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Little Scholars

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As another awesome football season will be here before we know it,  I'd like to take this opportunity to give you more detailed information for this year's scholarship eligibility.


OBC is a Pop Warner Football League.  Pop Warner offers our student athletes the opportunity to excel and be rewarded for their hard work both on and off the field.   The most popular is the All-American Scholarship Award.  Currently, participants with a 96% GPA (from the 2016 year-end report card as determined by the Pop-Warner spreadsheet and guidelines) are eligible at various grade levels.  


For this year's football season (2016) qualifications may now include a 96% GPA (as determined by the National Pop-Warner spreadsheet and guidelines) and could possibly move to include only specific grade level/s.


If you have a participant who was eligible for All-American this year, or one who came very close to eligibility, it is important to remember these few items for next season:


1.) Grades are entered based on the JUNE year-end report card.  ALL semesters/trimesters/quarters count. Each quarter is entered into a spreadsheet with pre-determined weights from Nationals. As little as one grade of a C+ or lower can drop your child's overall GPA tremendously. It is VERY important that a copy of your child's final report card is submitted once you are registered.  Early registrants are urged to have a copy of the June 2016 Year-End report card in to OBC as soon as it is received in June. 

***June and later registrants--you must bring a copy of the year-end report card to registration.


2.) ALL 'specials' (except for Physical Education) of arts and science are included in determining your student's GPA.  This means that Art, Music, Computers, Health, and World Language are entered into a "humanities" category and all count toward the final GPA calculated in the spreadsheet. These grades are often graded in our school districts on a 

4-point scale (ex. O, G, S, N or I). Receiving an "S" or "Satisfactory" grade in any of these humanities courses for more than 1 quarter/semester can also bring down a high GPA.


3.)  **The grading system by nationals is only known to Nationals.  OBC does not know or have a formula for which these grades are calculated.  We cannot change or enter a grade into a category that is not listed or determined by Nationals. Also, Physical Education does NOT count toward the GPA as determined by Nationals.**


Going forward, it might also be beneficial for you to keep a record of all the extra-curricular (non-sport) activities your child participates in throughout the year.  Once determined eligible for All-American scholarship you will be asked to fill out an Addendum form.  Receiving notice that your child is eligible for an All-American Scholarship does not guarantee them a scholarship.  Scholarships are awarded not only based on grades, but also include the extra school activities (Student Government/Newspaper/Yearbook), volunteering (in school/religious organizations/community), club participation (Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts etc.) and other scholar awards that your child is a part of or has received over that current school year.


Finally, as report cards move to an online system in most of our schools, please make arrangements with your school to have a paper-copy of your child's year-end report card. Report cards submitted to OBC MUST include all 4 quarters.  This is required for end-of-year grade 4 and higher.


If you have any further questions, I would be more than happy to speak with you.  I can be reached at the below email.


Again, congratulations to all this year eligible scholarship participants and to all our OBC football and cheer participants, keep up the good work!


Thank you for your time,

Francine Miraglia 

Lil Scholars Rep.



Eligible participants for Little Scholars - All American - 5th grade and 95% GPA or higher:


6th grade - 2nd Team All American

7th grade - 2nd Team All American 

8th Grade - 2nd Team All American 

 Eligible participants for Central Jersey Pop Warner Scholarship - last year in Pop Warner and 92% GPA:




All American Application

Download and Fill out and Return to

Kerriann Silvestri 

Little Scholars Rep.