The frosh/soph boys throw with a 10 pound shot put.
The varsity and JV boys throw with a 12 pound shot put.
Girls throw with a 4kg shot put, which is 8.82 pounds.

How much does a discus weigh?

The boys all throw with a discus that weighs 1.616 kg, which is 3 pounds and 9 ounces.

The girls (all divisions) throw a 1kg discus which is 2.2 pounds.

Summer Updates

June 29, 2008
There are no current updates.
Please check back periodically to see when we get new practice schedules up!

Why did the website move?

Our page (2002-2006) was changed last year due primarily to difficulties. I wanted to make this website informative yet simple and with it was becoming difficult to do that.

Now I'm trying this site (after having the local Storm youth football site there) I decided that I'd try this and scrap what I was doing with yahoo! for the 2006-2007 season.

I will continue to dabble with other FREE SITES, however I have a strong feeling this is the site we'll end up sticking with for the long term.

UNFORTUNATELY, when I made the move all the information was lost and not able to transition (not even via cut & paste or email). So with that, all the historical goodies and season by season summaries that were up between 1994-2006 are GONE.

Despite that, I'm moving forward and will continue to seek information to add to this site I think viewers will enjoy.