2015 USATF Outdoor Season

2015 Junior Olympic Nationals Jacksonville, FL

Solie Grantham, Left; Alexis Rogers, Middle; Maya Jackson, Right competed in the 2015 Junior

Olympic Nationals Championships- Jacksonville, FL representing Auburn Elite Track Club.


This Trio of young ladies competed in the Pacific Northwest's Regional Championships in

order to move on to the Nationals Competition. Solie G. in her second year with Auburn Elite

and second year qualifying competed in the Triple Jump, Alexis R. in her second year with

Auburn Elite competed in the 200 Meter (39th in the Nation) & 400 Meter Sprints (24th in the  Nation) 

for the second year in a row, Maya J. in her third year with Auburn Elite Competed in the 400  Meter Sprint

(31st in the Nation) for the second year in a row.


They were a few of the Athletes that Reign Elite this season for Auburn Elite Track Club. There

were some other athletes that showed that they meant business during the Regional

Championships. Athletes like Jordan J running the 100 meter and 200 meter dash, Ms.

Laila M running the 100 meter and 200 meter dash, Ami Y high jump.

A special congratulations goes out to all of the athletes on Auburn Elite Track Club for a great 2015 season.


A Big Thank You! to all the Staff/Parents that helped, without all of the support we could not have

had such a positive season. Coach Darius thank you for all that you do. Katrina thank you for be

the team coordinator, Sutannia thank you for getting our fundraising together.