time, before a last inning call could be made by the umpire. 7 innings or 105 minutes; whichever happens first.
All exception: see mercy rule. 


All players should try and wear their team uniform to each game. The player will still be able to play if not in the same uniform during the regular season. However, during playoffs, all players must be in their proper team shirt with no duplicate numbers. If a player is not they cannot participate in the game. 


Only NJSA official umpires may officiate a game. 


If during a game inclement weather is imminent or any lightning is seen or heard the umpire will "call" the game. If the game cannot be re-started it will be continued from the stopping point and finished on the next mutually available day. (See Completed Games rule above). You are to notify ABRSL president and Chilly immediately

ABRSL does not allow the use of metal cleats at any age level. 


Play Offs –
U14-16-At the conclusion of regular season play, a single elimination play-off will occur. Regular season rules are the same during playoffs. All games will have one umpire. Two umpires at all semi-finals and final games at each level. 

Playoffs will be played with the regular 2022 ABRSL Rules with the following exceptions:

  1. Each player must play with their declared rostered team. 
  2. Each player must play 8 of the regular season scheduled games with their rostered team. 
  3. No unplayed games count toward playoffs. 

Time Limits for playoffs: 

16u- 105 minutes or 7 innings, 5 run cap per inning, last inning unlimited. 

For the final in each level the time limit will be removed and the appropriate number of innings will be played. 

The Mercy Rule will be in effect 

Weather Rules for Play Offs: will be that same as per Babe Ruth rules. They will resume the next day if it is not an exception day. Exception day will be categorized as a day when you do not have enough to field a team. AGAIN FOR ABRSL PRESIDENT AND CHILLY TO DETERMINED




2023 Playing Rules

The intention of this softball league is to adhere as closely as possible to the rules of Babe Ruth, which each team is chartered. Some rules have been modified because of player's ability level or simply to quicken the pace of the game. All ABRSL rules are intended to supplement the Babe Ruth Rules with exceptions to the rules list below.
The purpose of each division is to provide the girls with the fundamentals of softball and to prepare them to play at the next age level. 

Questions or concerns regarding these rules can be forwarded to your town commissioner or directly to ABRSL. 

Teams with travel/competitive players can not exceed more than the amount of rec players on said team

Base Running
U12 -A batter/Runner may advance as many bases as possible at risk of being put out. 

U12-Ten (10) fielders may bat, along with five (5) extra players (EPs).

All players must bat in the lineup. Do not list players in lineup who are not present at the game.
All levels-Late arriving players must be placed at the bottom of the batting order. 


Bench Rules 

Each team will have no more than one (1) Manager, and three (3) Coaches. Only team members will be allowed in the dugout or on the bench. No other persons are allowed in the dugout. If an adult score keeper is used they are allowed in the dugout. 

Completed Games 

When all innings have been completed, or the time limit has been reached Mercy rule (If min innings have been completed)
In the case of darkness (If min innings have been completed)
Weather (If min innings have been completed) 4 innings is a completed official game

(See TIME LIMIT rule below) 

Courtesy Runner
U12- Coaches may request courtesy runner for the pitcher or catcher at any time. Said runner will be the last recorded out 

Infield Fly Rule – In Affect

Infielders: Face masks are required for all infielders (1st, 2nd, 3rd, short stop and pitcher) 


In an effort to avoid a forfeit, teams may call up players from the next level down. Example a U8 player can be called up to fill a spot on a U10 team for a game. In this example, the U10 team cannot use players from another U10 team for an official game. If a team is short players and forfeits the game, the opposing team can supply players to the "short team" so that the game can still be played. In each case the umpire will "call" the game and will get paid. If game is not played the team that forfeited pays for the umpire. 


Game Cancellations Due to Inclement Weather & Non Weather

No game is to be cancelled prior to speaking to both ABRSL president AND Chilly are notified of REQUEST to make a decision if approved.  No games will be rescheduled after approved game schedule is submitted unless approved by both.   A shortage of players will not be approved for a reschedule game.

Any game that has to be rescheduled due to inclement weather will be scheduled through your town coordinator, and with Chilly Warren with NJSA Umpires. Chilly’s number is on the ABRSL Coaches Contact List. Please be sure to schedule make-up games promptly, within one week. This does not mean they have to be played within one week but must be scheduled. A pic of your field being unplayable may be requested.

All games must be played. In the event of an unseen emergency, teams can re-schedule games to an agreed date. In this case, teams must notify the appropriate town commissioner of the change. All rescheduled games MUST be rescheduled within 7 days. Any game not rescheduled within 7 days will be considered a forfeit by the forfeiting team. The non-forfeiting team will be rewarded the win and rewarded a # of runs depending on the number of innings in a complete game: Ex: 16u would be 7 runs. 

Hit By a Pitch
All levels- It is the umpires call as to whether or not the batter attempted to move out of the way of the pitch. If the batter failed to move the umpire can call the pitch a ball (or strike if in the strike zone) and no base is awarded. 

All levelsA team may continue playing when an injury has forced a player to leave the game causing a team to drop below the minimum player strength 

*If player can not re-enter it is an out when player comes up to bat – IT IS NOT A FORFEIT OF GAME.

Jewelry– No jewelry
Exception- Medical alert are not considered jewelry 

Mercy Rule
U12 -Will use a 10-run rule after 31/2 innings if home team ahead 


Maximum Run Rule
U12-Will use 5 run cap each inning until the last inning. If a batter hits a ball that scores more than 5 runs, only 5 will be counted in the official score book.
The last inning will be unlimited runs. 
The umpire will declare last inning when there is 15 minutes or less left on the clock. It is possible that either team may not get a chance at the unlimited runs inning if the game must be called for time, before a last inning call could be made by the umpire. 

PITCHING/PITCHERS - Pitchers are able to step back prior to release in this league

Any 2 (two) TRAVEL/ COMPETITIVE player can only pitch a MAXIUM of 2 innings per game. Only 4 (four) innings total can be pitched by two travel/competitive players

U12-Any pitcher may re-enter the game as a pitcher and may pitch up to ten (10) innings per week (Monday- Sunday). (except if removed by Babe Ruth Rule)
In the case of a player playing two levels, it remains ten (10) innings combined. Any team violating this rule will forfeit said game.
Hit batter (All levels) - If a pitcher hits 3 batters in one inning or a total of six during a game she must be removed from the pitching position for the duration of the game. The umpire’s judgment is the final call as to whether or not a batter was hit by a pitch or failed to attempt to move away from the pitch to decide any “hit by a pitch” 

Mound Visits – A coach can visit the pitch two (2) times in a game but on the 3rd visit, the pitcher is pulled from pitching position.  Exception – if the 2 visits are within the same inning, the pitch gets pulled from pitching position

PITCHING DISTANCE U12- Pitching distance 40 feet

U12 -Teams may play with no fewer than (8) players from its roster at the start of a game they may borrow players from one level down to fill out the roster for that game. Said player cannot be from the same level, example if a U12 team only has seven players they can only bring up a player from a U10 team. They cannot pull “across” from another U12 team.
Players may play up one level if request and approved by their local town. 

A players playing up must be used as an outfield player only.  If they are not rostered on your team they can only be in the outfield position and be placed at the bottom of your batting lineup.  Rostered (players assigned to that team) are to fill up the infield first and then the players that are “guest” (players playing up) can fill in the positions.



All eligible players at the game must be put on the lineup card for each game and must play at least two (2) defensive innings and bat once. Any violation will result in a forfeit. 

Players may play at two levels during the season. Any player playing at two levels must declare which team will be their primary team and which team they will “guest play for”. If both teams are playing at the same time they must play for the team they declared. Declarations are to be made to the ABRSL president at the beginning of the season prior to the first game. 

During play offs, they can only play for the team they declared in the beginning of the season. Any violation will result in said player playing age level for the remainder of the season. 

Protest See Babe Ruth Book 

U12- A record of each game will be kept in the team’s scorebook. The winning team’s coach is responsible for phoning or emailing the score within twenty-four (24) hours to the appropriate age group representative. The e- mail address for each division representative can be found on the ABRSL Coaches Contact List and on this web-site (under the Scores Reporting tab). Failure to submit scores within the 24-hour window may result in a recorded forfeit for the winning team. I/pad may be used for scorekeeping as long as a printable copy can become available if necessary. 

U12-Headfirst sliding is not allowed. If a player attempts to headfirst slide, she will be called out for the first offense. A runner may headfirst dive back to a base. 

Start Time: All games are scheduled to start promptly at the time recorded on the official season schedule. Any game starting more than 15 minutes late according to the umpire, who is official time keeper, will result in a forfeit by the team who is causing the delay. (see note below).
Exception: delays for weather as directed by the coordinators 

U12- A runner may not leave the base until the pitcher has released the ball.
BR Option used- Dropped 3
rd strike- Runner may attempt to steal first – If successful this would be the one base per pitch. Clarify if runner on 1st &/or 2nd – they can only steal 1 base as well
Overthrows on Steals from catcher only
A runner may only steal one base per pitch (net gain-one base) on a throw from the catcher to a base on an attempted steal. For example, if a catcher throws a ball beyond second-base when a base-runner is attempting to steal second (from first base) the base-runner must remain at second base. If the runner makes an attempt to steal an additional base on the same overthrow from the catcher the play is still live. The runner can be tagged out attempting to steal any additional base. If the runner makes it safely to the additional base, the umpire will call time send the runner back to whichever base would have been one base per pitch. 

Drop 3rd is not in affect if 1st base is occupied with 0-1 outs, can not steal. 

Drop 3rd is in affect is 1st base is occupied with 2 outs, you can steal


“LOOK BACK”  - If a batter passes a base and pauses for then for more than 3 seconds they must continue to the next base or the “look back” rule can go into affect and said batter can be called out.



Team Composition 

Teams can use 10 fielders with 3 outfielders and either a 4th outfielder or a short fielder. If using a short fielder, they must be positioned behind 2nd base and cannot be in the infield. 



Regular Season - A game may end in a tie, and shall be reported as such by the HOME team. If a completed “6” inning and time remains the international tie breaker will be used until a completed inning has passed and one team is ahead or time has expired. 


U12- There is a 90-minute time limit for each game. A new inning cannot be started after 90 minutes. However, an inning in progress at the 90-minute mark must be played to regulation completion. The umpire may announce the start of the last inning to both head coaches as the game reaches 75 minutes of play. It is possible that either team may not get a chance at the unlimited runs inning if the game must be called for time, before a last inning call could be made by the umpire  All exception: see mercy rule. 


All players should try and wear their team uniform to each game. The player will still be able to play if not in the same uniform during the regular season. However, during playoffs, all players must be in their proper team shirt with no duplicate numbers. If a player is not they cannot participate in the game. 



Only NJSA official umpires may officiate a game. 



If during a game inclement weather is imminent or any lightning is seen or heard the umpire will "call" the game. If the game cannot be re-started it will be continued from the stopping point and finished on the next mutually available day. (See Completed Games rule above). You are to notify ABRSL president and Chilly immediately

ABRSL does not allow the use of metal cleats at any age level. 


Play Offs –
U12-At the conclusion of regular season play, a single elimination play-off will occur. Regular season rules are the same during playoffs. . Regular playoff games will have one umpire. Two umpires, for both brackets, at all semi-final, bracket final, and championship games 

Playoffs will be played with the regular ABRSL Rules with the following exceptions: 

  1. Each player must play with their declared rostered team. 
  2. Each player must play 8 regular season scheduled games with their rostered team. 
  3. No unplayed games count toward playoffs. 
  4. 12U Pitching – A pitcher shall be allowed to pitch in no more than nine innings in any two successive playoff games. 

Time Limits for playoffs: 

12u- 90 minutes or 6 innings, 5 run cap per inning, last inning unlimited. 

For the final in each level the time limit will be removed and the appropriate number of innings will be played. 

The Mercy Rule will be in effect

Weather Rules for Play Offs: will be that same as per Babe Ruth rules. They will resume the next day if it is not an exception day. Exception day will be categorized as a day when you do not have enough to field a team. AGAIN FOR ABRSL PRESIDENT AND CHILLY TO DETERMINE



2023 Playing Rules


The intention of this softball league is to adhere as closely as possible to the rules of Babe Ruth, which each team is chartered. Some rules have been modified because of player's ability level or simply to quicken the pace of the game. All ABRSL rules are intended to supplement the Babe Ruth Rules with some exception as listed below.
The purpose of each division is to provide the girls with the fundamentals of softball and to prepare them to play at the next age level. Questions or concerns regarding these rules can be forwarded to your town commissioner or directly to ABRSL 

Teams with travel/competitive players can not exceed more than the amount of rec players on said team

Base Running
U10-A batter/Runner may advance as many bases as possible at risk of being put out. 

U10- All players on each roster for each team will be placed on the lineup card and will bat whether playing defense or not.
U10- All players must bat in the lineup. Do not list players in lineup who are not present at the game. 
All levels-Late arriving players must be placed at the bottom of the batting order. 

Bench Rules 

Each team will have no more than one (1) Manager, and three (3) Coaches. Only team members will be allowed in the dugout or on the bench. No other persons are allowed in the dugout. If an adult score keeper is used they are allowed in the dugout but not allowed to coach. 


Coach Pitch
U10-When a batter incurs four (4) balls an offensive coach will enter the game and pitch from the pitching rubber. When the offensive teams coach enters the game to "coach pitch" the defensive pitcher must have at least one (1) foot inside the pitching circle when she takes her fielding position. The batters count remains and can receive up to an additional 3 pitches. Once the batters count reaches 3 strikes or she has received the additional 3 pitches from the coach the batter will be out. If the 3rd or consecutive coach-pitch is considered a foul the player will receive an additional pitch (batter cannot foul out). While said coach is in the pitching position they will be permitted 1x before the first pitch is thrown to the player to adjust the batter. Once a pitch is thrown to the batter the coach pitcher is to remain silent while on the mound and may not give hand signals nor make body movements that may be considered a coaching signal. The coach must be off of the playing field before they can coach
Penalty for coaching as a pitcher any level 


Completed Games 

When all innings have been completed, or the time limit has been reached Mercy rule (If min innings have been completed)
In the case of darkness (If min innings have been completed)
Weather (If min innings have been completed) 

(See TIME LIMIT rule below) 

Courtesy Runner
U10- Coaches may request courtesy runner for the pitcher or catcher at any time. Said runner will be the last recorded out 


In an effort to avoid a forfeit, teams may call up players from the next level down. Example a U8 player can be called up to fill a spot on a U10 team for a game. In this example, the U10 team cannot use players from another U10 team for an official game. If a team is short players and forfeits the game, the opposing team can supply players to the "short team" so that the game can still be played. In each case the umpire will "call" the game and will get paid. If game is not played the team that forfeited pays for the umpire. 


Game Cancellations Due to Inclement Weather & Non Weather

No game is to be cancelled prior to speaking to both ABRSL president AND Chilly are notified of REQUEST to make a decision if approved.  No games will be rescheduled after approved game schedule is submitted unless approved by both.   A shortage of players will not be approved for a reschedule game.

Any game that has to be rescheduled due to inclement weather will be scheduled through your town coordinator, and with Chilly Warren with NJSA Umpires. Chilly’s number is on the ABRSL Coaches Contact List. Please be sure to schedule make-up games promptly, within one week. This does not mean they have to be played within one week but must be scheduled. A pic of your field being unplayable may be requested.

All games must be played. In the event of an unseen emergency, teams can re-schedule games to an agreed date. In this case, teams must notify the appropriate town commissioner of the change. All rescheduled games MUST be rescheduled within 7 days. Any game not rescheduled within 7 days will be considered a forfeit by the forfeiting team. The non-forfeiting team will be rewarded the win and rewarded a # of runs depending on the number of innings in a complete game: Ex: 16u would be 7 runs. 

Hit By a Pitch
U10 If the batter is hit by a player pitched ball the batter must take first as directed by the umpire. 

All levels- It is the umpires call as to whether or not the batter attempted to move out of the way of the pitch. If the batter failed to move the umpire can call the pitch a ball (or strike if in the strike zone) and no base is awarded.
U10- Exception - If a batter is hit by a coach pitched ball it will not count as a hit batter. 

Infielders: Face masks are required for all infielders (1st, 2nd, 3rd, short stop and pitcher) 

Infield Fly Rule
U10- The infield fly rule does not apply in the division. 

All levelsA team may continue playing when an injury has forced a player to leave the game causing a team to drop below the minimum player strength 

*If player can not re-enter it is an out when player comes up to bat – IT IS NOT A FORFEIT OF GAME.

Jewelry– No jewelry at any level
Exception- Medical alert are not considered jewelry 

Maximum Run Rule
U10 -Will use 4 run cap each inning until the last inning. If a batter hits a ball that scores more than 4 runs, only 4 will be counted in the official score book.
The last inning will be unlimited runs. The umpire will declare last inning when there is 15 minutes or less left on the clock. It is possible that either team may not get a chance at the unlimited runs inning if the game must be called for time, before a last inning call could be made by the umpire. 

Mercy Rule
U10 -Will use a 10-run rule after 31/2 innings if home team ahead 

Offensive and Defensive Coaches Position 

During offensive play, a team may have a maximum of two (2) coaches on the field. One located at 1st base, one at 3rd base and, when applicable, one pitching to the girls on their respective team (see also coach Pitch Rule). 

U10 - U10 will use the 1 + 1 base on any overthrow from any player to any base at any time. If a runner is on 1st when the ball is hit and is attempting 2nd, the outfielder throws to 2nd and misses, the player is allowed to attempt to go to 3rd. If the ball is overthrown again the runner is allowed to attempt the next base. The runners are in jeopardy the entire time until the umpire stops the play.
Exception-See stealing 

Pitching/Pitchers – Pitchers are able to step back prior to release in this league
Any 2 (two) TRAVEL/ COMPETITIVE player can only pitch a MAXIUM of 2 innings per game. Only 4 (four) innings total can be pitched by two travel/competitive players

U10 – Any pitcher may re-enter the game as a pitcher and may pitch up to ten (10) innings per week (Monday- Sunday). (except if removed by Babe Ruth rule)
In the case of a player playing two levels, it remains ten (10) innings combined. Any team violating this rule will forfeit said game. 

Mound Visits – A coach can visit the pitch two (2) times in a game but on the 3rd visit, the pitcher is pulled from pitching position.  Exception – if the 2 visits are within the same inning, the pitch gets pulled from pitching position

Hit batter (All levels) - If a pitcher hits 3 batters in one inning or a total of six during a game she must be removed from the pitching position for the duration of the game. The umpire’s judgment is the final call as to whether or not a batter was hit by a pitch or failed to attempt to move away from the pitch to decide any “hit by a pitch” 

Pitching Distance
U10- pitcher or coach must be from 35 feet 

Playing Strength
U10-Teams may play with no fewer than (8) players from its roster at the start of a game they may borrow players from one level down to fill out the roster for that game. Said player cannot be from the same level, example if a U12 team only has seven players they can only bring up a player from a U10 team. They cannot pull “across” from another U12 team. A players playing up must be used as an outfield player only.  If they are not rostered on your team they can only be in the outfield position and be placed at the bottom of your batting lineup.  Rostered (players assigned to that team) are to fill up the infield first and then the players that are “guest” (players playing up) can fill in the positions.  

Players may play up one level if request and approved by their local town. 

Playing Time 

All eligible players at the game must be put on the lineup card for each game and must play at least two (2) defensive innings and bat once. Any violation will result in a forfeit. 

Players may play at two levels during the season. Any player playing at two levels must declare which team will be their primary team and which team they will “guest play for”. If both teams are playing at the same time they must play for the team they declared. Declarations are to be made to the ABRSL president at the beginning of the season prior to the first game. 

During play offs, they can only play for the team they declared in the beginning of the season. Any violation will result in said player playing age level for the remainder of the season. 

Protest See Babe Ruth Book 

U10- A record of each game will be kept in the team’s scorebook. The winning team’s coach is responsible for phoning or emailing the score within twenty-four (24) hours to the appropriate age group representative. The e- mail address for each division representative can be found on the ABRSL Coaches Contact List and on this web-site (under the Scores Reporting tab). Failure to submit scores within the 24-hour window may result in a recorded forfeit for the winning team. iPad may be used for scorekeeping as long as a printable copy can become available if necessary. 

U10-Headfirst sliding is not allowed. If a player attempts to headfirst slide, she will be called out for the first offense. Exception is a runner may headfirst dive back to a base.

Start Time: All games are scheduled to start promptly at the time recorded on the official season schedule. Any game starting more than 15 minutes late according to the umpire, who is official time keeper, will result in a forfeit by the team who is causing the delay. (see note below).
Exception: delays for weather as directed by the coordinators 

U10-A runner may not leave the base until the ball reaches the batter. Runners may not steal during coach pitch. All runners may steal one (1) base per batter and may not steal home. 

Overthrows on Steals from catcher only
A runner may only steal one base per pitch (net gain-one base) on a throw from the catcher to a base on an attempted steal. For example, if a catcher throws a ball beyond second-base when a base-runner is attempting to steal second (from first base) the base-runner must remain at second base. If the runner makes an attempt to steal an additional base on the same overthrow from the catcher the play is still live. The runner can be tagged out attempting to steal any additional base. If the runner makes it safely to the additional base, the umpire will call time send the runner back to whichever base would have been one base per pitch. 

Team Composition 

Teams can use 10 fielders with 3 outfielders and either a 4th outfielder or a short fielder. If using a short fielder, they must be positioned behind 2nd base and cannot be in the infield. 

Tie Breakers 

Regular Season - A game may end in a tie, and shall be reported as such by the HOME team. If a completed “6” innings and time remains the international tie breaker will be used until a completed inning has passed and one team is ahead or time has expired. 

Time Limit
U10- There is a 90-minute time limit for each game. A new inning cannot be started after 90 minutes. However, an inning in progress at the 90-minute mark must be played to regulation completion (complete inning). The umpire may announce the start of the last inning to both head coaches as the game reaches 75 minutes of play. It is possible that either team may not get a chance at the unlimited runs inning if the game must be called for time, before a last inning call could be made by the umpire.
All exception: see mercy rule. 


All players should try and wear their team uniform to each game. The player will still be able to play if not in the same uniform during the regular season. However, during playoffs, all players must be in their proper team shirt with no duplicate numbers. If a player is not they cannot participate in the game. 


Only NJSA official umpires may officiate a game. 

U10- There are no walks in the division. 

If the batter incurs four (4) balls prior to three (3) strikes, an offensive coach will enter the game and pitch to the batter from the pitching rubber. The strike count remains with the batter. (see coach pitch) 




If during a game inclement weather is imminent or any lightning is seen or heard the umpire will "call" the game. If the game cannot be re-started it will be continued from the stopping point and finished on the next mutually available day. You are to notify ABRSL president and Chilly immediately

ABRSL does not allow the use of metal cleats at any age level. 


Play Offs –
U10-At the conclusion of regular season play, a single elimination play-off will occur. Regular season rules are the same during playoffs. Regular playoff games will have one umpire. Two umpires, for both brackets, at all semi-final, bracket final, and championship games. 

Playoffs will be played with the regular ABRSL Rules with the following exceptions: 

  1. Each player must play with their declared rostered team. 
  2. Each player must play 8 regular season scheduled games with their rostered team. 
  3. No unplayed games count toward playoffs. 
  4. 10U Pitching – A pitcher shall be allowed to pitch in no more than nine innings in any two successive 

playoff games. 

Time Limits for playoffs: 

10u- 105 minutes or 6 innings, 4 run cap per inning, last inning unlimited 

For the final in each level the time limit will be removed and the appropriate number of innings will be played. 

The Mercy Rule will be in effect for the Playoff Season. 

Weather Rules for Play Offs: will be that same as per Babe Ruth rules. They will resume the next day if it is not an exception day. Exception day will be categorized as a day when you do not have enough to field a team.  AGAIN FOR ABRSL PREISENT AND CHILLY TO DETERMINE





2023 Playing Rules


The intention of this softball league is to adhere as closely as possible to the rules of Babe Ruth, which each team is chartered. Some rules have been modified because of player's ability level or simply to quicken the pace of the game. All ABRSL rules are intended to supplement the Babe Ruth Rules with some exception to the rules listed below.
The purpose of each division is to provide the girls with the fundamentals of softball and to prepare them to play at the next age level. 

Questions or concerns regarding these rules can be forwarded to your town Commissioner or directly to ABRSL. 

Teams with travel/competitive players can not exceed more than the amount of rec players on said team

Base Running
U8 - A runner may not leave the base until the ball is hit into play off the batting tee, sling shot machine or a coach pitched ball. 

U8 – All players on each roster for each team will be placed on the lineup card and will bat whether playing defense or not.

U8 – Alplayers on the lineup card will bat once per inning or until three (3) outs are made. Both teams will have even batting lineup at the start of the game. Ex: If one team has 8 players, other has 12; the team of 8 may re-bat 4 players. 


U8 - Each batter will receive a maximum of five (5) pitches (total) off pitching machine. The batter is out when 5 pitches have occurred without a ball being hit or three (3) strikes. If the 5th or consecutive pitch is considered a foul the player will receive an additional pitch. The batter cannot foul out. The Sling shot machine will start on speed level 3 until the end of the 3rd week, then on May 8th , it will be adjusted to level speed 4 

If during the game the ball makes contact with the machine the following will be applied: 

If a batted fair ball hits any part of the pitching machine without touching a defensive player first, it is immediately dead. The batter will be awarded 1st base. All other runners return to the base they occupied before the ball was put in play unless they are forced to advance as a result of the batter being awarded 1st base.
If a batted fair ball is first touched or THROWN by a defensive player, and then hits any part of the pitching machine, IT IS A LIVE BALL 




Coach Pitch 

U8 – Offensive coaches will use the sling shot machine from a distance of 35 feet from the front of home plate (pitchers plate). While said coach is in the pitching position they will be permitted to speak to batter until ball is pitched each time the ball is placed on the sling shot machine.  Once a pitch is thrown to the batter the coach pitcher is to remain silent while on the mound and may not give hand signals nor make body movements that may be considered a coaching signal to any runners on base or to the batter running to 1st base.

Bench Rules 

Each team will have no more than one (1) Manager, and three (3) Coaches. Only team members will be allowed in the dugout or on the bench. No other persons are allowed in the dugout. If an adult score keeper is used they are allowed in the dugout but not allowed to coach. 

Bunting – No Bunting


Completed Games 

When all innings have been completed, or the time limit has been reached In the case of darkness (If min innings have been completed)
Weather (If min innings have been completed)
(See TIME LIMIT rule below) 

Also during bunting there will be no "crashing" from the defensive team. The fielder may not advance any closer than halfway between 1st or 3rd in line from each side of the pitching rubber to the foul lines (umpire judgement). This allows a fair and safe defensive position. 

The pitching machine will be set at 35 feet. The foot pedal will be set at speed #3.

The height adjustment will be set at the beginning of each game due to each field and or machine being in different condition. The umpires may allow adjustment of the machine at the beginning of any inning to maintain consistency. The machine may also be adjusted during an inning with the consent of both coaches or if deemed necessary by the Umpire. 

Courtesy Runner 

*** U8 – It is MANDATORY for a courtesy runner for the catcher with two outs for the catcher that is entering the catcher position next inning to save time in between innings.  The catcher (only) may have a courtesy runner. The purpose of this rule is to allow the catcher extra time to put their catcher’s equipment on for the start of the next inning. 

Forfeits In an effort to avoid a forfeit, teams may pull across players from other same level team. If a team is short players and forfeits the game, the opposing team can supply players to the "short team" so that the game can still be played. In each case the umpire will "call" the game and will get paid. If game is not played the team that forfeited pays for the umpire. 


Game Cancellations Due to Inclement Weather & Non Weather

No game is to be cancelled prior to speaking to both ABRSL president AND Chilly are notified of REQUEST to make a decision if approved.  No games will be rescheduled after approved game schedule is submitted unless approved by both.   A shortage of players will not be approved for a reschedule game.

Any game that has to be rescheduled due to inclement weather will be scheduled through your town coordinator, and with Chilly Warren with NJSA Umpires. Chilly’s number is on the ABRSL Coaches Contact List. Please be sure to schedule make-up games promptly, within one week. This does not mean they have to be played within one week but must be scheduled. A pic of your field being unplayable may be requested.

All games must be played. In the event of an unseen emergency, teams can re-schedule games to an agreed date. In this case, teams must notify the appropriate town commissioner of the change. All rescheduled games MUST be rescheduled within 7 days. Any game not rescheduled within 7 days will be considered a forfeit by the forfeiting team. The non-forfeiting team will be rewarded the win and rewarded a # of runs depending on the number of innings in a complete game: Ex: 16u would be 7 runs. 

Hit By a Pitch – No advancement to base on any hit to batter by machine or coach pitch.

Infield Fly Rule
U8 - The infield fly rule does not apply in the division. 

Infielders: Face masks are required for all infielders (1st, 2nd, 3rd, short stop and pitcher) 

U8 - During an at bat should a player get injured and cannot continue batting, the at bat is erased and the next batter in the lineup will come to the plate and bat their full at bat. The injured player may re-enter the game at their next scheduled at-bat or when their respective team takes the field. 

*If player can not re-enter it is an out when player comes up to bat – IT IS NOT A FORFEIT OF GAME.

All levels A team may continue playing when an injury has forced a player to leave the game causing a team to drop below the minimum player strength 

Jewelry– No jewelry
Exception- Medical alert are not considered jewelry 

Maximum Run Rule

U8 - Will employ a 4-run cap per inning throughout the entire game. 

Mercy Rule
U8 -There is no mercy rule. 


Offensive and Defensive Coaches Position 

U8 only-Offensive: During offensive play, a team may have a maximum of three (3) coaches on the field. One located at 1st base, one at 3rd base and, when applicable, one pitching to the girls on their respective team (see also coach Pitch Rule). 

Defensive: During defensive play, a maximum of two 2 defensive coaches are allowed page4image34339072in the foul area beyond 1st and 3rd base ONLY. They are not permitted inside the lines of play. 

U8 – All outfielders must remain behind the infielders and the bases until the ball is hit. (They cannot be positioned in the infield at any time) 

U8 – Will us the 1 + 1 base on an overthrow with 1st attempt by ANY player to ANY base. If a runner is on 1st when the ball is hit and is attempting 2nd, the outfielder throws to 2nd and misses, the player is allowed to go to 3rd but remains in jeopardy. If they attempt home and they are tug out it will be an out. If they reach home and the play is over the umpire will put her back on 3rd.
Exception-See stealing 

U8 – The player that assumes the pitcher’s position must remain within the “mound” 8-ft radius circle, behind the machine and on one side or the other until the ball is hit. If it’s the machine or a coach pitching the defensive player in pitcher position must have at least one foot inside the circle.

U8 – pitching distance 35 feet 

Playing Strength
U8 -Teams will utilize all present players in the field up to 10 and bat all players. If a team cannot field at least eight 8 of its own players at the start of a game, borrow players from any team to fill out its roster. 


All eligible players at the game must be put on the lineup card for each game and must play at least two (2) defensive innings and bat once. Any violation will result in a forfeit. 

Players may play at two levels during the season. Any player playing at two levels must declare which team will be their primary team and which team they will “guest play for”. If both teams are playing at the same time they must play for the team they declared. Declarations are to be made to the ABRSL president at the beginning of the season prior to the first game. 

During play offs, they can only play for the team they declared in the beginning of the season. Any violation will result in said player playing age level for the remainder of the season. 

Protest – Must be announced to umpire and opposing team coach prior to next play 

U8 - Scores are not kept in the division 

Sliding – No Sliding


U8 - Standings will not be kept in the division. 

Start Time: All games are scheduled to start promptly at the time recorded on the official season schedule. Any game starting more than 15 minutes late according to the umpire, who is official time keeper, will result in a forfeit by the team who is causing the delay. (see note below).
Exception: delays for weather as directed by the coordinators 

U8 - There is no stealing allowed in the division. If the runner leaves before the ball is hit the runner will be instructed to return to the previous base. 

Stoppage of Play

U8 - Play will be stopped and no further advancement of batters will occur when: a valid/obvious attempt is made by an infield player (release of the ball towards the circle) to get the ball back to the pitcher/coach pitcher in the circle, the umpire will indicate a delayed dead ball. All runners will remain in jeopardy and the ball remains live until the umpire sees the play is over. The umpire will call time and place runners at the base when the attempt by the infield was made. If the runner has already crossed the base heading towards the next base the runner will be placed on the base she was headed to. If the runner has not crossed the base she will remain 

at that base. 


Free substitutions are permitted in the all levels if using EP’s. Coaches may elect to use no (0) EPs or use up to 5 (15 player roster). An EP can enter the field defensively this is not a substitution but a position change. Exception: see pitching rule (BR book). 

Team Composition 

Teams can use 10 fielders with 3 outfielders and either a 4th outfielder or a short fielder. If using a short fielder, they must be positioned behind 2nd base and cannot be in the infield. 


Regular Season - A game may end in a tie. 

U8 - There is a 90-minute limit, finish the batter, for each game. Drop dead ball




All players should try and wear their team uniform to each game. The player will still be able to play if not in the same uniform during the regular season. However, during playoffs, all players must be in their proper team shirt with no duplicate numbers. If a player is not they cannot participate in the game. 


All official umpires must be part of the NJSA and approved by the UIC of Babe Ruth 

U8 - There are no walks in the division. 


If during a game inclement weather is imminent or any lightning is seen or heard the umpire will "call" the game. If the game cannot be re-started it will be continued from the stopping point and finished on the next mutually available day. (See Completed Games rule above). 

ABRSL does not allow the use of metal cleats at any age level. 


Play Offs –
U8 - At the conclusion of regular season play, a single elimination play-off will occur. Regular season rules are the same during playoffs. All games will have one umpire. Two umpires at all semi-finals and final games at each level. 

Playoffs will be played with the regular ABRSL Rules with the following exceptions: 

  1. Each player must play with their declared rostered team. 
  2. Each player must play 8 of the regular season scheduled games with their rostered team. 
  3. Unplayed games do not count toward playoffs. 

Time Limits for playoffs: 

8u - 90 minutes or 6 innings, 4 run cap per inning, last inning unlimited 

For the final in each level the time limit will be removed and the appropriate number of innings will be played. 

Weather Rules for Play Offs: will be that same as season rules. They will resume the next day if it is not an exception day. Exception day will be categorized as a day when you do not have enough to field a team due to a school function.  AGAIN FOR ABRSL PRESIDENT AND CHILLY TO DETERMINE
