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 Wickliffe Baseball League Meeting - 2/18/2016

Start time 8:00pm

Roll Call:

Executive Board – Pugh, Novotney, Levon, Bunn, Johnson, Pasquino

Excused – Gamber

Trustees - Shirer, Rossman, Bala


Motion by Bunn, seconded by Pugh to approve the minutes of the meeting of 1/21/16. Motion passed.


Officer Reports:

VP – Bunn relayed information to the board about the Girls Fastpitch meeting he attended this month, and an email he received from their president, Jim Armstrong.

He also brought up the topic of our tournament fees.  The board discussed options and potential fees.  Bunn made a motion, seconded by Pugh that the 8U tournament fee would be $350 per team, and $400 for each team in the 10U, 12U and 14U division.


Treasurer– Novotney announced the income/expense report for January-February  2016, which is attached below. 


1)      Checking account balance - $2,824.98

2)      Savings account balance - $10,374.54

3)      Cooperstown 2017  - $3,900.10

4)      Other Savings - $415.03


Levon asked Novotney to withdraw $650 out of the Cooperstown 2017 account to pay that team’s portion of the Earn-It winter clinics.


Secretary – Levon notified the board that registration will be open until March 13th.  Although we haven’t had a lot of registrations so far, Levon relayed to the board all of the ways he is advertising registration to the public:  Facebook, city cable channels, both community electronic boards, 2/26 WES Friday folders, Middle School announcement to parents by the Superintendant, rain out texts, and mass emailing potential returning players parents on a weekly basis.


Equipment Manager – (Per the VP) Bunn & Gamber met at the Provo house at 10am on Monday, February 15th for some background training and inventory. 


Bunn suggested we get an engraver so we know when the equipment expires, and we can start purchasing equipment on a cycle-based program.


He also suggested that we put a petty cash box in the equipment room that only Gamber & Novotney have access to in case Gamber needs to purchase anything for the maintenance of the equipment room.  He would just put the receipt in the box for the treasurer’s record. 


Bunn notified the board that he spoke to Seasonal Sporting Goods, and to have the jerseys ready for opening day (April 30th), we would need to place the order on or before March 26th. Based on the lead time it takes to compile all of the registration and draft information, it was decided by the board that the league draft would be on Wednesday, March 16th.  The Mitey Mites and Minors draft will be from 6:30-7:30, and the Majors and Ponys draft will be from 7:30-8:30.


Gamber still needs to contact all of the managers and make sure all of the equipment was returned.


Umpire in Chief – No report


Player Development Manager – Johnson asked if we had people in mind or volunteers to be the Mitey Mite & Minors tournament team managers this year, as he would like to start working with them and their kids.  Shirer let the board know that Ed Zivnoska was interested in being the Minors tournament team coach.  Levon mentioned the name of Frank Buchar as an interested part to be the Mitey Mites tournament coach.  We can make final decisions after the draft.

President –  No report

Old Business

New Business:

1)      Shirer announced that the fee for the website was due.  He made a motion to have that paid. Seconded by Pugh.  Motion approved.

2)      Johnson notified the board that he wanted the 14U travel team to be self-funded.  The team hasn’t been formally put together yet, so parents are registering the kids through the WBL.  The majority of the money that is paid for registration, sans insurance fees, would be given back to Johnson’s team for their use in league play and tournaments.


Meeting ended at 9:45pm.

Date of next meeting – March 17, 2016 at 7pm

2018 Wickliffe Boys Recreation Tournament General Rules

July 6, 2018


General Rules


  •  Rain out policy: Wickliffe Baseball League reserves the right to make format changes if inclement weather or other circumstances forces such changes. In the event the tournament is cancelled due to weather, the following refund will be in effect:

o    0 games played:   75% refund

o    1 game played:    50% refund

o    2 games played:   0% refund

  • Divisions:

o    Mitey Mites 8U

o    Minor: 10U

o    Major: 12U

o    Pony: 14U

o    NOTE: Ages are as of April 30th.

  • Managers are responsible for the actions of their players, coaches and fans.  Unsportsmanlike actions / comments will not be tolerated.  Managers please help police this.
  • Team Rosters - Have to be submitted  - Have copies of birth certificates available if there is an age challenge.
  • Except where noted here, standard Little League rules apply for Minor and Major.  High School rules apply for Pony (including re-entry of original starting pitcher in Pony games)
  • Home team chosen by coin toss , except on championship Sunday . Higher Seed is home team.
  • Home team is official scorer - use the official tournament score book.
  • Both teams required to sign and provide pitching records with umpire upon game completion
  • If the time limit is reached and either team is winning by 10 or more runs, the game is over - do not complete that inning, even if it’s the visiting team that is in the lead.
  • Roster batting is allowed
  • AH is optional – AH is a 10th defensive position and can be substituted for
  • Standard substitutions and re-entries apply.
  • Speed up play rule - a bench player or the last batted out can run for your pitcher or catcher at any time. 
  • Runners must slide at second, third and home if a close play is being made. If the runner does not slide and a close play is made, the runner may be called out. The determination of a close play will be made by the opinion of the umpire. If the runner does not slide and violent contact is made (in the opinion of the umpire), the runner is out and ejected from the game. There is no warnings.
  • Appeal-able plays - a verbal request for appeal can be made by any player or coach after the ball returns to the infield and is declared dead - the pitcher does NOT have to formally appeal by stepping off the pitchers rubber etc.  Example -  runner A rounds third missing the base - ball comes into the infield - coach says loud enough for all to hear --  we appeal the runner missed third base -  umpire makes his call (safe or out).  
  • No grace periods, games start on time (Be at fields ½ hour before game time).
  • No infield warm-ups in fair territory before game
  • Pitching:

o    Removal of pitcher - on the second trip to a pitcher in an inning, the pitcher must be removed.

o    A pitcher will be removed from the mound if he hits two batters in one inning or a total of three batters in one game.

o    A pitcher or catcher are allowed to announce an intentional walk at any point during an at bat and will not have to pitch four balls.

  • Metal spikes allowed in Pony only
  • Awards - 13 individual awards for first and second place; team trophy for first and second. 
  • For EACH GAME -   if the game is tied and time limit has been reached, the teams will complete the inning they are in only.   If the game remains tied after that inning, the game will be recorded as a tie.   If time limit is not reached, they can play on until the time limit, and then finish the inning they are in.  (Excluding all games on Sunday.)




Specific Division Rules:



***Mitey Mite 8U***

¨        Game Time:

o    Innings: 6

o   1 1/2 hours - no inning starts after 1 1/2 hours - except for the championship game

o   Considered official after 3 ½ innings when home team is leading.

o   Mercy rule: 10 runs after 4 innings

¨        Infield fly rule is not in effect.

¨        Bats: Not to exceed 2 ¼’ in diameter or 30” in length

¨        Pitching:

o    Coach Pitch only- a manager or coach must pitch. Overhand pitching only

§  No Base stealing allowed

§  10 defensive players allowed

§  Each batter receives a maximum 6 pitches

§  No bunting , stealing , walks or hit batters allowed

§  The ball is dead if the batter or coach (pitcher) is struck by the ball

§  Roster players must play at least 2 consecutive innings

§  An inning ends with 7 runs, 3 outs, or the team has batted through their batting order one time, whichever comes first with the exception of the last inning. The last inning there is no run or batter limit.

¨        Base Running:  Runners may advance until the ball is in the circle and timeout is called. Timeout can be called by any infielder (if in circle). The Umpire will decide if the runner is halfway. If the runner is halfway or beyond, he will be awarded the next base. If he is not halfway, he will be sent back.

        Runner may only advance one base if a fielder attempts to make a play at a base. Example - no one on base, ground ball is hit to the 2nd baseman, he throws it to the 1st baseman, but is overthrown and in play, the 1st baseman may make a throw to 2nd base. If that throw is overthrown, the runner must stay at 2nd base.




***Minor 10U***

¨        Game Time:

o    Innings: 6

o   2 hours - no inning starts after 2 hours - except for the championship game

o   Considered official after 3 ½ innings when home team is leading.

o   Mercy rule: 10 runs after 4 innings

¨        Infield fly rule is in effect.

¨        Dropped third strike rule is not in effect.

¨        Pitching:

o   3 innings per game (Note: 1 pitch counts as 1 inning)

o   No tournament limits 

o   Starting pitcher can re-enter one time **

¨        Stealing:

o   Stealing of home is allowed.

o   No leadoffs - runner can leave the base after the ball passes the plate

o   Leaving a base early - no warnings - dead ball, runner is out - Runners return, batter bats again, no pitch.

o   The ball is live until the pitcher has control of the baseball and a foot on the rubber.  

¨        Bats:

o    No Bat Restrictions 

o    No weight differential limit

¨        Dimensions:

o    Bases:    60’          Pitcher’s plate:    46’


**Majors 12U**

¨        Game Time:

o    Innings: 6

o   2 hours - no inning starts after 2 hours - except for the championship game

o   Considered official after 3 ½ innings when home team is leading.

o   Mercy rule: 10 runs after 4 innings

¨        Infield fly rule is in effect.

¨        Dropped third strike rule is in effect.

¨        Pitching:

o   3 innings per game (Note: 1 pitch counts as 1 inning)

o   No tournament limits 

o   Starting pitcher can reenter one time **

o   Balks – one warning per pitcher

¨        Stealing:

o   Base runners may leadoff and steal on the pitch  - there is no set rule where runner needs to freeze when pitcher is set.

¨        Bats:

o    No bat restrictions

¨        Dimensions:

o    Bases:    70’          Pitcher’s plate:     50’


***Pony 14U***

¨        Game Time:

o    Innings: 7

o    2:15 time limit for Pony - no inning starts after 2:15 – except for the championship game

o   Considered official after 4 ½ innings

¨        Mercy Rule: 10 runs after 5. 

¨        Pitching:

o   4 innings per game (Note: 1 pitch counts as 1 inning)

o   No tournament limits

o   No Balk Warning

o   Starting pitcher can reenter one time

¨        Bats:

o    No Bat Restrictions

¨        Dimensions:

o    Bases:    80’      Pitcher’s plate:        54’




**Umpire n Chief & Tournament director have the right to adjust, clarify or modify rules if any missed items situations come into play throughout the weekend.**

2018 Wickliffe Baseball All-Star Rec Tournament July 6th - 8th