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1 The name of the Association shall be “Lurgan Boys' Brigade Old Boys Football Club” (Lurgan BBOB FC).

2 Object of Association

The object of the Association shall be to enter a football team or teams to participate in the Mid-Ulster Football League.

(A) It will also be the object of the club to promote an image and a demeanour conducive with the name and objects of the wider Boys Brigade organisation.

3 Membership

3.1 Membership of the club shall be open and free to any individual interested in the objects of the Association.

3.2 Membership shall be encouraged to those who are or were members of the Boys Brigade fraternity.

4 Officers and Committee

4.1 The Club Committee shall consist of the following Club Officers: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary and Youth Liaison, and up to 5 other members, elected at an Annual General Meeting.

4.2 The Committee will be elected for a period of one year but will be eligible for re-election.

4.3 At its first meeting following each AGM the Club Committee shall appoint a Manager for each of the Club’s football teams.

4.4 The Committee may at any time co-opt persons who may be deemed of value and experience to the benefit of the club.

5 Meetings

5.1 An annual general meeting shall be held in each year to receive an annual report and accounts of the previous year, to elect a committee, and to deal with any other matter which the committee or members should raise, provided that notice of motions to amend the constitution shall be given in writing to the Secretary twenty eight days before the annual general meeting and that any other item of business be given to the Chairperson at the commencement of the meeting.

5.2 Committee meetings will be convened at least 4 times per year.

5.3 The club shall meet weekly for the purpose of training and organising of playing football.

5.4 The elected committee can only convene when at least 4 members are available to attend.

5.5 Adequate minutes will be kept of each meeting.

6 Voting

6.1 If a vote has to be taken at a meeting this can be done by a show of hands or by secret ballot at the committee’s discretion.

6.2 If an event arises with an equal number of votes for and against in Committee, the motion will be put to ballot for consideration by all signed players of the Lurgan BBOB FC.

7 Finance

7.1 All monies received shall be devoted to the running of Lurgan BBOB FC and shall be paid into a Bank Account in the name of the club at a Bank approved by the elected committee.

7.2 At the end of the year accounts shall be prepared, audited, and submitted to members at the annual general meeting for discussion or scrutineering.

7.3 The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping proper accounts and for all monies received or payable by the club. All cheques drawn against the club’s account shall be signed by two of any of the four authorised signatories.

8 Dissolution

The club can only be dissolved by resolution passed by a two thirds majority of those present and voting at a special general meeting of the club of which twenty one clear days notice shall be given or sent to all members of the club.

Such resolution may give instructions for the disposal of any assets held by or in the name of the club, provided it aligns with Object A of the Constitution.