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Music changed in Honor of Richie T

With the Lodi Taliban going to trial soon we thought RT might want to protest the arrest of his favorite Ice Cream truck driver with this song. OK OK I couldn't stand that fricking song any longer either so I dumped it. The same one that drove Richie crazy for years even before the truck driver was arrested on harboring terrorist charges. Anyway I'm sure this particular "Sheet-Head" really digs that your behind him Richie!

Team Lodi Update

February 9, 2006
We everyone is back to their deary existence, some suffering Post camp depression (PCD). Some however are looking forward to Bakersfield or League play. Both of which begin soon. Check out both at the website for Some will not be playing in Bakesfield. One injury we had was Rick Venegas who partially tore a hamstring. He is starting rehab and should be physically ok to play in March. Getting a kitchen pass to attend Bakersfield maybe difficult. Joan warned Rick and Coach JC "he's old, he'll probably break" That was not the most significant injury however. Tom "Drip" McCampbell managed to break his ankle "sliding " into second on Saturday against the Angels. Quotes are "But I was Safe" "This time you guys only had to tell me to get a runner once or Twice" "It's not broken I twisted it like this before" "Why did Rick go to the Doc, that's Dumb, I didn't go so I don't have to tell Joy how hurt it is". Well, Drip is being fitted for a cast/boot. NOTE I CHANGED THE SITE MUSIC IN DRIP'S HONOR. Out for 8 to 12 weeks. Way to go Tommy! In honor of your struggle explaining this to Joy we originally switched the Music to "Eye of the Tiger". Now that that is over we changed it again. Opps more serious injury to Mark "H'id NAAme id" Gemello. Torn shoulder thing--surgery but no Mark is back in for BBerg. On the mend is Drip McCampbell. Out of his brace in a couple of weeks and on the road to Tuscany with "She who must be obeyed". Seriously folks, he'll recover from the ankle fine and the other scars because of his disclosure of injury are fading.

Lodi Giants in Mesa

February 2, 2006
Although the Lodi Giants formed many years ago at the annual "Stuck in Lodi" tournament the team has come together as a force in Fantasy League Tournaments in the last two years. The team mentored by Richie Thomas and managed by JC Penney has won more games that any other Giants teams in recent tourneys including the inaugural "Melee in Mesa" Lodi had the only three Giants rookies (Joe Matlen, Drip McCampbell and Rick Venegas)in Mesa and still managed to beat the DODGERS and finish ahead of them and all of the other Giant teams in Mesa. We also had more fun than any of the other seven teams in Mesa. Game against the Dodgers was really a great game. Mark Gemello pitched 8 strong innings but we managed to give up enough unearned runs that the LA Slime tied us in the top of the ninth when Richie T had replaced G-Man on the hill. In the bottom of the ninth our bottom of the order was up with Tom "Drip" McCampbell (hitless in the first game and through 3 AB's in the 2nd tilt) Tom beat a grounder out and the throw went into the dugout giving him second. After everyone on the team asked him at least once "Do you need a runner?" because of "injury". Well, he finally got the point. Unfortunately, so did the umpire who denied the curtesy runner. JC bunted softly down the third baseline and was thrown out mere yards at first. Drip did manage to get to third base. Then JR Riley hit a shallow fly to right center where the speedy rocket-armed 30 something centerfielder yielded to the weak armed right fielder. Drip just scored by a "Wendell". for the win. As Gemello said Richie "Vultured" the win from him. In the game, everyone had at least 1 hit (Rick and Richie had 3, Gemello a triple and Doug Rusch a 2B) except Jc who had the perfect sac bunt and JR who had the Game winning Sac Fly. A very fun game matched only by the Sunday game against San Jose.

Sunday Game is complete game win for Sil

February 3, 2006
None of guys in the picture are Sil. In fact other than a picture found in the local Arizona newspaper-used car dealers and the group picture no pictures exist of Sil Krevocheca (buy a frickin' vowel for your last name will ya). But the Lodi Giants knew he was there with 8 innings of 5 hit ball and only one run, for the 6-1 victory. 3K's and only 6 pitches in the bottom of the eighth to finish San Jose. Sil also helped his cause at the plate, 2 for 4. Other multiple hits were Doug Rusch 2 for 3,a run scored for himself w
(also as curtesy runner Doug scored runs),Joe Matlen 2 for 4 with a double, JC Penney 3 for 4 actually beating out 2 clean singles to right where Brian Lehr tried to throw out the "speedy" catcher, and Mike Marks 3 for 4 with 2 runs. Richie Thomas, Mark Gemello, JR Riley, Keith DaCosta and Rick Venegas also had hits. Jack Fitzpatrick picked up a walk and an RBI Ground out. The team played together well even with 7 new comers to the team in Mesa! This was a real fun game to play in and the highlight of our tournament, well co highlight--it's always great to beat the Dodgers

Practice makes perfect except maybe in our case

January 10, 2009
WCFBA players and their friends welcomed to practice at Brown Diamond in Elk Grove Sunday, 1/11/09 at 2pm for a batting practice session and then practice game on Sunday 1/18/09 a Practice game with BP at 11am and game around 1pm. Why? Because some of the players are headed for AZ for the Melee in Mesa tourney 1/22/09 thru 1/25/09 and some are going to Henderson baseball's A's/ Mariners fantasy Camp and then still others are attending other camps including Giants Fantasy Camp in Scottsdale. For some others they are there for the Pizza and liquid medicine after practice an game at Pizza Bell on EG Blvd and East Stockton. So Quite a game! Matlen's Maulers took on Arthur's Anteaters. Good fun, who won? Who cares? A majority of the players were from the Lodi team going to the Melee in Mesa Tourney. Since the Lodi team won the tourney, 4 and 0, then the practice was the key, right? Maybe it was the beer after. Anyhow good fun for all.

Survivor Banner Island-Hebert field

October 5, 2008
So I choose Keith Ranger DaCosta and Rick Barrack Obomba Venegas as cover boys, poster boys? for this piece for different reasons. Lodi had mixed results Losing a pitchers duel 14 to 11 in the first game to a Young! Ports team. Then crushing the Philly team with 10 runs to their 3 or so and Tying up a good Oakland team 3-3 in 10 innings. The Ranger is in the picture because no one could get him out until Sunday. Keith had no official at bats in game 1 walking 3 times and hitting a sac fly, then Saturday he had 3 singles and a walk. Finally Sunday he was on base 2 out of 4 times. .750 on base % and .500 batting average. Rick is up there because Oakland really got him out, literally. On a play in the 10th at first base Obomba went up to snag an errant attempt at a Double play. The up part went well, he got the ball. Coming down his knee buckled and he went down hard hitting knees, head, ass and belly button. Meanwhile the runner originally on first is making for third. Oh by the way the game is tied at this point and if the Oakberg's score we lose. Gemello yells to Rick "throw me the ball" Somewhere through the haze in his head Rick gets the message and throws in the general direction of the mound. G-man gets it fires to third to get the sliding and surprised A's player. After we carted the prez to be off we tried. To get another inning but ump said No! See a couple of articles to be placed below this one for more details..They include Frank's Girl on Girl moment, John Zunino's rediscovered youth on the mound and Lynn showing up Shaf on the hill.

Triple Play!

So Frank was concerned that this blog had not reported on the Survivor feat of the week. The triple play! Well it was a show stopper! Lodi is in trouble, even with a lead in the 4th. Nobody out runners at first and second and a good A's hitter up. It is a looping liner to Frank and he steps on second then throws to Brent Tetlow at first for the TRIPLE PLAY!

Power, Pitching Defense and even a Little speed at Stuck in Lodi

Team Lodi goes 3 and 0 in the 2008 Stuck in Lodi. By latest count the team outscored opponents 55 to 15. Including a clubbing of the Dodgers 21 to 4 on Saturday. Official Stats will have to wait for Michael Simon (league's official keeper of the Stats) to return the score sheet that Fearful Leader JC lent him for Saturdays Game. It all started with the Skipper's instructions to the troops:
Rule 1 "This game is supposed to be fun God damn it!" (Crash Davis in BULL DURHAM) Have Fun!

Rule 2 Rule # 1 can be enhanced by paying attention to the teachings of our Spirits Leader.

Rule 3 There is no rule 3, "It's my kinda team, Charlie, my kinda team" (Lou Brown, MAJOR LEAGUE)

Reminders: Bring a non Baseball hat to wear in the field or in the dugout
during the 4th inning, something loud, rude and socially unacceptable is the
perfect item!

Friday night was the "Insult Game" Where people in the announce both insult players on the field and basically anybody else they can think of to harass in good fun. This year it was the crowd who made the first statement. The local wood bat team had been drawing 100 to 200 people a night and the snack bar people had been getting buried money wise. We all show up at the same field with Shirley running the snack bar and about 500 show for Friday night. So insult #1 to the Grape Sox.

Then the booth crew (Terry Lee, Capt. Steve Bennett and others) let us have it. Nicknames altered for the worse. An example is our young (relatively)but somewhat portly Mike "Circus " Vargas announced as "and now direct from China number 50 Sum Yung Fat Guy" Untrue stories told (or at least ones we don't normally admit to). Then there were some "drops" Movie lines and sound effects which were "unkind".(the traditional fart generator or was that just T. Lee with copious beers) After some bad plays there was the Rocky and Bullwinkle line "And now for something completely different" But almost all the bad plays were by Galt, Lodi's opponent. We killed them 13 to 1 with a 21 hit attack. Among the hitting stars were were the afore mentioned, Sum Yung Fat Guy, 2 for 2 with a double, single and walk, scoring twice and making some great defensive plays. Speaking of defense one of our real vets (1990 camper) Dan "The builder" Mettler made some unbelievable plays at third base and was 2 for 3 at the plate with 2 RBI. Defense was Pete Plungy Hetzner"s specialty in this first game making some special plays including starting two double plays from second base. (we don't usually make even one in a whole tournament!) Plungy didn't start to hit until Saturday when he had a double and maybe two other hits. Sunday Plungy had a 2 for 2 day with two walks, a single and a double. Friday, Cactus Billy Bernier contributed a Double and Brent Tetlow (aka Lynn's Bro) pitched in with 2 singles while "The" Lynn Tetlow was 1 for 2. She had a 2 out RBI single in our 4 run second inning. Frank "quarter mile" Weishaar (Frank figured he ran a quarter mile worth of bases between double, single and run scored off a walk when added to running for almost everybody else like Spirits leader and Cactus plus the catchers). The Open Ranger, Keith Da Costa complained that our pitching was so good that he did not get a ball to play in the outfield on Friday night. Keith was 2 for 4 with an RBI. Richie T (Spirits Leader) pitched 6 full innings and gave up 1 run before giving the ball to Lynn to close the blow out win> Richie was 1 for 2 with a double and 2 runs scored, both of which Frank ran out for him. Jeff Lusich (Luce in more ways than one) was 2 for 3 with a double. Carl "Vegas" Vargas was 2 for 3 with 3 runs scored. Mark "there is always room for" Gemello was 1 for 4 with 2 runs and an RBI. JC Penney was 2 for 3 with a run and 2 RBI. JC caught the first 5 innings of Richie T's victory and in the 4th wore a Michael Phelps hat under the catcher helmet and a straw coolie hat on top of it. It was quite a sight with Richie T pitching on the mound with a multi-colored Court Jester's hat on to JC with Umpire Grant wearing a gator head behind JC. The result of the game 13 to 1, Lodi over northern neighbor, Galt. More on Saturday's 21 to 4 victory in the next article coming Tuesday 8/19.

Lodi Keg game'08 is a blowout in more ways than 1

The Beer is chilling the corn dogs are being prepared and team Lodi has already scored 55 runs this weekend. We are ready to face John "the squirrel" Haines' Stockton Giants. We give our usual cheer "Power without speed, pitching without pop, winning without reason...Lodi!" Haines did win something that day-the Cheer. "Let's get this over with and drink Beer!" As it turns they should have just gone right to the bar! Frank started and gave up his share of hits, actually struck out some and ended up yielding 10 runs in a 5 inning winning effort. We were never really challenged scoring another 21 runs. Lodi scored 6 runs in the first 2 frames to Stockton's 2. Frank helped his own cause with a double and 2 singles in 4 AB's. JC was 2 for 3 with a run scored on his own and 2 for other non runners. G-man was 2 for 3 with a double. CV had a double and a sac fly. Jeff Lusich was 3 for 4 with a couple of RBI. RT was 1 for 2 with 2 runs and an RBI while Dan Mettler was 1 for 2 with a sac fly and a run. Keith DaCosta had a hit with a run scored. Plungy continued to hit well with a double a single 2 walks and 3 scored. Cactus Billy walked and was responsible for 2 runs scored by others. Sum Yung Fat Guy (Mike Vargas) scored a run and walked with an RBi single thrown in for good measure. Babe Brent was 3 for 4 with 2 runs scored and 2 RBI. Lynn scored 2 and was 2 for 3 in a very good hitting tournament for our relief pitcher. .500 at 5 for 10! We played 7 innings with Frank's ERA in the stratosphere but he gets a well earned win Scattering 6 earned runs in 5 innings. In the shortened game Carl Vargas earns the Save. Then we took the Stockton's team advice and drank some beer on the Spirits Leader.

Mesa '08 Fun, Funny and Wet

Yes, well it started out great! Richie T., The Spirits Leader, had another long and successful outing on the bump. 7 innings, three runs allowed only 2 earned. Richie got the win with no need to vulture it from "There is always room for" Gemello. Before the Saturday's game we had Kangaroo Kourt. There were many funny fines but decorum prevents me from relating them here. One of the fines relates to a ad in the paper, visual evidence. It was a Steroid body with an unmistakable Richie T head. Obomba (Venegas) Saddam (Jack Fitz)continued to take heat. Then we played Realini's team Good game but ended in the Colonel's first Mesa win. The weather started to turn Saturday night. By Sunday things looked ominous. We tried to get a game in against the Yanks. We got 5 forget-able innings. Dave "Jessie" Jemes pitched for us fairly well but he hit too many bats and we didn't field too well in the wet conditions. The score? "I'm sorry Senator, I don't seem to recall." Featured above the Plungy. What is he doing with that Rabbit. To Quote Davvy "Whats wrong Wit dat Boy"

Lodi fields team in San Deigo that plays for the Joy of the game.

Nice swing (see picture) but no joy describes our outing in San Deigo in 2008. We could have won 2 games if we only counted earned runs. Alas that doesn't happen in this game. A great time thanks to Mike Weir and Rob Weber. Good pitching by Frank Weishaar, Chuck Arthur, Joe Matlen, Sil Krevocheza and Duane Blevins "The Groom". We hit ok at times and our bats went silent at others. We had a large number of errors with some spectacular plays mixed in. Frank, Terri and the Count put some pictures on the San Deigo 2008 Album see left menu on this page. We are still trying to post some pictures and some stats from Bakersfield '08 but our score sheets are not available.

What is Plungy going to do at the 2008 Melee in Mesa

Above a blast from the past,Plungy circa 2005. This Year Pete puts in a Cameo only but we have faith in his ability to embarrass himself. The usual suspects return. Chuck "Hammy" Arthur, who didn't hit squat in Tucson 2007 'til he blew out his hamstring in the third game then hit .600 and slugged .800 after. Doug "JC or Spot" Penney, the Skipper, The Spirits Leader, Rich Thomas ( he preaches non-denominational-wine, beer or hard liquor), Thomas "Drip" McCampbell (returns to the scene of the crime and the original dripping bird finger) and Saddam (Jack Fitz) returns from the dead. Also there will always be room for Gemello. It is unclear at this point which of the other characters will join the cast for the Melee. Rosters soon.

Old School was a non-stop party- oh Baseball too

October 26, 2007
See Above! Don't Ask! Yes, it's the Squirrel, John Haines. A personalized gift from the A's and Ports-Mike Mello, Don Luis and Hoop. John was on the "comp team" that went to the finals. Our team in the Federal Division went 2 and 5 in the Fed Division. Lost to the Champion Angels in the semi finals. But the events! Friday night a party at the Squirrel Villa after the 14 hour drive. Then to Tucson Electric Park for an 11:30 Am Game vs the Reds-see below for discription soon. Then the Blessing at the Sil residence for Dave DeCruz's Batchler party, not much of that can adorn this space, Ask any one who was there, very memorable but to Quote Douglas Niedemeyer of "Animal House" Events so.."vile and depraved that decorum prevents their mention here". Enough said about that. Then Sunday a Doubleheader vs the Angels and then the Tigers. Glare was so bad in the ninth inning of the Tiger game as the sun blared just above the Batter toward the right side that a Tiger hit 6 hooper towards the first baseman and through to right which was not seen by either second base or first base until it was by both and not seen be Right field until too late to prevent the three runners on from scoring to give the Tigers a one run come from behind victory. Then to Benneigans where the above picture was taken. Another Comp team member conspiring with his Roommate (Colonel Realini) to entertain us to the point we don't think we could have Visited there again at least this trip. Gags was in fine, "Double Jack and Coke" form. Hard to recall anything but laughing our asses off and the waitress' Belly ring. Another Doubleheader Monday where we killed Pat Zachary's Reds, Game Ball to Willie Wineberg for starting a double play, fielding without error and 3 hits including a wind aided double. (Wind aided only in the sense that the wind must have been pushing Willie to second because he beat a good throw with, get this a slide,-nice going Willie!) Then we played the Angels really well for 4 innings then fell apart. We were down to 10 players 2 could not run with Hamstring problems and No pinch or curtesy runners. Utterly drained we gave up a bundle of unearned Runs. We drank heavily after that ending up at Mary's SteakHouse. All too tired to make much noise. But had fun. New teammates were beginning to come into focus for us. Chuck Arthur, the player formerly known as "Runaway Beer Truck" became Ham or Hammy short for Hamstring because he didn't hit well the first day or the second until against the Tigers he popped his hamstring jumping over the first baseman to reach base. After that he hit about .600 with 3 triples and a couple of doubles. Ray "Ray the Buffet" Scarabosio became Oscar Madison to Mike Weir's Felix Unger when injury prevented Doug Rusch from coming to Tucson. Odder than the original Odd Couple, these roommate opposites managed quite well. Ray was delight and always good to see Doughboy Weir. Ray Pictured below. After another victory over the Reds and wornout Loss to the eventual Champs the Angels Both Giants teams went to Claim Jumpers and took over the Bar Patio. Poor Amy the Waitress. But she did show us her belly ring too. Giants Sung to all the staff, met "Newman" (Sienfeld Reference) the manager, and sung Strangers in the Night to Mike Weir and Bod Ford seated at separate table nearby. (We had the staff set them up with fresh flowers and pair of Shirley Temples-what a cute couple). On Wednesday the Comp Team took on the A's for the NL title cameback from 15 runs down then lost in the last inning. A great time was had by all

Baseball Details at Old School

Ray pictured above at Bennigans. Baseball details to follow when we get the book from the Colonel. Doug Meyer was the batting champ, he shared pitching honors with Randy Wallace, Mike Shaffer and Chuck "Hammy" Arthur. Help in that department was provided by Mike Weir,(Felix Unger), his Roommate Ray, the Buffet (Oscar Madison) and Miwuk Mike Burrell. The Stolen base leader-Brace yourself Dick Hertz- JC Penney! With 1 when the Reds pitcher taunted us by going from the wind-up with JC on first. Other hitting stats to follow. Injuries too numerous to mention. Highlights there were that the most recent Hamstring injury won the first base job. Chuck Arthur (Batting .398), Randy Wallace (BA .400). When Willie injured his throwing hand no place to put him on first with Randy playing there he went to Right.

Lodi wins drinking contest at Survivor Event

October 1, 2007
There were highlights but no on field wins. The Vulture Rixhie T pitched well in the event. 7+ innings giving up 1 unearned run and batted over .500. Blond Bobby Hartkop hit a ball at Banner that just missed being a HR by a foot in the left field power alley. Cholla Bill had an inside park HR that he ran into a double Frank didn't bat like he has been lately but did have a couple of Frank Doubles. G-man pitched great vs the Tigers as did Hartkop vs the A's. Drip had 6 hits. Plungy got a couple of good knocks. Our outfield defense w/ Music Metra and Ranger Keith DaCosta was outstanding and had some key hits. Cheese Steak saved us at first a couple of times adding some "Rogers hits" Brent Lynn's Brother Tetlow caught and somenow thrrew the ball probably with his foot cause his left arm didn't work! good fun!!


August 13, 2007
FRANK GETS THE SAVE ACCORDING TO RICHIE T THE VULTURE. Well it was an interesting tourney in Lodi for 2007. In our final game Frank came in for "injury" to Richie after 3 games and 3 batters faced he gave up a bloop to Shiffless. That run never scored. Frank then scattered 4 hits over 8 innings. While the team scored in the bottom of the first 5 runs and cruised to a 16 -0 win over the Marin "wine sipper Giants". Throughout the tourney Frank had 2 doubles and triple among his 6 hits in 8 "At Bats" just a .750 average. Others had good days for the Lodi squad in the "Keg" game: Chuck RBT Arthur was a mere 4 for 4 with 2 runs scored, Van Guy Jim Haywood was 2 for 3 with 2 runs, Ranger Keith Da Costa was 1 for 2 with a sac and 2 runs, Carl Vargas was 3 for 3 w/ 2 runs, Richie T 1 for 2 w/ a run (someone else scored) Mark G-man was 2 for 3 w/ a double. Jeff Lusich and Cactus Bill Bernier were 1 for 3 w/ runs scored. Mike Vargas 2 for 3 with a 2B, Brent Tetlow was 3 for 3, Scott Pimpl was 1 for 6 for the tourney w/ Lodi and a run. JC was only 2 for 9 for the tourney with one run scored on his own 2 wobbly knees. John Zunino was 2 for 8 with a run scored. Fuzzy was with us for parts of 2 games ending the first game by pulling his groan after 1 hit in 2 AB's he was hitless his next game with only one AB but he coached after that the rest of the game. A fun time even though we were killed by San Jose on Friday and lost a heartbreaker 1 run game in the bottom of the 9th to Michael Simon's SF squad. Mark Gemello with a complete game 4 to 5 loss giving up 2 earned runs.

Lodi team wins 1 in San Deigo should have done better

June 25, 2007
Lodi giants played 3 spirited games in San Diego 2007. Just look at these frickin' guys! In the first game Bad Chilly was really good on the hill through the first 6, Then the defense fell apart Up to that point Lodi had a 5-1 lead on a single and a double by Buzz, a double by Chilly,an RBI Knock by Brian Lair, Frank with 2 single with his 2 days premature metal bat, Capt with a Sac Fly, Joe Matlen with a single and Gus Manning with a 3B, Bubba,JC and Willy with Back to Back to Back singles. Twig had an ESPN Catch tumbling in Center. But then "dropsie" and 5 unearned runs later Lodi drops the first game vs the Dodgers 8-5. Buzz kept us close with the Padre Army on Sat. But we hit into 3 line drive double plays and you can't win if you don't score 8-0. Sunday was our day! Frank's 60th birthday, he starts and for the first time in 3 years walks somebody! despite that we build a 5-0 lead. A solid RBI single by Chilly brought in JC (HBP)from third, he could barely score from there even though the outfielders were deep. Willy and Twig got him there. Then Frank's birthday double brings in Twig and Chilly. In the Second Joe Matlen singled Matt reached on an error and JC had an RBI single. Willie and Twig followed wtih singles to plate JC. Frank had another Double to put Brian at 3rd and Capt Steve had a Sac Fly to plate him. Then Bubba had a RBI ground out to score Frank. Meanwhile the Dodgers plated 4 in the 4th and 3 each in the 5th and 6th. Lodi only scored 1 a piece in the 4th and 5th frames on a HBP on Realini and single by JC with an RBI ground out by David George. Brian Lair had a single in the 5th and Scored on Capt's Double. The Lodi sixth won the game and Rollie gets the game ball for dropping the ball at first on Willie's ground out for the would be third out. But we went to work with that gift. JC scored as did Bubba who had singled earlier, Twig had a single for an RBI, Chilly and Brian followed with singles and then Frank had his third double of the game. Steve Bennett knocked in the 7th unearned run of the inning with a 1B. Joe Matlen came in the top of the 7th with the bases loaded and got the fly ball third out and went on to record the save in the 8th

Giants vs. Dodgers Mesa '07

March 10, 2007
When the Lodi Giants took the field for the second game of the '07 Melee in Mesa it was a "must win". One bad inning against the rival Yankees squad with 6 unearned runs turned what should have been a 4-3 win into a 4-9 loss. The same thing had occurred in the Lodi/Yankee game in '06. But the Dodgers vs Lodi rivilary going back many years. Yes, even in this Fantasy Camp League the giants love to hate the Dodgers. With Lodi the home team, who do you think was the pitcher? Who else? "an hid 'name i'd Mar GimeyO" That's Mark Gemello for those who don't Hablo Jim Ray Hart. Mark pitched Brilliantly yeilding only one earned run scattering 5 hits and ended up with a complete game. In this league that does not automatically mean a win. In '06 Mark left the game with the lead when the Vulture Rich Thomas came in gave up the lead on unearned runs and then stole the win on our comeback victory. Both Fuzzy Senneff, who had pitched a perfect inning in relief tha game before, and Joe Chalky Matlen were warmed up and ready to go. Mark wisely would not give up the ball to another potential vulture. Lodi drew first blood in the second with Robby Doiron scoring on a Sugar Ray single and Sil's hot shot to SS that eluded the Dodger fielder. After the LA's tied the score, Lodi went to work in the 3rd. Saddam Fitz reached on an error and scored on a ball that Chalky hit through the 2B spot and it rolled forever. Dead dictators move better than we thought and Fitz scored on a 3 base error. Damn Dodgers tied it again. Lodi used Lead off singles by Robby and Ray to set it up. Sil then hit into a fielders choice to erase Ray but sent Squats to third. Chuck then came through with a clutch RBI single and Rick "Obomba" got a solid single to score Sil. Sil had advanced after Saddam Fitz reached for the second time, this time on an error. Chalky walked and Plungy had an RBI groundout to score RiBiT. 4 runs on 4 hits and 2 errors. Lodi Coasted from there to a 6-3 win. JC, Keith, and Robby (2 for 4) had hits that didn't figure in the scoring. What a blast!

Barry Berman '07 , Lodi tees off on Dodgers

March 20, 2007
When Team Lodi traveled South to the Berman in Bakersfield no one knew what to expect. There were very few returning players on the Lodi roster and one of our starting pitchers had a weak excuse (business mtg) for last minute no show on Friday (CV Carl Vargas) Frank "I got It" Weishaar was only with us on Sunday. So It was the Capt., JC, Our Dick Hertz, and Dick Grayson from NY who were semi regulars. Things were also rather confusing on our squad. (Weber rung up in Kourt for this one by the way see below) Not only did we have two outfielders named Steve (Capt Steve and Uncle Steve Conroy) but also two guy infielders named Lynn (old friend Lynn Harkrider and new Camper Lynn Lefevre). That, however was not the topper. Who would have believed two left-handed, Jewish Catchers named Dick (Hertz and Grayson).
Old pal, Heath Keller started on the hill Friday against the #1 Dodger team (Vero Beach or Vegas, depends on who you ask). At first due to Jet lag (propeller lag for Capt and Donnie Numbers, road lag for others) we fell behind by 7 runs. This happenned despite 2 hits by JC, and 1 each by Don Dewitt (Donnie #'s) Capt and Lynn Harkrider. Still we could not manage a run off of Dennis McCrosky. In the 6th, a walk to 10th hiter Grayson and lead-off Capt, with a singles by Uncle Steve, DeWitt, JC and Hertz plus a double by Miwuk Mike Burrell added to a Sac fly for Heath lead to 5 runs. That made it close. in the 7th Grayson walked again but 2 outs folllowed. Lynn Lefevre walked and Heath hit a long two run double. But the Dogers took back the lead with 2 in the bottom of the inning. The 8th was the last inning due to time so Lodi put it together for 2 runs to tie again. Hertz, Dewitt and Harkrider worked walks and Grayson followed with a 2 run knock. Luckily Donnie numbers didn't pass catcher legs Hertz on the base paths when scoring just ahead of the throw. Lodi managed to hold off the Dodgers in bottom of the 8th for a 9-9 tie. Heath stayed on the mound the whole game and didn't give up more than 3 earnies.
Although that was the only game Lodi didn't win on the weekend, it was surely the highlight. Great comeback! In other games Carl Vargas completed 18-2 pitching gem against the Brooklyn team and Lynn Lefevre presided over a complete game stomp of LA on Sunday 15-5. As Tom Ebert admitted for the LA's, "It wasn't as close as the score indicated." Along the way CV hit .889, Donnie Numbers and Lynn Lefevre .556, JC .517, Harkrider .417, Hertz .400, Capt .333. Burrel missed a game due to a bad burritto but had a key 2RBI double in the tie game. Carl "Babe" Shanks played Sunday (.500, 3RBI) as did Frank Weishaar (.750 , many RBI) and Mike Carter (.250) with 2 RBI.
At the Banquet we had the first ever Kangaroo Kourt in Bakersfield. JC presided with the Squirrel, Tom Ebert and nice old Italian man, Tom Mahoney as appeals judges. Proceeds benefitted a new public high school sports program in the Inland Empire, Eleanor Roosevelt High. $250 raised. Fines other than Webers for multiple Steves, Lynns And lefthanded Jewish catchers named Dick on one team, included: Tournement organizer Neal Adams for providing everyone with dark long sleeve sweat shirts at one of the hotest venues we have, Dewitt for being a managers nightmare 3 different uni #'s for the three games. Also Mike Ourieff for trying to throw out one leg Michael Simon from left field to first on a single and missing, thus giving Michael time to hobble to third. Carl Vargas was fined $5 for hitting 92 year-old Herb Lewis with a pitch for the third tourney in a row. New guy Lynn Lefevre was rung up for scoring from second on a ground out with a 12 run lead. Younger Dodger Doug Yount was fined for not knowing what a "church Key" was when trying to open beer bottles. His excuse that he was 3 at the time they went out of style did not sit well with the rather mature appeals panel. Then there was Haines who told Harry Horowitz he had a blind date for him but it was Blind Bob the accordian player. See Weber's reaction above. Also on left menu see photo albums "Berman two's 07" Read the picture captions!

Lodi beats LA in Mesa! The rest was fun!

February 6, 2007
Above the team that beat the Dodgers again in '07, Fuzzy is not in this picture but did play in that game. Chuck Arthur was our rookie. His 2 hits Sunday helped us tie the Padres (tournament Champions) That was a good game we lost in their last at bat. Although he only hit .250 Chuck contributed a hit, 1 run and 1 RBI in our victory over the Dodgers. RBT had 2 hits in the Sunday Padre game as mentioned above. Mark "there's always room for" Gemello was the winning pitcher in our victory against the Dodgers. JC Penney hit .333 for the tourney but Jack "Saddam" Fitzpatrick hit .545, not bad for the dead dictator. Rick "O'bomba" Venegas hit .308 and also had a key run the LA game. Joe Chalky Matlen hit a Robust .500. Tom "Drip" McCampbell, Gary "Fuzzman" Senneff and Pete Plungy Hetzner had their struggles at the plate but they were not shut out at the dish. Fuzz pitched 2 perfect innings in relief. Robby "Squats" Doiron, Sugar Ray Mialovich, Gemello and Sil "Eyechart" Krevocheza all hit well in key spots. With RBI contributions. Keith "Ranger" DaCosta ran everything down in center as usual. He also had some key hits. More pictures coming see the ones in the Melee '07 album on the left menu. More stories too but these required some serious editing to make the content at best PG. See the article about Kangaroo Kourt. Game recaps soon.

Melee in Mesa '07 a hoot

January 30, 2007
With the Melee tourney Sarting Thursday with the Golf there are a few announcements for the Lodi team, the Giants in general, and other participating teams. First take a look at the picture above and see just three of the legendary characters who were at Mesa this year. From left to Right: Wendell "WK" Kim Former Major League coach and our chief (how do I put this with more than my usual tact) "off field 'position' Advisor" WK maybe be asked to do a short demonstration of the "Wheelbarrow" during Kangaroo Kourt. Middle is Steve "You Shiffless Bastard You" Schiffman. He will be one of the Kourts Appeals panel members. That panel by the way consists of 3 left handed catchers, what are the odds? The right side is Dave "Bad Chilli" Chilcote. Somewhat modified the Phrase $1,000 arm 10 cent head was meant for Bad Chilli. This year we have Showers, Looker room facilities and a Clubbie, Troy Timney, from the Texas Rangers organization. Players uniforms will be sent out for washing on Friday and Saturday nights and brought back to the players in the locker room the next day. Soap Shampoo and the like was provided by the West Coast Fantasy Baseball Association, our parent organization. A Kangaroo Kourt was held after Lodi's Saturday game and before San Jose's game. The Fresno Giants were done with their game as well. So all Giants teams were in on the festivities that began at 12:30. Players and team personel only no children or significant others please. Also no booze of any kind in the clubhouse or park please. This was as promised: Raw, funny and entertaining. JC is the chief Judge and the Appeals panel of left handed catchers consists of Dick Hertz (no that's really his name), Shiffless Bastard, and Brent Tetlow. Fines levied go to our Clubbie as is traditional. Our Saturday banquet had a hypnotist with lots of laughs but mostly adult type humor. Kangaroo Kourt featured Rick V. being brought up by his whole team for writing an book and not one teammate got an autographed copy. Rick didn't know what to say until Barack Obama's book was produced showing a picture on the cover that was just like Rick. Chuck Arthur at 44 years young got brought up for getting the senior discount with at breakfast with his teammates (all of them older than him) Oh, and there is Baseball and golf too! More on Court and the field by Friday. See the Melee '07 photo album with just a few of the picks so far. The Melee in Mesa album features '06 pictures

Team Lodi finishes "Rumble" on a high note

October 2, 2006
We don't have any pictures yet but one of Chuck Arthur would be appropriate. He played in our one run loss to the Dodgers and our one run slaughter of the A's. 4 for 6 with 4RBI and a triple for this older than normal Rookie. But it was Buzz pitching for the win and Frank's 2 inning Save that was the diff. Throw in Van Guy Jim Haywood's hold and it was as good as a pitching performance as you can have in an 9-8 win. I'll update the other hits in the next few days. I should add that our sniper victim Joe "the Chalkman" Matlen is recovering with a pulled hammy running out a ground ball. He was 3 for 6 in the tourney and I think his average went down slightly with that contribution. JC 2 for 8 and the average stayed about the same due to the San Deigo disaster -0-fer SD. Drip McCampbell recovered from his broken ankle had a couple of good hits but managed to fall asleep at first after one of them and got picked off. Sugar Ray played for Lodi vs the A's and contributed a extra base hit an RBI and 2 runs. Van Guy Jim Haywood added a 2 for 2 effort at the plate and JR Riley was 1 for 3 in the A's game 3 for 8 w/ 2B 4 runs and 3 walks for the tourney. Jim Cullen was 1 for 4 w/ 1R vs the A's 3 for 9 tourney w/ 2 BB. vs the A's Dave DeCruz was on base 3 for 4 w/ 2 R in the tourney he had 2 other hits incl. a 2B. Frank Weishaar contributed only 1 hit all weekend but earned a Save on the hill. Rick Veneags played only one game for us but was 1 for 2. Seen above with a ballet move on the bases. The Chalkman is coaching first With JR on second. Several site viewers have commented on Rick's build and move above, one in particlar claims to be an officer in the Gay Lberation Front.

Lodi takes the field in the '06 Stuck in Lodi

On August 11 the '06 version of the Stuck in Lodi team took the field against the hated Dodgers. The contest at Zupo Field in Lodi started at 7:30. The Baseball Fashion Ladies return probably with our East Indian Cricket Broadcaster,Vencatesh Sarambapo Something somethg Ramalamadingdong Singh, commercials and sound effects and lots of resonably priced beer and Corn dogs. Dennis Bennett, Billy "Jumpin Choilla Cactus" Bernier, Mark "there is always room for " Gemello, Squirrel Haines, Pete the plunger Hetzner, Tom "
Drip" McCampbell, Downtown Dan Mettler, JC, Brent and Lynn Tetlow, Richie "mayor of Lodi" Thomas, Carl Vargas and Frank "I got it " Weishaar. It was interesting. Those who attended saw stuff they had never seen before!

First pitch Frank

Piture it here our Frank Weishaar throwing out the first pitch at Raley field, before the RiverCats vs. Redbirds game!!

Lodi wins 2 in SD

July 26, 2006
The first inning told the story, Buzz man led off with a hit then /frank followed with a hitand run single. A double by Tom Smith scored Buzz. Richie Thomas ground out scored Frank Then a Ray M. Triple scored Tom. Ray crossed on a Tony Lennon ground out. Lodi scored 3 more on hits By The Capt., Babe Shanks, Steve Cuddy, Tony and Ray. Rich Thomas Knuckled the Dodgers fror 4 1/3 for the win and Frank allowed 1 unearned for the 3 inning save. We won't talk much about the loss to the Padre Army but the best game the team has played was a win over the better Dodger team 3-2. A Full review is above. The picture of Capt Steve above may not exhibit his best form. A new meaning to stepping in the Bucket!

RT does reverse vulture on Gemello

March 17, 2006
Thomas gets win not Gemello More later but Lodi over LA 11-5. TEAM DINNER FRIDAY BIT OF GERMANY IN BBERG 7PM. Fun with Bob the blind Accordian player. The first game of the Barry Berman Tourney was unique. There was serious question whether the game would be played at all. It was rainning hard just 30 miles North of Bakersfield 1 1/2 hours before game time. The weather improved to cloudy and drizzle by the end of the preceeding game SF vs Brooklyn. SF won that on a top of the 9th rally started with a Mike Burrell single and finished by Heath Keller's RBI knock. 3-2 SF When Lodi took the field against the Las Vegas Dodger team in was not raining that hard . For the first 3 innings it rained on and off. Richie T on the hill and JC behind the dish. Several great plays were made by Frank, Steve Cuddy, Randy Wallace and even Richie Hertz with 3 put outs in the 2nd. Meanwhile Mark (lead-off single), Carl (2B) Richie T and Frank (3 for 4 3B) had good early hits combined with a Sac fly by Rob Weeber (according to the announcer) building an 8-0 lead for Mr. Thomas. Rich gave up 3 unearned runs in the 3rd. Then at least 1 in the 5th before Mark replaced him in the middle of the 5th. Since 4 1/3 doesn't qualify for a win in 9 we thought Mark had vultured the win from RT for a switch, but NO. The game only went 7 so 4 and 1/3 gualifies for more than 1/2 of the game and RT gets his second win with the reverse vulture from oh no Mark Gemello. Mark does get the save. JC, Steve Cuddy,Rich Grayson and the Captain had hits that we remember. This will be updated once the book is available. We can't recall if Squirrel got a hit or not. His SD batting helmet worn 24/7, Dodger blue belt, dark blue shoes, and budwiser tumor distracted us.(checking the book Squirrel was 0 for 2 with a walk and reached on an error) Richie Hertz also had 3 potential errors on one grounder (in kick ball a "slow rollie"). But no run scored and G-man Houdini-ed out of it. Steve Cuddy in his first Lodi action had a hit, a walk and reached on a fielders choice in 3 plate appearances scoring 2 runs. Rich Hertz despite his "outhouse or castle" fielding, contributed a walk in 3 appearances. Gemello, Frank (3) and Carl all scored multiple times. Mike Carter and contributed a walk as well. The hardest won base was Randy "the Hyster Shyster" Wallace getting smacked on the elbow by a Mark Stone fastball. Note that after the Dodgers rally to make the score 8 to 5 Lodi met the challage with a lead off walk to Steve Cuddy then with one down JC singled, then Gemello had an RBI ground out moving the pinch runner up, followed by a Weishaar RBI single. Then Frank scored on a series of Dodger errors on balls hit by Carl and Richie T. All in all a great game for Lodi.